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Dominant Hand Issues


Sage of Wisdom
May 28, 2011
I don't see how one can use the control stick with their right hand... the M+ swings aren't too large though, they're good enough for any handed person. I played WSR with my left hand, the only reason there was an option for handedness was for personalisation.


Actually, as a left-handed person, I would have been much more comfortable with a lefty option. :(

I've been playing with the Wiimote in my left hand ever since I got the console, and this is because I always had a harder time pointing with my right. And I'm good at using the nunchuk with my right hand because plenty of old controllers have some type of analog stick for each thumb. I've always held them backwards. I'm used to that.

I would like to point out that holding the Wiimote in my left hand anyway will likely not produce the same results as holding it in my right hand. Imagine if I wanted to swing right. For me, that would be inward. For the right-handed Link on the screen, that would be outward. I'd probably wind up missing a lot unless I swung with the intention of hitting a monster off to my right. In short, the sword play will be awkward. This was not a problem with Twilight Princess, which was merely ported and flipped and given different controls that did not require precise motions.

And this has less to do with gameplay, but Link was always one of my favorite lefty heroes.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm dying for this game to come out and I'm excited for the November release. I'm especially thrilled with all the Hyrulean history we'll finally get to see. But I think they could have taken lefties into consideration when they started this, and I hope they will next time.
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Sage of Wisdom
May 28, 2011
Just use your right hand, you don't even have to point, the game doesn't have that, the position of the remote is not relative to the screen.
Jun 19, 2011
I am right handed and i cant imagine using my left hand for a sword. I feel sorry for lefties. i don't see why they didn't make it possible to change.
Jun 25, 2011
I understand that left-handers are upset that they have to swing with their right hands, I get that. What I don't understand is RIGHT HANDED PEOPLE complaining because "Link has always been left-handed". A guy I know wrote off Skyward Sword and said he wouldn't play it based on that fact alone. Granted, it was before e3 so there wasn't much known about the game yet, but still. Almost every game is a different Link, so it's not that big of a deal. Or at least it shouldn't be.
Jun 19, 2011
I know that. But some people are very bad with their left hands. Some are more ambidextrous than others. Its not a weight issue but it is very much a coordination issue.


Jan 19, 2011
I don't think it's weird, in fact, left handed Link looks weirder than right handed Link for me, since Twilight Princess is my most played Zelda game... :D
Jun 19, 2011
Well at least for lefties it wont FEEL the same. Myamoto said that its like being in the game. I want to pretend to be link essentially and if i have to play with a different hand than on screen i think it would lessen the experience for me.


I'm a lefty, and I feel more comfortable playing all games on the Wii with wiimote in my right hand. I've tried both ways and I'm pretty surprised at how much better I was with my off-hand. I do drop the nunchuck out of my left hand whenever you have to use the spinner to turn cogs, and during the final battle with Gannondorf when you're supposed to tap A repeatedly. My right thumb just can't do it.
Jan 24, 2011
You CAN in fact play this game using the remote with your left hand. Motion Plus tracks relative motion and technically can work no matter which hand you use. What WON'T happen is an option to switch which hand Link uses, since then the entire game would have to be mirrored.
Jun 19, 2011
You CAN in fact play this game using the remote with your left hand. Motion Plus tracks relative motion and technically can work no matter which hand you use. What WON'T happen is an option to switch which hand Link uses, since then the entire game would have to be mirrored.

I dont see why the world would have to be mirrored. Or why that would effect game play at all.

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