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Does this ever happen to anyone else?


Infrequently active ZD member
Apr 9, 2022
I don't need to say much else, other than that I always have trouble getting into Zelda again. Sometimes when I'm playing, I get so overwhelmed with the dungeons/puzzles I stop playing for months on end. This happens with just about every single Zelda game I've played; Even Link's awakening, which is the easiest Zelda game I've played! I was wondering if this ever happens to anyone else here on the forum, and/or if you have any advice on how to fix this. Thanks!


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
This happened to me with Link's Awakening recently, I got stuck in Eagle's Tower and put it down for a couple of months. I recently picked it back up and got back going, and I think part of it was that I had a fresh perspective on it, so my advice is sometimes it's fine to just put it down for a while, coming back to it it'll be fresh again.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
yea sometimes ill mull over a part of a game for a bit and its not in the console cuz a few months after youre like ohh that goes like that!!
I'm like this with a lot of games. It's hardest with games I care about cuz sometimes I'm just like, not "ready" to get back to it, especially during certain parts in the games that might've been stressful or emotionally intense in a previous playthrough or if a first playthrough, just something I wasn't mentally ready to do (I do this with endgames a lot in first playthroughs) or I got burnt out. It's hard to get momentum again

I usually just think about like, the world/setting and try to revive my craving to play by getting to be involved in that atmosphere again. Even if I'm not diving into the meat of the game right away, it's like ripping off a bandaid I guess, and just sort of roaming about, getting your bearings, seeking familiarity whilst relearning controls as the immediate objective makes things less stressful to get back to playing.

Idk if this is quite what you're having happening, and I can't guarantee that this is a perfect system cuz there are definitely more games out there I've left unfinished and haven't gotten back to but it's a little easier if you have some sense of nostalgia or love for the environment of the game in my experience.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I think this happened to me in Link's Awakening, Oracle of Ages, and Spirit Tracks. The difference for me though is that in each case I gave up for years and started the whole game over when I finally completed the game.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
There are only two Zelda games I have this problem with: Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess. It's always specific dungeons I get into and just stop at.

In MM it's Snowhead Temple, it's not a bad dungeon, I just don't care much for it. When I get there it feels really meh to me, like I'm just going through motions to get to other parts of the game I like better. As a result, I usually end up losing my interest because I'm longing to get to Great Bay and eventually Ikana, and that longing to be at other parts of the game makes Snowhead such a slog for me. I usually put the game down for a month or two, the way I get back into it is hyping myself up for my fave part the Snowhead region offers: the Goron Race. I can only do the race by making it Spring which is why completing Snowhead Temple will be worth my time. Once I make it Spring and win the race for the Gold Dust, I can upgrade to the Gilded Sword, so that is another driving factor to get me through Snowhead Temple.

In Twilight Princess I lose all steam in Snowpeak Ruins. Yeah... I guess if it has snow in the title it's bound to be my mental hurdle point to keep playing. I stop at Snowpeak Ruins for the complete opposite reason that I stop in Snowhead Temple for. I actually like Snowpeak Ruins but for some reason it's when I get there that my mind decides to make me hyper aware that City in the Sky is getting close. Technically I still have the Temple of Time ahead of me first, another dungeon I like, but I feel like if I progress past Snowpeak, City in the Sky is just looming closer and closer.

The longest I've put off TP because of that is 2 years. To get myself back into it I do something similar to what @Fraxinus brought up. I start roaming around to areas in TP I like a lot, I usually go fish at the fishing hole a lot too. Then I tackle Snowpeak Ruins, Temple of Time, and once I'm at City in the Sky I just push through because I really want to get to the Palace of Twilight, and I start reminding myself that I actually do like the boss battle with Argorok.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
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When I'm stuck at a part in a game the first time I play it, I'll usually just keep charging back until I beat that section and the game in its entirety. I'm a lot more likely to just stop playing games if I'm going through them again and I'm about to hit a part that stressed me out on my first playthrough. That's why I never finished my replays of OoT, MM, or TP. I was getting to much dread thinking about Bongo Bongo, the creepy crypt well, and Zant's Hand respectively.


Apr 15, 2022
I am way to stubborn to give up on a game, so I'll just keep going at it until I solve it, or look it up to get past it if it's really stumping me.
My advice is simply to be stubborn. Don't let the game beat you, beat the game instead!
Wow, this is relatable, I do this every time too


Staff member
This happened to me a few times with Zelda II. I would get stuck somewhere and then end up putting it on the back-burner for a few months before coming back to it. Was glad to polish it off eventually though.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
The only Zelda game I remember feeling overwhelmed by is Zelda 2. It is an incredibly difficult game to engage with these days, and feels almost unapproachable without save states and a guide. I also found myself overwhelmed by SSHD, but that had mostly to do with... quality reasons.

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