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Do You Watch TV Anymore?

Aug 21, 2012
...turn around
ehh, If I'm bored I will, but I find myself watching random shows I don't even like...The shows I DO like we record on the DVR, so if a new episode came out, I usually miss it, so I just watch it on there


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
I've never watched all that much TV ever, but I still watch as much TV now as I did years ago. I the majority of what I watch is Disney channel, but I don't watch that for more than like 30-45 minutes a day. If my brother and father are watching football on TV, I might watch with them if I'm near the TV and I've got nothing better to do. And whenever Person of Interest airs, I'll watch that too.


Angel of Darkness
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Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Nope, I don't watch tv that much anymore. The only time I watch is when Dr Who is on. I can't miss that show. Most of the things can be found online anyway so why bother myself watching TV all the time? I used to watch Discovery Channel and stuff a huge lot of times but TV is so boring to me


Boy Wonder
Jun 22, 2011
Behind you
I watch plenty of TV still, even though the amount of good TV is small, and the amount of great TV even smaller. I tend to watch a healthy mix of comedies and drama, but right now the only shows that I watch live are How I Met Your Mother, Community (which is regrettably off the air until February. I need October 19th to be now!), Breaking Bad (HOW COULD THEY END IT THERE I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HANK IS GONNA DO GRAH), Game of Thrones (March 31st, looking soooo forward to RW), and Doctor Who. That said, live TV is hardly the extent of television watching these days: I've got a healthy backlog of classic HBO shows I'm working through (about to dive into The Wire, which I am told is the greatest TV show ever made by multiple people), as well as a few Netflix catalogs - '67 Spider-man Collection, anyone?

The thing about TV these days is that it's very niche - there is a show out there for everyone, but no show is for everyone. Not everybody will enjoy Community's particular blend of pop culture awareness and meta gags, but those who don't might enjoy Big Bang Theory's humor (a pet peeve of mine I will not go into at this time). People may not like How I Met Your Mother's time-jumping shenanigans, but they might like Modern Family. They may not like Breaking Bad's chest-pain-inducing intensity, but they might love True Blood or Mad Men.

There's a show out there that you will enjoy, guaranteed. You just have to find it.


Not often.

I do from time to time, but otherwise I have more things to do that can be more entertaining. I don't care for today's programs as well as I did for some that went off the air, but I still do watch it from time to time.
I really don't like watching TV. It's never been something I liked to do. Sure, I'll watch it if someone else has something on the TV and I'm not doing anything else/have nothing else to do. But really, the only time I'll turn on the TV and pay attention is when Criminal Minds is on.
Jan 1, 2011
No I don't. Going to school, college, and having a job kinda cuts into my schedule. Me and my fiancé try to go to the movies (like today to watch Rise of the Guardians) and that's pretty much it.


Apr 22, 2011
Haven't turned on my TV to watch TV shows for over a week now. Just not worth it to me anymore because whatever is on TV I can find on the internet without commercials and a schedule that fits me better. ;)

Azure Sage

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I do still watch TV, but there isn't much on that I particularly enjoy. I do enjoy Tosh.0, but that's pretty much the only show on Comedy Central I actually like (besides stand-up comedy). I also watch the USA Network all the time for NCIS, which is one of my favorite TV shows. I watch it every Monday and Wednsday when I get home from school. I also do this on Thursdays and Fridays, if it's on. It never airs on Tuesdays. Coming home from school and watching NCIS has become almost like my afternoon ritual.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
I still watch a lot of TV.

I DVR a lot of shows that I like cause I don't always have time to watch them right away. I also use my PS3 for DVD and Blu-Ray since it's got better quality delivery than my old DVD player.

Overall, I think TV will never die just because it will always carry that classicness and stigma with it.

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