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Do You Want Darknuts in SS?

Sep 4, 2011
I cant help but feel attached to Darknuts because my first games I had of Zelda have the phantoms. I also really hope they have them in Skyward Sword, I haven't saw any in the trailers.


Flirtatously Flirty
Aug 13, 2011
I think the SS versions of Darknuts are the gaurdians, in the Silent Realm.... I could be wrong, if you think about it, the phantoms form PH and ST were kinda the replacements in those games.
Apr 16, 2010
I hope Darknuts are in Skyward Sword. They are very fun to battle and usually provide a nice challenge. I'm not sure what Nintendo could do with the battles against them with WiiMotion Plus, but it would be fun nonetheless.

Darknuts aren't necessarily a staple for the series, but they've made an appearance in the last 2 console Zeldas. It would be nice for that trend to continue. Hopefully SS isn't like PH and ST, wherein Darknuts were replaced by Phantoms; the Silent Realm guards could possibly do the same.

We can only hope. As of now, there is no knowledge proving or disproving their appearance in the game.


Apr 22, 2011
I don't want darknuts.. I want Ironknuckles.
At least the ones from OoT. I never liked the Darknuts from TP, the ones in WW were ok tho :)
Sep 4, 2011
How are the ones in TP bad!? I loved them, they were challenging, you cant have to find a secret to beating them in WW, you already knew the specail sword moves in WW, the only real mistake the NoA did was put more in WW and less in TP.


The Unknown
Jun 19, 2011
How are the ones in TP bad!? I loved them, they were challenging, you cant have to find a secret to beating them in WW, you already knew the specail sword moves in WW, the only real mistake the NoA did was put more in WW and less in TP.
I agree with this :yes:

Anyways, adding Darknuts would certainly add a LOT of challenge to SS, considering the motion plus and stuff. I would love to see that implemented, although I don't want for it to be easy like you can just use bombs to do all the job.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I would love for Darknuts to make an appearance as common but hard enemies. Perhaps they shouldn't require all of that preciseness of 1:1 swordplay, rather we would have to take shots and block as we go against them, with them being able to do the same as us? :D

Darknuts will be awesome, especially if they're bulky enemies as they were in TP.


Hero of the Skies
Aug 24, 2011
I want to face Darknuts, and I want them to be as unforgiving as possible. I want them to come in groups, do 4 hearts of damage and damage the Hylian Shield. I want it so that a single stuff up with them and you are in trouble.

As for the design of them, I would say they will be more like Twilight Princess ones, but with the ropes holding their armor together like in Wind Waker.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Uh, heck yes! Just imagine their difficulty in TP and put it in a Skyward Sword setting. That would require loads of concentration and strategy to bring even one down, and a challenge like that would, to me, be epic!
Sep 23, 2011
Honestly it wouldn't make sense for them to not include Darknuts/Iron Knuckles (they're basically the same thing. We really just want big armored knights) with the game's focus on combat.
Sep 4, 2011
How do you think it would be like to fight them, I bet they would have them use there sword to move Links away and shield attack him to the ground and slash if you dont dodge it for a instant kill, and they will charge at you with there sword against yours trieing to slide it in to Link. Hopefully in the futer Link will be able to duck and do more types of dodges and sword attacks for enemies.
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