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Breath of the Wild Do You Think Nintendo Could Work Harder to Release Zelda at a More Pleasable Date?


Jul 1, 2012
Now I know a lot of hard work goes into these games but sometimes I just feel that I wait too Damn long for Zelda. I always find myself waiting months for any spec of info and playing old games over and over again and in all I feel sometimes that I lose interest in the franchise as a whole....

Dont get me wrong am a big Zelda fan but there must be a way Nintendo could release Zelda games more frequent. Maybe hire more staff to focus solely on Zelda....

In my opinion I think we won't see Zelda Wii U until 2014 or maybe 2015 and that seems so long away and I must find myself losing interest after every long wait :(


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Well...my favorite Zelda games (TP and SS) took the longest to make. So if more time makes a higher quality game, then I am all for it.
Feb 1, 2012
I sincerely never managed to understand how It takes so long to develop Zelda games. The story isn't amazing at all, It's entertaining at best but definitely not a master piece that will be remember for ever. The lack of connection between games shows that Nintendo is also not trying to make It any better. Gameplay isn't that long, main story + sidequests really shouldn't take more than 40 hours on any Zelda. A few games you can easily clock over 100 and doesn't take as long to develop. There is no voice, just a few noises/moans/etc characters do. The songs and BGMs shouldn't take too long to get done. Anyway, It doesn't make any sense, I sincerely can't see why Nintendo can't get a Zelda done in about 2 years, with the exception of Skyward Sword, perhaps due to the motion control.


Jul 1, 2012
I can see why Zelda does take time as they always look for ways to innovate the game and east story on the timeline to go to Ect. But I do agree some games that are larger than Zelda do take less time...
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Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I sincerely never managed to understand how It takes so long to develop Zelda games. The story isn't amazing at all, It's entertaining at best but definitely not a master piece that will be remember for ever. The lack of connection between games shows that Nintendo is also not trying to make It any better. Gameplay isn't that long, main story + sidequests really shouldn't take more than 40 hours on any Zelda. A few games you can easily clock over 100 and doesn't take as long to develop. There is no voice, just a few noises/moans/etc characters do. The songs and BGMs shouldn't take too long to get done. Anyway, It doesn't make any sense, I sincerely can't see why Nintendo can't get a Zelda done in about 2 years, with the exception of Skyward Sword, perhaps due to the motion control.

Story doesn't take long to develop at all. They could add twice as much story and you wouldn't know it based on release times.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
If Nintendo would stop with their "pet project" that is modern Zelda and simply go with what works, that is, stop experimenting 24/7 and churn out the good stuff, I think they could definitely release the series in a more acceptable, timely fashion. But, then again this IS Nintendo. Always looking to please the casual market via some kinda gimmick, whether it's the controller or some feature in-game. So, I won't count on LoZ being a biyearly series any time soon...unles sNintendo managed to get a totally new game face on.

I sincerely never managed to understand how It takes so long to develop Zelda games.

It's Nintendo. In regards to Zelda, they try to find a gimmick and flesh it out to "decent" status at the very least! Well...at least that applies to most games OoT and onwards; I don't think Twilight Princess has any one gimmick (twilight realm maybe) but I'm not too sure on that.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
If they hadn't taken their time with the latest games, I have a strong feeling they wouldn't have been as good as they were. Take Twilight Princess, for example. That game was very half-baked, yes, but that was with that extra year of development. Think about how much of a failure it would have been had it not had that extra year. I'm pretty freakin' sure Ocarina of Time and Skyward Sword also wouldn't have been as polished and ground-breaking as they were had they not been developed for 3 and 5 years.

Basically what I'm saying is Nintendo shouldn't rush out the games just to appease us. Companies that do that wind up presenting nothing but repetitive, same ol' same ol' games each year *ahem Activision* and never advance their series forward as a result. Let Nintendo take the time they need. Zelda's not a series to be rushed. No legendary AAA series like it is.
Feb 1, 2012
I can see why Zelda does take time as they always look for ways to innovate the game and east story on the timeline to go to Ectopic. But I do agree some games that are larger than Zelda do take less time...
Not many Zeldas innovate, I'd say that goes mostly for Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time. I mean, TP and MM felt pretty regular to me, WW kinda did too, but I guess It took time for Nintendo to gather the balls to feel comfortable with that graphics and make the boat traveling work.

Story doesn't take long to develop at all. They could add twice as much story and you wouldn't know it based on release times.
I tried to list stuff required for game creation, story is just there because I guess It could take some time. Zelda doesn't have much story at all though, a good example of long story would most likely be the Metal Gear Solid series, I doubt It didn't take long to develop It.

It's Nintendo. In regards to Zelda, they try to find a gimmick and flesh it out to "decent" status at the very least! Well...at least that applies to most games OoT and onwards; I don't think Twilight Princess has any one gimmick (twilight realm maybe) but I'm not too sure on that.
I wouldn't count twilight realm as one and I kinda doubt It affected develop time too much, It was pretty much the regular world with filters and different monsters.

JuicieJ: I've seen some amazing games come out with just a year or two of development and I kinda doubt It takes much longer than that for Nintendo to create a Zelda game. I could be completely wrong, but I think they just give up on the project a lot and pretty much do a trial and error thing till they get something zelda worthy. I agree with you though, taking It slow is working for Nintendo so there is no reason to rush and screw up Zelda.


I'm baack. Who missed me?
Sep 7, 2011
United States, Michigan
I don't really think it would be a good idea for Zelda to have games made more frequently or more quickly for two main reasons. First, it would get overused kind of like the Mario series. They're great games, but there's not much difference between the games. Second, it might make the games themselves worse like Sonic 06. The fans wanted the game to be released earlier than the producers wanted it to. They caved to the fans and now look at the game. One of the worst games ever because of glitches, primarily.

Also, just because the Zelda WiiU game will be coming out around then doesn't mean there won't be a 3DS game coming out between then and now.


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
Now I know a lot of hard work goes into these games but sometimes I just feel that I wait too Damn long for Zelda. I always find myself waiting months for any spec of info and playing old games over and over again and in all I feel sometimes that I lose interest in the franchise as a whole....

Dont get me wrong am a big Zelda fan but there must be a way Nintendo could release Zelda games more frequent. Maybe hire more staff to focus solely on Zelda....

In my opinion I think we won't see Zelda Wii U until 2014 or maybe 2015 and that seems so long away and I must find myself losing interest after every long wait :(

I'll ask you a simple question:

Would you like a Zelda game that was absolutely perfect, but you had to wait a fairly long time for it -- or would you rather have a Zelda game that's choppy and rushed, but it was released in a matter of weeks/months? You CANNOT expect Nintendo to release the next installment within the time period that fits your needs. If you want a Zelda game so badly then you're just going to have to wait. It's life; that's just how things are.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Would you like a Zelda game that was absolutely perfect, but you had to wait a fairly long time for it -- or would you rather have a Zelda game that's choppy and rushed, but it was released in a matter of weeks/months? You CANNOT expect Nintendo to release the next installment within the time period that fits your needs. If you want a Zelda game so badly then you're just going to have to wait. It's life; that's just how things are.

You're doing what they call...what's that again? False dichotomy? Yeah, that's it. Delaying a game does not mean it will be perfect; look at any Zelda game in existence and tell me that it couldn't use many touch ups here and there. Similarly, rushing a game out doesn't mean it'll be broken beyond belief. Sure, there are several games that say otherwise, but rushed = broken and delayed = perfect are two impossible situations that just aren't 100% true all of the time.

Pushing more Zelda games out in a shorter time frame wouldn't automatically hurt the games themselves. It isn't about how much time you have, it's what you do with the time that you DO have. Skyward Sword took five entire years, and I was NOT pleased with it. Hell, I'd be willing to call it broken. On the opposite side of the spectrum, Majora's Mask had ONLY one year of development and I'd call it a masterpiece...in fact I do. Zelda Wii U and any Wii U Zelda that follows it could be squeezed out in a shorter time span. Believe me on that.


didn't build that
Pushing more Zelda games out in a shorter time frame wouldn't automatically hurt the games themselves. It isn't about how much time you have, it's what you do with the time that you DO have. Skyward Sword took five entire years, and I was NOT pleased with it. Hell, I'd be willing to call it broken.


I wouldn't call even my least favorite Zelda game "broken." Even the glitch-ridden ones aren't, as you're unlikely to run into the more egregious glitches unless you're looking for them. Dear Lord, Nintendo-made Zelda games are pretty consistently refined, and I'd challenge anyone who said otherwise.

You want to throw around the word broken? Skyrim, maybe, and that's a big maybe. But it's dead wrong for any Zelda title obviously excepting the CDi ones.

Zelda Wii U and any Wii U Zelda that follows it could be squeezed out in a shorter time span. Believe me on that.

Why? Is 10 Zelda games in 12 years not enough? It's more than some franchises, and less than ones that have been tiresomely milked dry. Exactly how many Zelda games should Nintendo pump out?


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
You're doing what they call...what's that again? False dichotomy? Yeah, that's it. Delaying a game does not mean it will be perfect; look at any Zelda game in existence and tell me that it couldn't use many touch ups here and there. Similarly, rushing a game out doesn't mean it'll be broken beyond belief. Sure, there are several games that say otherwise, but rushed = broken and delayed = perfect are two impossible situations that just aren't 100% true all of the time.

Where in the world are you getting the idea that I mean delaying a game?? Delaying =/= taking your time and getting the job done. If you actually take your time and plan ideas out properly, you shouldn't have problems.

Ventus said:
Pushing more Zelda games out in a shorter time frame wouldn't automatically hurt the games themselves. It isn't about how much time you have, it's what you do with the time that you DO have. Skyward Sword took five entire years, and I was NOT pleased with it. Hell, I'd be willing to call it broken. On the opposite side of the spectrum, Majora's Mask had ONLY one year of development and I'd call it a masterpiece...in fact I do. Zelda Wii U and any Wii U Zelda that follows it could be squeezed out in a shorter time span. Believe me on that.

Why should I believe what you say? How was SS in anyway, shape or form, broken? Let me compare SS and MM in regards to glitches:

SS had one major glitch. The game must be sooooo broken. :/ On the other hand, MM had several upon several glitches that were never resolved. EVEN IN THE VIRTUAL CONSOLE RELEASE! I ran into many glitches playing it on virtual console. You clearly stated yourself that MM was rushed in 1 year. It may be one of the greatest Zelda games of all time, but it had it's fair share of problems. SS took five years (?), and barely had any problems.

If you actually take your time with a game -- instead of rushing it to please the fans -- your result will be better.

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