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General Modern Do You Like Fighting Every Area Over Again?

Do you like going through each part of a game before the final boss?

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Jul 1, 2012
It was all straightforward and extremely simple stuff with very little and very bland atmosphere.

I thought the atmosphere was amazing, stepping into the courtyard for the first time, you see the light shining and the sound of rain pouring. The music was again great, with a remix of the classic Ganondorf theme and this also added to the atmosphere Inside the Castle. Just the setting alone set the scene for me!

Am not getting into an endless battle of posts here, just stating my opinion....


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I thought the atmosphere was amazing, stepping into the courtyard for the first time, you see the light shining and the sound of rain pouring. The music was again great, with a remix of the classic Ganondorf theme and this also added to the atmosphere Inside the Castle. Just the setting alone set the scene for me!

The setting alone set the scene for me, too. A bland environment with little to no excitement. The aura to the place is just... thin. It's almost like the City in the Sky, but on the ground. A good atmospheric dungeon in Twilight Princess would be the Forest Temple. The only place there's any atmosphere in Hyrule Castle is the area leading up to Ganondorf (especially right outside the entrance to the throne room). ...Which is surprisingly excellent.
Its kind of Zelda's thing to give you a quick recap of everything you've seen and done just before the final boss, it is a concept that does annoy me because Zwelda is a good game for discovery either during the linear story or in your own time, repeating things at the end (particularly things you didnt like to start with) has always felt cheap to me, as if they were tacked on to make the game feel a little bit longer there isn't a single game that has done this where i have enjoyed it, I love Wind Waker and in my head its the second worst offender following OoT, i just don't take any joy in redoing things i've already done, (this was a massive recurring problem in Ph with that damned TotOK_

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