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Distance peeing (a discussion for the men of ZD)

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I recall once, in kindergarden, we all gathered around the playground during recess, as usual. Normally we'd all play chaoticly, there was no order to anything. We all kind of did our own things, yelling and screaming as we did them. But on one particular day a fellow classmate gathered all us boys together saying he had a really good contest we could do. We'd done contests to see who could run the fastest, who could spit the furthest. But this time he said he had something completely new.

He led us over near the edges of the playground, and into a wooded area. His contest... to see who could pee the furthest! At first some were hesitant, but to deny the contest meant you'd be forever ridiculed. We stood in a line, whipped out our dicks, and peed. Little Tommy who was in Pre-K peed further than all us Kindergardners, probably because he drank 2 whole Capri Suns an hour earlier. He gained our respect that day though.

So my fellow male Forum members, surely we all participated in distance peeing contests as children? And I'm sure since the dawn of humanity male children have done peeing contests. Clearly it must be a truly bonding experience and a rite of passage.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Haha yes! I think all boys did in some form or another. Although we were far more disgusting about it and did it in the toilets themselves. We did spitting as well, we had many different variants for that too like who could get their spit closest to the ground whilst having it attached to our mouth.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
The only literal pissing contests were done out of necessity.

More specifically, I had to to avoid stepping in the urine that flooded the bathrooms because NOBODY knew how to aim, which meant that it just got worse and worse and worse.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
At my school no one gives a **** and they just piss on the bathroom floor.

I have done spitting contests and stuff, but never a pissing contest with others.

I have, however, contested myself in a piss competition. Someday, in the shower, I want to try and pee over my own head like in the meme. That'd be soo gross but curiosity killed the cat.


Meme Connoisseur
Jul 30, 2015
Just do it at the urinals like a civilized 3rd grader like the rest of us smh

Bonus points if you make it over the top of the Flusher.

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