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Discussion #016: What is Majora's Mask?

Jan 28, 2012
Preston, UK
Be advised that the following article contains unconfirmed, fan-made theories or speculation. Majora's Mask is the culprit of all of the dark trouble in Majora's Mask, but what actually is it? More importantly, who actually is Majora? Let's jump into this dark, twisted tale...

The mask was crafted using dark and magic powers. Once the mask took a host (when someone wore it) it attached to their face and used them as a puppet. This is what happened to Skull Kid, and you can look at who Skull Kid was in my previous article. That's all we really know about Majora's Mask, and nothing else, apart from this...

"Ancient and evil tribe". According to the game, that's where the mask was made, using dark energy. There is two possibility's what this "ancient and evil tribe" is, and that's what I'm going to cover. Our first theory is Ikana Canyon, which makes sense because it's in the same game. Ikana Canyon is populated by an ancient tribe whose history is said to be "stained with a history of darkness" and "drenched with blood". This does sound similar to "ancient and evil tribe" to me.

That's one theory, and that's the only links I have between them. But the more popular theory is that Majora's Mask is part of the Twili from Twilight Princess. The Twili is yet another dark, evil tribe that lives in the shadows. The mask itself has large similarities to the Fused Shadow, they were both crafted in dark material and they seem very similar around the eye area.

Zant is the leader of the Twili, and his fighting style is very similar to Majora's Wrath's. Perhaps the mask is the Termian version of the Fused Shadow. There is two of my theories, I'm sure it's one or the other. Apart from the actual mask, how did it get into the Happy Mask Salesman's bag?

Well, maybe the ancient tribe that the mask was crafted in got destroyed and the mask was lost. That would make it seem that the mask is from the Ikana Canyon, because that tribe isn't there anymore, unlike the Twili. So maybe when it could've been destroyed, the mask was lost and the salesman just happily picked it up, but he knew it was powerful.

Also, who is Majora? Majora is obviously the previous owner of the mask, but the only similar names I can think of to Majora is Minda. Maybe Minda was the old owner of the mask, before she turned good against her tribe. But then, it makes it seem that the mask is from the Twili tribe, so it's even evidence between the two.

What do you think? Post below and have a nice day/evening!

- GreenGyser :chu:


Sage of the Dark Forest
Mar 3, 2012
Deku Palace, Termina
In the graphic novel it was stated that Majoras mask was carved from the remains of the beast Majora.

I agree that the Twili, the Interlopers, and the "Dark tribe" are all the same thing. There are too many similarities, both physical and cultural for me to think otherwise. The onlything right now that could change my mind is either a statement from Axle or Nintendo. I am going to go with the graphic novel for my opinion on the origen of Majoras mask. Maybe it was killed, carved, and worshiped by the Twili/"dark tribe"?
Unless the Twili have an equivalent in Termina and we just never saw them then it can't be them because Termina is another dimension. Also they were never even thought of at the time MM was made. Of course Nintendo retcons things all the time but I don't think they made even a whisper about it in Hyrule Historia so I think it is safe to assume that the Dark Tribe was a separate Terminian counterpart and we just no little about them.

The only wrench in my explanation would be if the mask is indeed not Terminian but from Hyrule. Is it ever stated where the mask comes from? We know the HMS found it himself and was robbed by the Skull Kid, if we assume the HMS is from Hyrule he may have been robbed in Hyrule but who knows. Unless Hyrule Historia says otherwise I am going to stick with what I said above.


Pure Awesomeness
Aug 3, 2010
Somewhere over the Rainbow
I don't think Midna and Majora are related at all.
I read an article somewhere that talked about this-
It says that the people worshiped the goddesses, but then they started to worship their protectors, the male giants. To punish them, the goddesses sent Majora, a Female Demon...
I think that's the jist of it, but I'm not sure if it's correct. I haven't read the manga, so I don't really know.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
Not trying sound like a killjoy, but the manga isn't canon, so the mask wasn't carved from the armour of the beast described in it.

The way I see it, The Dark Interlopers (who became the Twili) and the tribe that is associated with Majora's Mask are the same. Calling them 'interlopers' lets us know they aren't from Hyrule, so maybe they are from the parallel world of Termina. The fact that The Interlopers used the Fused Shadows (a piece of headwear) and the tribe use Majora's Mask (another piece of headwear) forms a connection, as well as the obvious connection of the two artifacts having a similar design, most notably the eye.

The tribe from Termina coming from Ikana makes sense, especially since Stone Tower Temple seems to depict the mask in one of its main chambers.

If the tribe are The Dark Interlopers, this may help explain why the Triforce appears in Stone Tower. If the tribe went to Hyrule to get the Triforce and some escaped back to Termina before being banished to the Twilight, maybe they left the Triforce markings on Stone Tower, in insulting places no less, in reference to their experience in Hyrule.


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
Just some quick clarification, which may or may not be important: We do not know for certain that the mask was "created" by said tribe, only that it was "used" by them. This means the "Message of Majora's Mask", as described by AwesomeTingle, is possible. Though, as you know, "possible" doesn't cut it here. =P

@Cfrock: The word "interlopers" does not appear in Japanese. It's simply "persons".
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So zetta slow!
Apr 23, 2012
Stock Pot Inn
I say it's a spirit (named majora) that was imprisoned in a mask as to stop it from doing evil, but it was found by a wicked tribe (sheikah?), then was stolen from them and passed down to the happy mask salesman. But I'm no genius.


I belive the mask salesman is just a projection made by th mask, after all he fades WITH the mask.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I've always seen the mask as something which doesn't need to be explained nor ever will be explained in a future Zelda title but rather a geyser from which all death, destruction, and devastation in the land of Termina originate. It's important to note the differences in the Skull Kid's behavior from when you first meet him as a child in Ocarina of Time to the unexpected encounter which ignites the events of Majora's Mask. The mask clearly represents corruption. There's more to that one word than can be noted at first glance. The malicious power stored within the mask perverted the Skull Kid and cheated him of his childhood innocence. It's worth pointing out that the Skull Kid is not inherently evil but rather under the possession of this mysterious object.

Nintendo was clearly going for religious references with the mask as well. In earlier games, these hints especially to Christianity were much more subtle with Zelda being in a slumber only to rise as though resurrected in Adventure of Link as well as the Sanctuary, Pyramid, and highlighting of heaven and hell through the Light and Dark worlds. In Majora's Mask, on the other hand, these references were much more obvious. The mask itself may be a reference to certain pagan religious traditions. Many ancient Spanish cultures viewed the moon with superstition and it was deemed that the moon's gaze could kill a person. Non clear answer will ever be offered for who or what Majora is, however, one thing will always be certain: Nintendo incorporated various cultural values and religion to create a supreme evil bearing more symbolic nature and hidden backstory than any in franchise history before or since.
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Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
@Cfrock: The word "interlopers" does not appear in Japanese. It's simply "persons".

Well, that scuppers the main connection in that theory.

The reason I'm hesitant to say Majora's Mask is related to the Dark Interlopers from Twilight Princess is because the two games are on different timeline splits on the Hyrule Historia timeline.

Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess are both in the Child Timeline split after Ocarina of Time. Hyrule Historia confirms that.

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