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Spoiler Demise in the Future


I'm baack. Who missed me?
Sep 7, 2011
United States, Michigan
Okay, so my brother and I just had a disscussion about what happens to Demise after Skyward Sword. You see, Demise gets sealed in the Master Sword and he's not really dead, only his body is, not his conciousness. So he has to play some kind of role in the future. What we came up was this:

Ganondorf is the incarnation of Demise's hatred, but with a human body so he can die in the same way Hylia could die when she was incarnated in Zelda. Because he can die, there would just be multiple incarnations of him. But that's not necessarily the case. This incarnation, unlike Zelda, seems to be the same one being revived over and over again. It is likely that once the Master Sword was drawn in Ocarina of Time, it not only opened the way to the Sacred Realm. It also released Demise's conciousness. Demise went back to Ganondorf, his hatred, and in turn, he was given eternal life because Demise can't die. He talks about the whole world would be "under his foot for eternity" and he has been searching for the Triforce for "millennia." Also, Ganondorf, in Wind Waker, talks about how he hates the gods just like Demise said he did before you fight him. We also discussed about how Ganondorf was able to turn into a pig monster, but we figured that was because of the Triforce because a.) he shows the Triforce of Power in OoT the same way he does in TP before killing the sage, so his power comes from the Triforce, and b.) in ALttP, it says that the Triforce shows the person's mind, so the pig creature is an affect of it.

So what do you think? Is this good or are there missing parts or disagreements you have?
Feb 23, 2011
Okay. Here's how I see it: Ganondorf is the reincarnation of Demise's hatred. This might draw parallels to the way Hylia reincarnated into a mortal form. Only mortals can make use of the Triforce, as stated in Skyward Sword. That said, I like to think Demise, realizing that he is now mortal (Ganondorf) was hellbent on gaining the Triforce of Power, which he succeeded in doing. This allowed him immortality (to a degree, and it is arguable what power the ToP truly bestows), which is why Link and Zelda can never manage to truly defeat him. But his eyes are really on the true prize of obtaining the Triforce as a whole to gain absolute power. Not only this, but it may grant him true immortality.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Okay. Here's how I see it: Ganondorf is the reincarnation of Demise's hatred.

This is where I have to correct you. This is a horrible misconception on far too many fans' part. Ganondorf himself is not the reincarnation of Demise's hatred. Demise's hatred was just reborn into Ganondorf. The Big G would still have been around whether Demise's hatred was reborn in him or not. Demise's hate is just the reason as to why Ganondorf is so evil and bent on using the Triforce to rule Hyrule, and also why he keeps coming back without end.
Feb 23, 2011
This is where I have to correct you. This is a horrible misconception on far too many fans' part. Ganondorf himself is not the reincarnation of Demise's hatred. Demise's hatred was just reborn into Ganondorf. The Big G would still have been around whether Demise's hatred was reborn in him or not. Demise's hate is just the reason as to why Ganondorf is so evil and bent on using the Triforce to rule Hyrule, and also why he keeps coming back without end.

That is what I was saying. I assumed that everyone would be cognizant of what I meant, which was admittedly a mistake on my part. :sweat:
Oct 11, 2011
Impa does say that Demise's consciousness will fade away after time, and, even though the time period is not specified, I doubt that his "spirit" remains in the time of OoT, for it would seem strange, to me, if there was both an incarnation of evil (Ganondorf) and Demise's mind existing at the same time.

/Blue Window

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Well Everyone else really said it all, your theory is interesting though, I still say that its not possible that demise went into Ganondorf other than through the his hatred, and JJ before you say I'm wrong and correct me, yes I know that Ganondorf would have still been born even without Demise's curse, it just so happen Ganondorf was the one who was affected by the curse, the Big G and the Big D are completly different people.
Anyway back to my original train of though, I remember Fi of Impa saying something about Demise being complatly destroyed in the sword over time, between SS and Oot I think thats plenty of time.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
His residual conciousness was sealed in the master sword to decay, as in break down. I just don't think he exists anymore, so there is little chance of him returning, nor do I even see a point in him coming back either since Ganon is the main villain, is the incarnation of his hatred and has exactly the same motives, except he is the more developed character with better personallity.
Feb 23, 2011
Well, when you look at it from that perspective, it makes Demise seem kind of pointless series-wise. It would have been incredibly effective for the series if he was somehow reincarnated as Ganondorf (or his hatred was imbued in him, etc.). It seems like that was the direction Nintendo wanted to take with Demise, but when the quotes about his consciousness decaying and all come into play, it seems like a direct contradiction on their part. In retrospect, Demise's quotes were incredibly ambiguous to begin with, perhaps intentionally so. Typical Nintendo...

Demise's quotes heavily imply that a new incarnation of his hatred will come into existence (in some form) throughout the eras of time; the word "incarnation" is even highlighted in blue in the text box [see spoiler]. It is generally assumed to be referring to Ganondorf. But then the thing about his residual consciousness decaying over time within the Master Sword sort of makes me go "Um, what?" That said, I'm with TheBlueReptile; as in, I'm really starting to wonder if the Curse of Demise is even a curse at all. It's starting to seem more like a rhetorical device - a metaphor - than a literal haunting "curse."



Shows over folks!
Oct 27, 2011
Well, I do believe that Ganondorf is Demise's hatred reborn, I mean there are pleanty of similaritys. The orange hair ( sure Demise's hair was fire but.. ), the want for the triforce, both of them technically have a beast form ( the imprisoned and Ganon ) and their skin is sort of the same ( well, between TP and SS anyway ) so yeah, it's not exactly impossible.
Jan 6, 2012

Well, as we know, Zelda is Hylia reborn, but before the event of Skyward Sword she didn't know anything, and there was nothing to support the idea, and of course this is not different in other games

The first time I saw Demise, even before he said anything, I was happy, because to my eyes he was Ganon, there are a lot of similar characteristics, some physical, like the tall and muscular body, red hair, yellow eyes (red-yellow, he is a demon after all), the scar on the forehead that resembles the jewel or any other thing covering Ganon(dorf) forehead in every game. Demise has a Ganon-like personality too.

I like to know what Fi has to say about every enemy, and when I saw what she had to say about Demise (that one incarnation of him appears in every epoch, or something similar), I was sure that he was Ganon, then his curse completed it.

But now I find a lot of theories about if Demise is or not Ganon, I understand what peoples say, that he is not really him, I don't expect Ganon to know he is Demise (thats if he even know about Demise, and he probably doesn't). To me it is the same as the incarnations of Link or Zelda, they may share similarities, but they are not the same person at all.

To me Skyward Sword tried to create a relation between Demise and Ganon, and one very obvious, but how much they are related is something different
Nov 29, 2011
I think that Demise's curse was merely his explanation of the balance of the world of Hyrule. His words were merely binding the Spirit of the Hero and The Blood of Hylia to his hatred. As long as his hatred exists, a hero will rise to defeat him, with aid from the Goddess reborn. I do not think he was saying that he will reincarnate himself, he just bound the two to the concept of Hatred, as Demise is the incarnation of hatred. Majora was an incarnation of Hatred, so a hero rose to defeat them. Same with Malladus, and to a lesser extent Zant and Vaati. And Ganondorf of course.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I agree but I doubt that Majora is A part of the curse, I think Malladus is. I don't Majora is a part of the curse because Majora's mask is a side game, also because zelda is not in terminia, Majora does not want the triforce, and terminia is a different deminsion all together, so a curse that takes effect in Hyrule may not follow to terminia.
Oct 11, 2011
It's pretty hard for Demise's hatred to reincarnate into Ganondorf (...you know what I mean) if the hatred is still inside Demise's own consciousness. This would, on the other hand, not make Demise any less valuable to the Zelda mythos, in my opnion, because his defeat triggers the endless cycle between good and evil: He 'curses' Hyrule, perhaps more metaphorically than litterary, by condemning the land to always have a darkness hovering above it.

On the other hand, does Hyrule need a curse to be invaded by evil? Think about it: Ganondorf, the Dark Interlopers and Vaati, all of them were after something already inside Hyrule, they were not attacking Hyrule to take vengeance on Zelda. The struggle over the Triforce is something that occurs because the Triforce rests in Hyrule (or can be accessed from that place), which is a consequence of the Hylia-Demise story, but it is not a direct, physical, continuation of that very struggle. Perhaps, after all, Demise was merely warning Link and Zelda that an incarnation of his hatred, or rather "thirst for power", will seek out the most powerful source of power, which, of course, is the Triforcde (and sometimes the Light Force).

/Blue Window

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