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Dark Boo's Roleplay: Reinvented


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
*Henry grabs his M4, ready in case Clarence needs to retreat*
*Clarence waits in line. 3rd in line to be exact*

*The manager is working the counter, he looks up and sees Clarence and a scowl crosses his face. He finishes taking the order and goes in the back.*

*Clarence deicdes to abandon all pretense and chases him back there*

Manager: Boss! It's him!

Dark Boo

The Darkest of Boos
Dec 15, 2020
*Clarence waits in line. 3rd in line to be exact*

*The manager is working the counter, he looks up and sees Clarence and a scowl crosses his face. He finishes taking the order and goes in the back.*

*Clarence deicdes to abandon all pretense and chases him back there*

Manager: Boss! It's him!
Boss: Who? Who's there? Why are you so panicky?

Dark Boo

The Darkest of Boos
Dec 15, 2020
Manager: It's Clarence! The burger shop guy!

*Clarence opens the briefcase into an AR-15*

Clarence: You can give me the restaurant and leave, or I can take it from you and you'll leave in a Cadillac.

*He waves the gun for emphasis*
Boss: Yes, we oblige! We shall give it to you! Burger Time treats its employees like crap anyways!

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