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Creepiest game over in any game you’ve played

The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
Was there any video game that had a game over that scared you, as a kid or adult? Which one was the creepiest for you?

For me it’s got to go to Metroid Prime 2

In Metroid Prime 2 you see that Samus has died of cardiac arrest with constant beeping in the background and it’s disturbing, along with the game itself

Overall definitely the most creepy ones I’ve encountered in any game
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Not exactly a game over screen (but similar enough, I suppose) is the screen that appears after the first arc of DDLC ends, making you think that the game's done when that couldn't be more wrong, lol. Not gonna post it because trigger warning, but if you look it up or have played it, you know what I mean.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I mean, I think it pretty definitively goes to the moon crashing in MM, but if you don’t count that as a “game over” for whatever reason then probably the Phazon overload death in Prime 3. Both are pretty creepy for different reasons.

The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
I mean, I think it pretty definitively goes to the moon crashing in MM, but if you don’t count that as a “game over” for whatever reason
It’s definitely a game over because the moon crashes into Termina and then you have to start over

It can also just be something in the past that caused a game over
Jan 10, 2022
I forgot about MP2 being kinda disturbing back when I was younger. Same for some of the Donkey Kong Country ones…a bit silly looking back on them but there’s just something that’s off about them.

Not a whole lot these days that isn’t something particularly horror adjacent…maybe in Metal Gear Solid 3, I remember being caught off guard being eaten by an alligator in the swamp. One chomp from off screen, dead. Similarly in Red Dead Redemption 2, being thrown off my horse and landing right in one’s mouth, but that was more funny than scary.

Really reaching for some here…I suppose I’ve never liked the feeling of getting mind flayed in Demon’s Souls or Bloodborne.


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
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Spoiler alert for the end of minish cap.

I've never played the game myself, but I have seen videos of it. If you take too long in the final area Vaati pretty much sacrifices Zelda. Not much visually creepy here but it is dark and ominous. (Btw if you choose to watch the video I posted you can skip the first 3 minutes it's legit just him rolling in circle)


Infrequently active ZD member
Apr 9, 2022
Twilight Princess for the music, and also how Link drowns in the series (especially in OoT and MM).
I love how I'm typing this as I'm listening to Bubblegum K.K. from Animal Crossing. XD
Nov 30, 2021
Hat in Time Spoilers

In Queen Vanessa's Manor, which is actually super creepy, if she finds you its instant game over and the cutscene that plays is honestly terrifying. The whole manor is terrifying anyway. I think it really stands out to me since the rest of the game is Cute and Happy.

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Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Hat in Time Spoilers

In Queen Vanessa's Manor, which is actually super creepy, if she finds you its instant game over and the cutscene that plays is honestly terrifying. The whole manor is terrifying anyway. I think it really stands out to me since the rest of the game is Cute and Happy.

if I remember right, the volume also goes absurdly high doesn't it? it actually gets to be obnoxious

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