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Breath of the Wild Could time travel in BotW double the game's size?

Oct 5, 2016
It depends on how it would be implemented. Of it is similar to Ocarina of Time, then yes it very well could double the content of the game.

However if the time travel is contained to small areas like the timeshift stones in Skyward Sword, then no time travel would be just like any other hidden feature you can discover. Personally given the scale of the game, this seems like the more likely of the two.


Captain Kick-ass
Oct 5, 2016
I'd hope they significantly alter the landscape to at least make it interesting.
It depends, they could do stuff like Link to the Past and Oracle of Ages where many parts are only accessible by using the ability to shift between worlds in certain areas. There were tons of hidden areas in both games with this mechanic, and a big 3D world had even more possibility, add would add a new layer of complexity those kind of puzzles. Maybe even having the Timeshift Stone as a usable item to accomplish that. I think that would be kind of cool, actually, to carry a stone in your pocket to jump between time periods at will.
Oct 2, 2016
I don't think there will be time travel in this game. It has a huge map, the main premise of this game will be on exploration so I find it highly unlikely that time travel will play a vital role in the game
Oct 2, 2016
I actually doubt time travel will have an effect. We've seen moving guardians in the current world and we know that there are functioning villages.
exactly, the ruins and everything else in the game just adds to it. if you include time travel then it changes a lot in what this game aims to deliver.

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