I wouldn't mind it at all, but i wouldn't mind seeing a good helper either (unless its anything like Fi. I hate Fi.)
Pretty much all of the recent installments of the series have had a helper. To me, it seems like the primary reason for the helper is to connect Link to whatever the main story is. We wouldn't know anything about Zant or the twilight and why we were a wolf, or anything like that without Midna. Fi was the messenger of the goddess who was supposed to lead the goddesses chosen hero. Sidekicks have now become story tools rather than actual helpers, which can be a good thing or a bad thing.
Good in the way that it can enhance the story. Twilight Princess wouldn't be the same without Midna, half of the story would be obliterated
Bad in the way that it's kind of the "easy way out" for Nintendo. I would find it to be a lot more of a challenge (that would pay of greatly) if they were able to create a stellar story without having anyone to auto-connect us to what's going on in Hyrule.
Take Link's Awakening. Fantastic story, but we never needed anyone to connect us to the beings of Koholint Island, or what's going on. Sure we had the owl who gave us hints and told us where to go, but the majority of the story was revealed through our actions, the bosses, the people that lived there, and that drawing on the wall or whatever. No helper/sidekick necessary.
I'd like to see a game without a sidekick just because we havent seen one in quite awhile, but i'd be fine either way