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Agent Of Chaos
Feb 11, 2009
Santiago, Chile
One of the things I liked most of WW is when you get the :mastersword: and you can see the sages on the windows. It always gives me a feeling of nostalgia. The whole "different encarnations of Link" idea I think is quite good, because it let's you have a sense of continuity among the games (every adventure being an isolated case doesn't work for me) while at the same time not being limited by other reasons like time/age, effect that would have on you events that happened "before" and so on. I think it is a very good thing Nintendo did there with the OoT sages. Not the deepest of threads, I know, just felt like saying this, hoping nintendo does things like this more often in future Zelda games (and no, I haven't played TP yet, so if there is something like that on it please don't tell me :()

What do you guys think? should Nintendo put more references to previous zelda games? or is it better to have each adventure on its own so to speak?

Caleb, Of Asui

Oh, I absolutely LOVE to see references / connections to other Zelda games in Zelda games, and I'd love to see that in future games just as much, though I believe story-spin-offs like Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask, and Phantom Hourglass have their own right to create their own world. I'm really big about the story and the timeline, so it's only natural that I like the connections.

Now that I think about it, The Wind Waker was the first time where Nintendo made it absolutely, completely obvious that there are supposed to be multiple Links in different time periods. That's pretty cool. :cool:
Oct 20, 2008
Being both surprised and excited by the references in The Wind Waker, I'd say that I would definitely love to see more references. I personally dislike the idea of all the games being very isolated; though I also do not care much for the idea of them all be extensively related.
In other games, I would like to see subtle references and depictions of past events-ones in other games.

Multiple Links is also something I take interest in, and I guess you could say "support". To me, it only makes sense. Regardless of what is, or what makes I sense, I think it'd be interesting to see more references to 'multiple Links'.

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