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Cats or Dogs?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Which do you like best and why?

I personally prefer Dogs as I find them to be more cute, particularly pugs. Dogs are more devoted to you than a cat is but they require more attention, they are my favourite animals but unfortunately I can't have one right now as I wouldn't be home enough for them and they'd be lonely.

Cats can be good too, there are some beautiful cats out there. The downside of cats for me is that they don't give a crap about you for the most part. I suppose the benefit is that they require less attention and are less high maintenance than a dog so you can leave a cat for extended periods of time.


Still Fandom Trash
Jul 7, 2015
Furthest Ring
Cats, because of a few reasons:

1. I find them more adorable, though I think most dogs are pretty cute too, and those cat memes on the internet get me every time XD

2. I've always been raised with cats, and have never owned a single dog. Cats have always been there, and I've seen kittens come into my house, and older cats die (Like how one of my of my older cats died a few months ago.) My whole family just likes cats better, overall.

3. Sure, dogs are more affectionate up front, but cats can be, too, but they make you work for their love. Dogs are kinda like sell-outs in that way. Most love anyone, and are loyal almost instantly. Cats, on the other hand, normally are cautious and territorial at first, but when you get to know them, and they know you, they soften up. You feel like you're accomplishing something by forming a bond with the animal, like a real relationship with a a friend, or someone else. It takes time, you know? Unless, of course, they're my Siamese cat I got a few years ago, who immediately began loving us, for whatever reason.

4. They can take care of themselves, for the most part. They'll eat, they'll use the bathroom, everything, just gotta leave them with the supplies out and ready. They might end up running into a wall, or jumping from a high shelf onto a TV, but it'll be okay! :D

5. Cats are obviously the descendants of ancient gods who were worshiped by many, but then fell and were brought to Earth by a malicious force, and were forced to become land dwellers, finally evolving into the house cats we see today.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Coming from a home in which we grew up with both cats and dogs I can tell you BOTH make you work for their love. But once you win them over, they love you uncontionally. And dogs definitely don't love everybody right from the start. Both cats and dogs can be a huge support during tough times. Both can even save lifes. There are dogs who can sense when someone is having a stroke or attack and make them sit down before it happens.

I really love both. But cats are more independant. Plus you don't have to walk the cat a couple of times a day like a dog. I'm living three floors high so a dog is not an option and I'm allergic to cats. This doesn't keep me from cuddling with my sister's cat though.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
i have a huge bias towards dogs,as its the only form of pet i've ever had aside that one goldfish (RIP Martin Vera ;-; )plus i remember seeing an article about a dog hanging around his dead owner's casket at a funeral home

heart aching stories aside,yeah im more on dogs,haven't had much experiences with cats


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
i have a huge bias towards dogs,as its the only form of pet i've ever had aside that one goldfish (RIP Martin Vera ;-; )plus i remember seeing an article about a dog hanging around his dead owner's casket at a funeral home

heart aching stories aside,yeah im more on dogs,haven't had much experiences with cats

I heard the story of how a dog ate its dead owners body. And how this dead lady's cats ate her face.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I love both, but I'm definitely more of a dog person. I find dogs to be a lot more loyal and playful than cats (although give a cat a bit of string or a laser pointer and you're in for a good time), even if they are a bit harder to take care of. As much as I find cats extremely cute, dogs are just flat out adorable, particularly pugs. I also find dogs to be better company than cats typically. If I was out living on my own, I'd get a dog before I got a cat.

I do enjoy watching cat videos though, idek why, I just love them.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I love both, but I'm definitely more of a dog person. I find dogs to be a lot more loyal and playful than cats (although give a cat a bit of string or a laser pointer and you're in for a good time), even if they are a bit harder to take care of. As much as I find cats extremely cute, dogs are just flat out adorable, particularly pugs. I also find dogs to be better company than cats typically. If I was out living on my own, I'd get a dog before I got a cat.

I do enjoy watching cat videos though, idek why, I just love them.

If you love pugs you should join the appreciation society here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/social-forums/the-pug-appreciation-society.86/


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
I never pictured you as a pug fellow @G-King.
Good on you....
They are very unhealthy dogs, and are likely to be fat... But just... Dawwwwwwww.....

I have a soft spot for Dogs, especially pugs... But regarding dogs, my heart will always belong to my King Charles Spaniel. She was the best pet I have ever owned.... She passed away last year. I was more sad for that than my Grandparents dying. She was truly the best friend I have ever had(and I have had some really amazing human friends).
She would always make sure I was okay if she sensed a storm was coming, or if I was sad, or if I was sick. She was always there for me, no matter. She was always jealous of my girlfriend, in such a cute and friendly way. She always climbed on top of me whenever she was here, as if to claim me. She always would treat every person with love, and more importantly sass. She gave you tough love when she was pissed at you. But she was always one to forgive. But like I said, she was always there for me no matter what. She was the one who comforted me when she was deathly ill, and I know she knew it was her time to pass. Right up to the last moment, she was trying to keep me from crying.
Rest in Peace.... Rest in Peace....
Jan 29, 2016
I like both, but because dogs require more attention, I prefer cats. Plus I like the squeeks and chirps my cats make when they're looking out a window. I've never heard a dog make noises like it before.

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