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Brokeback Mountain

Hylian Hobbit

Delightfully Delicious ;P
Aug 20, 2008
Ugh, you can't pay me to watch this movie. I saw the trailer, then wished I didn't see the trailer, and then went into a coma for 70 years!!!!!!1 Er, okay, maybe not that last part, but you get my point.
May 25, 2008
In my house
Saw it. I didn't really think too much of it either. I don't really think that it's going to be an ongoing joke on the interwebz as much as Rick or.......cancer. But it'll have it's time.


Lushier than Mercy!
Apr 14, 2008
Newfoundland, Canada
I didn't see it, and I don't plan on seeing it.
I've heard that is was 'alright, but not that great.' That it was very longwinded, and there were points where nothing was really going on.


Designed with you in mind
Dec 29, 2008
oh God i saw this movie a while ago. its disturbing in the parts the dudes are like thrusting and making out and all that stuff but if you can get past that, the message is pretty good and this movie is an interesting one.


Air Dancer
Jan 6, 2009
Why is it that people bash it because its about 2 gay guys? I mean.. maybe it does not creep me out as much because I am a girl.. I have not seen it yet.. but my friend saw and. And she said the messege was good. She said it kind of reminded her of the story by Kasuto. Love will leave you crying. I think that is the title.

Anyway... she said the messege was good in the movie. I will probably see it when I am older

Alder Dragon

Classic Gamer
Nov 20, 2007
Pennsylvania, USA
I've only seen about 30 minutes of it on TV and it was pretty boring. I might get around to watching it sometime in the future, but it's not on my "to-watch" list.

El Bagu

Wannabe Mr. 1-8-1
Jul 5, 2008
In Woods. N of River!
It is defenetly not my kind of movie. I guess this could be a sort of movie that was made just to upset some people. I am not a person who get upset with those things. I just don´t care that much. Maybe I said to much already, after all I never watched it (just the trailers).


Agent Of Chaos
Feb 11, 2009
Santiago, Chile
I was surfing through channels last nite and came across broeback mountain. And right there Jake gylenhaal (spellcheck?) says to Heath Ledger's character..."everything's a joke with you isn't it?".....those of you who watched The Dark Knight will understand how funny it was lol. As for the movie itself, I don't really care much.

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