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General Zelda Best 3D Art Style

Best art style

  • OoT-style

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SS-style

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • WW-style

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
Well, I'll start by saying I don't want to see it done again, but, I'm going with Wind Waker! I loved the solid colours and lack of textures along with the really defined cel-shading style, and the character proportions were so exaggerated and I liked the variety it gave people, but, one thing I adored about Wind Waker's art style were the animations! Specifically facial animations. I thought they worked extremely well, simple and yet they could convey so much emotion and it was cute and quirky and really gave the game some charm. Link especially has never had so much personality, and he didn't even say a word!

And that's why I wasn't the biggest fan of Skyward Sword's art style. I felt like it lost the charm that Wind Waker's cutesy, exaggerated expressions and proportions had. In no way did I dislike Skyward Sword, it was, and still is, a very pretty game, but the lack of that charm I adored so much in Wind Waker means I'll always peg it below.

As for Twilight Princess, and Ocarina of Time, I have no real strong feelings for or against either of them. I felt TP had a problem with a lot of colours getting quite flushed out, especially in the Twilight world, but, they served their purpose, weren't exciting but weren't exactly bad either, and OoT did look pretty good for it's time for sure, so, I can respect it for that. TP didn't exactly break boundaries when it was released. I'd peg both of them below Wind Waker and perhaps Skyward Sword too.

So, as I said, I liked Wind Waker the best but I like Wind Waker being what it is. That art-style should have stayed there, and I hope it doesn't get dregged up again for a console Zelda. I think more Twilight Princess would be the art-style I'd want them to try for a Zelda Wii U, I'd love to see a realistic Zelda made on the powerful(er) Wii U hardware.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
OoT/TP's art style is the best for Zelda in my honest opinion. They convey that the game is taken somewhat seriously. And it also attracts the LOLREALISTIC fanbase ever so slightly, so it ups sales too.


Nerdy and Proud
Jul 8, 2012
Behind My Computer Monitor
Hmm... that's a toughy

I think I'll go with SS though, even though I usually like realistic graphics more. The colours were gorgeous and soft, like watercolour. The characters could get away with looking and acting somewhat cartoony (Example: Groose) without it seeming unnatural. I don't really think I want this art style again--it fits SS and SS alone--but I loved it in SS and it's my favorite 3D style to date. :yes:


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I prefer OoT style. It helps the series success and I personally feel it's the best choice. However, I don't think the cartoony style ever reached its full potential.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
My favorite would have to be what was shown in The Wind Waker. The simple colors, cel shading, and cartoon art style really complemented the mood of the game. Characters could be much more emotive and stylized, which I really enjoyed. The choice of simple colors really brought the world to life, and without it, everything would feel bland. I'd love this art style to return in future games, even if I have to survive through inevitable complaining.

As for the art style in Twilight Princess, well, I think it looks good in its own ways, but some things I just don't like. For example, some characters have cartoonish designs, which would be okay if it were cel-shaded, but the choice of realistic shading and colors in this game made these characters look like mutants or freaks, especially when compared to some characters that had more realistic designs. I'd say choose on look or the other, don't mix the two too much, as it can yield some... unsettling results.
Aug 10, 2013
City of Angels
Sure, TP's graphics were dark and somewhat "realistic," but it wasn't anything special. Don't get me wrong, the game was beautiful, but it just didn't stick out to me as WW's graphics did. The toon-y, cell-shaded art style was unique and beautiful to look at. It was bright and cheerful, and it fit the tone of the game very well. Plus, cell-shaded games usually age very well. Ten tears from now, it will still be very beautiful to look at, whereas most of the games from that generation will be dull and dated.


They all have their own ups and downs. Oot and TP both had realistic styles and they were trying to gain a mature audience (after WW did so poorly in the US because of it's cartoony style they wanted to move as far away from it as possible so they made TP) while WW and SS both had a more cartoonish feel while if you played those games they still convey a ton of emotion. So all in all they were all good for what they were trying to accomplish.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Y u no make this multiple choice. ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

Anyway, it's gotta be a tie between The Wind Waker and Skyward Sword for me. TWW's cel-shaded art style was very impressive-looking, especially for its time, and it was integrated into the very world itself -- part of what made the game feel like a cartoon was its visuals, a feat no other Zelda has managed to do with their individual themes.

As for Skyward Sword, I think it's pretty obvious. Everything looks like a painting, with things up close looking like watercolor come to life in 3D, and things in the distance resembling impressionism. The way the art style was designed also allowed for it to match any given tone the game threw at us, which is a pretty remarkable feat.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
I've got to say the OoT style simply smashes all others.

It is a style with so many races and locations brilliantly designed around it. I mean the visuals in TP and OoT and MM are just gorgeous. They aren't as colorful as WW, you say. Well, no. Look at the Fire Temple or Water Temple or Ikana Canyon. The bright colors of WW are gone, but the atmosphere and feel for any possible epic, scary, or whimsical design is present.

The realism also adds a tension that's harder to build in WW. The grit and epicness of TP feels distinctly Tolkien at times, and that's awesome. It's just so much more serious and tension-building than stylized graphics. I pray the realism of these games is brought back in HD soon. The technical abilities would be epic.

When you combine the brilliance of Zelda as a whole with the OoT style, nothing can beat it.

WW is decent, but cartoony and limiting in the scare department. I like the colors and the darknut design, but I overall prefer the style of TP. It's decent, but it sure wouldn't work well for the Hyrule setting. The Great sea was built for cel-shading, and it should stay that way. The Hyrule section in WW looks bad compared to the rest of the game.

SS is a decent style. I wouldn't mind an HD return. I just feel they need to put some classic Zelda locations and enemies into it. I really want to see them in that style. It's a nice balance of the two, and the colors looks great. I must simply state that it also fails to build the immersion and experience of the OoT style. The epic scale and simple approach simply can't be beat.
Jul 1, 2013
The most well executed style is Wind Waker's, for sure. My favorite though would be Skyward Sword's. I've always been a sucker for impressionism. ^^

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