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Bank and Shop Suggestions


Staff member
Hello Everyone

Today I have added two new add-ons to the forums, one for money, and the shop.

Firstly, the money add-on. You earn money by doing various activities around the forums such as:
- Login ($1 - once per day only)
- Having a birthday ($50 - once per year only)
- Complete your profile ($20)
- Follow a user ($1)
- Unfollow a user (-$1)
- Gain a follower ($5)
- Lose a follower (-$5)
- Post on another member's profile ($1 - up to 10 per day)
- Receive a post on your profile ($1 - up to 10 per day)
- Update your status ($2 - once per day only)
- Post New Thread ($20 per thread)
- Create a Poll ($10)
- Vote in a Poll ($2)
- Have a thread Sticky'd ($50)
- Make a Post ($5 per post)
- Receive a like ($1)

All above amounts are subject to change and suggestion below, so feel free to provide feedback on those. Any acquired money will also be able to be sent to other members as gifts.

You'll be able to use acquired money in the shop to purchase permissions, at the moment you can purchase a subscription to a private forum called Lorule Lounge, which is supposed to be a more relaxed forum where the forum rules will be more relaxed (will clarify this later on, but as a general idea a lower post quality will be expected there so you can post more casual things than elsewhere).

More permissions will be added soon, feel free to suggest them as well as any feedback below.
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Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
We should be able to purchase fonts. And Pokemon like before. Also I can already feel the memery that's going to go down at Lorule Lounge.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
To get the $1 for logging in, do we actually have to, like, physically login? Cuz I'm constantly signed in so I don't have to bother with that, cuz I'm lazy :P

As for suggestions, I liked being able to buy things, like masks or Pokemon, to display in our postbit. That was always fun. I also really enjoyed being able to purchase gifts for people that also show up in their postbit, if that's possible.

Also pls bring back stalker goggles i love stalker goggles

Username customizations would be welcome if Xenforo allows such an option. :)


Staff member
Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
I also really enjoyed being able to purchase gifts for people that also show up in their postbit, if that's possible.
^I second this. I think it'd be great if we were able to purchase gifts for users to display on their profiles, like we were able to do before we switched to XenForo.

EDIT: Also on the index, at the top-right, above the staff online box where your personal info is displayed, would it be possible to make the "money" info appear underneath the "like" count rather than above the "messages" count?
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Still Fandom Trash
Jul 7, 2015
Furthest Ring
This seems like a pretty interesting concept! At first, when I saw "Money" up in the top right corner, I thought ZD added micro transactions, which honestly doesn't make sense now that I think about it XD. Hmmm... how about adding custom fonts? Maybe you can purchase fonts from the shop, or make your own? Also, you could sell exclusive themes to change the forum's look.
Aug 12, 2015
Ah, so that's what that was about. I thought that was a cruel way for ZD to remind me I should get a job.

On a more serious note though, won't this kind of encourage spamming?


Staff member
Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
On a more serious note though, won't this kind of encourage spamming?
A few years ago when we were on a different forum software, we used to have a gold system and a shop in place and, from memory, there was no notable increase in the amount of spam. It's against the rules anyway to make spam posts, so I'm sure the mods will deal with any spam accordingly if it does happen.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
We should be able to buy new smileys and use in the forums. We should also be able to buy a new color that shows on our Avatar name.

So for example, instead of:
Lozjam(in white)
I could have it as:

Also, I think Likes should get the person way more money(perhaps even $5) to encourage quality posting. Quality over quantity.
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Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
How did Jimmy get 9,936 so fast?

Lol, anyway I think if we could do some of the popular things that the VBshop had that'd be cool.

Username and Usertitle customization.

The option to buy masks and pokemon, just stuff that people can buy and have down around their postbit.

Maybe we can try a betting system?
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Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
@Jimmy.F27 So the concept of that Lorule Lounge is you have to either buy in weekly, or monthly? I see that there is a lifetime option but it's unavailable. Wouldn't it be better to have a yearly option to purchase, a price of $2,160? That way people can pay one time and have a full year with it instead of paying 12 times each month.
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Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Can we disable that notification that tells you "you got $5 for posting" also can we get the currency for the different nationalities?
Yeah I was going to ask the same thing. It also looks like we can change our preferences to turn off our own ways of getting credit. For example, I can disable myself from receiving credit for posting, this stops the alerts but makes it so I won't get credit for posting at all.

Edit: I assumed that, but it turns out you can manage notification preferences but still get credit. So I jumped to false conclusions, lol.
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Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Yeah I was going to ask the same thing. It also looks like we can change our preferences to turn off our own ways of getting credit. For example, I can disable myself from receiving credit for posting, this stops the alerts but makes it so I won't get credit for posting at all.

But i like getting credit i dun wanna turn it off T.T


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