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Ask a Stupid Question/Get a Stupid Answer

Cel-Shaded Deku

Ha ha, charade you are!
Jul 24, 2010
Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women!
It's trying to warn you that there's a zombie behind you.

If you were cryogenicly frozen for a thousand years and you woke up to a world where everyone was named Albert would you want to find out why everyone is named Albert or would you first meet the only person named Mike?


What's Life Without Adult Humor?
Jan 13, 2012
You would question the Alberts, for you see, Albert is a name they threw out years ago, because it turned into a derogatory term for a male body part, and people don't like that.

When the world ends, what will you do?

Cel-Shaded Deku

Ha ha, charade you are!
Jul 24, 2010
Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women!
Get 1000 stupid people, one to hold and replace the light bulb and 999 to move the building.

If a river cuts through a sack of potatoes and it's Wednesday the thirteenth next to a bottle of strawberry jam does the cheerleader have to fix the chocolate bunny's computer or eat more Barnacle chips because they're delicious the way Patrick eats them?

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