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Breath of the Wild Are you going to avoid Zelda U footage?

Before Skyward Sword was released a good amount of the game was available on youtube to see, Nintendo released so much footage of skyward sword that there was very little left to discover if you'd kept up with the released footage.

The same could potentially happen for Zelda U. The five minutes of footage we have between the trailer and the gameplay video could easily balloon to hours of footage especially if its playable at e3 like Aonuma said it would be...

So, will you be avoiding the footage of Zelda U? Are you going to be selective and only watch trailers or are you going to follow it from its beginning to its end and view all the footage you can find?

Azure Sage

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I'll probably just stick to trailers like I did with Skyward Sword. I don't want to be spoiled. I hate being spoiled. I want to see a town, some of a dungeon, who the main villain is, what Zelda looks like... And that's about all I want to see before I get the game. Any more than that and I will be rather miffed.


Jul 1, 2012

I'm so deprived of everything Zelda that literally anything to do with the new release gets me excited. Factor in the huge disappointment that was Skyward Sword and that pretty much justifies my reasonings.

I've been waiting so long for a 3D installment to recapture that moment of when I first experienced Twilight Princess. So let's hope this game does achieve that, but in the mean time I'm going to get overhyped which will probably be my downfall but whatever.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
I agree with JC, I'm not going to avoid trailers either. I need to know more before I make my final decision that either whether or not, I even want the game.


Sep 21, 2013
The Expansion
I will watch every trailer and every bit of gameplay of Zelda U... up until around when the game releases, or like a week before, because I know that's when more spoiler-y things will start to pop up.

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
Probably, yeah. Or at least I won't overdo it haha.

I'm very excited to see this brand new Zelda and all it's beautiful features, but I don't want the trailers and game footage to spoil the fun of discovering what's new in this game compared to older Zelda titles.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I'm experiencing Zelda withdrawals. It's been so long since we've seen even a trace of evidence that such a game exists, it's time to start bringing out the footage. We haven't even seen a freaking trailer yet and the game's supposed to be released this year. I'm gonna absorb myself into as much Zelda U news and footage as I can.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
I'll probably look up some of the gameplay but not enough footage to ruin any story elements.
I'll probably do what I did with A Link Between Worlds; stick my toe in a little bit to check the temperature and then decide from there. I need to assess the situation to make sure it's "safe" for me to be snooping around spoiler-y material. So yeah, I'll maybe view a few overview and gameplay videos, but that'll likely be it unless I decide otherwise.
Jan 30, 2015
under the moon
W/e footage is released, I'll be watching it. Every time I see a footage of a new Zelda game, it makes me want to get more and more. Could there be spoilers? Yeah, but I have no problem with it because in the end, I have to play the game myself to see what really happens and whether or not the game can live up to it's expectations.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
Probably not. I only tend to avoid story spoilers, and Zelda's not the type of game I look to for a great story. Therefore, bring it all on!

Plus, I'm very curious about the world and how it's designed and would like to see more of that.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Before Skyward Sword was released a good amount of the game was available on youtube to see, Nintendo released so much footage of skyward sword that there was very little left to discover if you'd kept up with the released footage.

The same could potentially happen for Zelda U. The five minutes of footage we have between the trailer and the gameplay video could easily balloon to hours of footage especially if its playable at e3 like Aonuma said it would be...

So, will you be avoiding the footage of Zelda U? Are you going to be selective and only watch trailers or are you going to follow it from its beginning to its end and view all the footage you can find?


I made a thread ages ago almost the same as this one saying I would avoid them. But I have come to the realization that I just wont be able to help myself. I am so deprived of info that if they put it out there I will view it!


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(

I made a thread ages ago almost the same as this one saying I would avoid them. But I have come to the realization that I just wont be able to help myself. I am so deprived of info that if they put it out there I will view it!

Agreed. We're all getting so tired of waiting for more of Zelda Wii U, we're going through some kind of Zelda Wii U withdrawal/deprive or something like that where we just need more info more and more looks at the game like soon before we reach the stage of our minds where we all go insane.

Seriously, at this rate, Zelda Wii U better be worth wait. Seriously, I just need know more. This lack of that much info, hardly much visuals of the game, missing subtitle, no plot revealed, no story info, no timeline placement yet, is all driving me nuts.

I can see what Nintendo meant by how and why it was a bad idea to show off the game in 2013. I starting worry that the only reason they anything last year in 2014 at all, E3 teaser and Game Awards footage was only because we wanted to see game so soon. I'm afraid they could be rushing the game out because of us for all we know.

I want this game to hurry and come out already so I can play it but I also don't want to be rushed. That's why I believe in a way, as we want the game so soon, we shouldn't push Nintendo so hard, we need to let them take their time with the game so it can be perfect. As much as I want this game so bad already, that's why I don't think it's a good idea for game to come out this year. I think the game should come out next year instead is, because I feel like the only real reason Nintendo is trying to push for a 2015 release is, because of us.

I just really don't want this game that already has excited to be rushed, I think would ruin the hype it's rushed and the full experience it was supposed to have isn't there because of it. That's just my opinion though.
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