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Are Any of the Links Connected Besides OOT and MM

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and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
Well there is the first Link of LoZ and AoL, that one is the most obvious.

ALTTP and LA are normally considered to have the same Link even if certain people disagree with that. The oracle series uses the same Link and it is unknown which adventure really came first. And the Link of WW was the same Link of PH.

There are a couple theorized direct relations such as the Link of ST possibly being a descendant of the Link of WW, but that is not confirmed. The same is thought of the Link from Minish Cap to the Link of Four Swords, but that is also not confirmed. MC Link could also be related to the Hero of Men in the MC backstory. Also not confirmed, but they just so happen to look exactly alike.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Well, yeah. The original two Zelda games and WW to PH. Other than that, they're all bloodline (save WW's to OoT's).

Oh, yeah, and what Djinn said about the A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening Link. It's not exactly proven, but Link's Awakening is supposed to be shortly after A Link to the Past.

The oracle series uses the same Link and it is unknown which adventure really came first.

We don't even know if the Oracle games are even on the "timeline," much less if one follows the other. If you ask me, they're just alternate stories. I mean, they both start out the exact same way. He's riding on a horse (I'm guessing which is supposed to be Epona, as she's Link's horse) and comes upon this cliff, so he rears back his horse. At the bottom of the cliff is this castle. He goes into it, and inside are these Triforce piece kinda things separate from each other. They start to spin and Link is teleported. The only differences between the two is, of course, where he lands, and that one takes place at sunset. In other words, I think the Oracle games were meant to be side-games. I mean, I doubt Link's going to start riding to the exact same area, come across the exact same cliff, and go into the exact...you get my point.


Gone (Wind) Fishin'
Jul 16, 2010
Montreal, QC, Canada
We don't even know if the Oracle games are even on the "timeline," much less if one follows the other. If you ask me, they're just alternate stories. I mean, they both start out the exact same way. He's riding on a horse (I'm guessing which is supposed to be Epona, as she's Link's horse) and comes upon this cliff, so he rears back his horse. At the bottom of the cliff is this castle. He goes into it, and inside are these Triforce piece kinda things separate from each other. They start to spin and Link is teleported. The only differences between the two is, of course, where he lands, and that one takes place at sunset. In other words, I think the Oracle games were meant to be side-games. I mean, I doubt Link's going to start riding to the exact same area, come across the exact same cliff, and go into the exact...you get my point.
That is the cinematic displayed before the title screen; neither OoA or OoS start that way. That is the "back story" to OoX; Link was called by the Triforce to continue on an adventure, one that either begins with Labrynna or Holodrum. In a sense, the order of OoA and OoS is interchangeable, but both happen in direct sequence. This is the purpose of the linked mechanism between the two games, to demonstrate that they happen one after the other in a continuous adventure. As a linked series of games, they both have the same series of beginnings (the cinematic you described) and the very last bit of the linked endings is identical in both games. The purpose of this is likely to demonstrate that the order of the Oracle games doesn't necessarily matter, merely that in terms of a timeline, they happen directly after one another. It is a little confusing if you don't play the linked sequences.

Both Oracle games are most certainly canon, as they fit into several specific niches in the timeline and have often been confirmed to have connectivity with other games.

Carrying on with what Djinn has said, those are generally the accepted Links who have gone on multiple adventures.
Jan 9, 2011
Also, The link in TP is on the same bloodline as the hero's shade, who may or not be a past link. in addition WW link knows some of the moves passed on by the hero's shade's bloodline, Helmsplitter and backslice, so he is also maybe connected to the hero's shade bloodline. Alttp link is part of the bloodline of hylian knights, the hylians knights are also present in AoL, teaching link attacks, so AoL link may or not be a part of this bloodline aswell


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
That is the cinematic displayed before the title screen; neither OoA or OoS start that way. That is the "back story" to OoX; Link was called by the Triforce to continue on an adventure, one that either begins with Labrynna or Holodrum. In a sense, the order of OoA and OoS is interchangeable, but both happen in direct sequence. This is the purpose of the linked mechanism between the two games, to demonstrate that they happen one after the other in a continuous adventure. As a linked series of games, they both have the same series of beginnings (the cinematic you described) and the very last bit of the linked endings is identical in both games. The purpose of this is likely to demonstrate that the order of the Oracle games doesn't necessarily matter, merely that in terms of a timeline, they happen directly after one another. It is a little confusing if you don't play the linked sequences.

Opening sequences are always what happened before the games start. That's the whole point of them being there. I really don't see how you can say otherwise to that. Saying that he was "called" back to the same place is really just...out there. I don't know where you're getting that from.

Both Oracle games are most certainly canon, as they fit into several specific niches in the timeline and have often been confirmed to have connectivity with other games.

I've watched the Oracle games played in streams, and there are certainly no connections to any of the other games. Not even references.

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
Opening sequences are always what happened before the games start. That's the whole point of them being there. I really don't see how you can say otherwise to that. Saying that he was "called" back to the same place is really just...out there. I don't know where you're getting that from.

I've watched the Oracle games played in streams, and there are certainly no connections to any of the other games. Not even references.

Not true, at the end of the credits, if you beat the linked games, and beat ganon, it'll show the begining of Links Awakening, or at the very least Link getting on a boat that looked just like the one he wrecked with in Links Awakening. In order to see that you had have beaten the linked game, or use the code from the same game, and go back and beat it again. (I think it only shows after that ending? might still show in normal ending can't remember)

so the oracle's Link is the same one from Links awakening.


Hyrule Historia places it after Link to the Past, how ever it was probably intended at the time of their creation to be continuing after Majora's mask.

further edit:

We could just concede the timeline is BS, and no matter how you organize the games it can't make 100% sense, because when they were made, they were made with out regards to said timeline.

I like to consider personally the OoT, MM, OoA/OoS the hero of time saga, because well, the first 2 are the same link , the 2nd 2 also same Link, and at the time they were made, picked up with Link riding off as he had after OoT into the beginning of MM. Some one indicating that it was supposed to happen afterwards, at least thats what capcom was thinking at the time. And all 4 games in some extend have time control powers. That was always my views until the so called official timeline was released and decided they should happen after Link to the Past.

But where ever they occur, they directly precede Link's Awakening.

edit more so:

Wow i didn't even notice the dates on the comment i was replying too. Ok then, well i still agree with what i said, and random necroing is good at confusing people who don't look at all the dates in a thread.
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