Also- I'd like to add that I thought about it. I thought about it again and realized that "Offended" is not the word to be used here.
What I feel is not offence, but just being upset. I'm saddened, and slightly disgusted at that semi-selfish act.
I can't have "offence" because in no way did it insult me. However, I think I'm okay with saying I feel disappointed and upset that somebody did this. I mean- it would easily upset me in the same kind of way if I heard that one was destroyed by accident. But knowing that it wasn't just an unfortunate circumstance that happened by chance, and instead that it was done with purposeful INTENT, it does break my heart just a little bit more. Honestly, I feel this way when almost any electronic device gets destroyed. I really don't know why- but I guess because it's lost technology- and that it's a destruction of what somebody made.
(and there could be some childhood association with bad times of my past. Long story- but to put it simply, My stuff (namely my games and electronic devices) would get broken when some of my family members fought and broke stuff. I just don't like to see man-made creations get destroyed- specially purposefully)
But yeah- The main point is that it is a limited thing, and there's one less happy Zelda-fan in the world that would have enjoyed that console.
Also- another view of it (which, by the way, may not be a good way of thinking- it's just something that popped into my head as a possible like of reasoning somebody might have), could be that by doing this, He could be rubbing it in the face of all those unfortunate Zelda-fans out there that didn't have enough money to get one. I mean, he bought this Zelda system (kinda expensive in our economy) and destroyed it just because he could. That (to some) could sound like a slap in the face to all the poor people who couldn't afford one. It's like- "Look at me, I have all this money that I can blow, and you don't, and since I don't appreciate this as much as you would, I'm going to destroy it". Now, don't get the wrong idea. I personally don't think that's what this guy was trying to do, but some people might take it that way. The only reason I bring this possibility up is because I know some people who actually think this way. And to those people, it's probably more of an offence to them.