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Breath of the Wild Amiibo dread

Well, the Amiibo line is quite cool i think. I do love the ones i have but my god are they like gold dust!

I'm yet to find Meta Knight or King Dedede, no specialist store in England ever got a delivery of them as far as i can tell which just sucks! (Good luck me getting Zero suit Samus and Ganondorf then, since each new wave is more scarce than the last...)

Their scarcity is something that really bugs me, like Disney Infinity and Skylanders Amiibo open up new possibilities in games and i'll be damned if i miss anything that i really want to play...

So, as far as Zelda U is concerned (a game that HAS to have Amiibo support because of its prestige alone being enough to market Amiibo compatibility and use) are you dreading the amiibo functionality?

I am, because no doubt i wont be able to find the sodding things =[


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
A store is not the only place to buy Amiibo. Online is also a good place. Surely you could look for one there?
Oct 14, 2013
There will be some Amiibo cards in the future. So if you're lucky you can just get an Amiibo card to get the ingame content you want. The toy Amiibo though I think they will be very rare. Nothing seems to be changing that fact anytime soon.

I will be getting some Amiibo cards for the games I like (when these games are released).

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I think Amiibos are stupid personally, so ya, I am dreading them. I don't know how long it'll be before I'm able to play the game, but I don't want to have to purchase an Amiibo to do stuff in the game. Not sure that that's exactly what they'll be for, but if it is, it's totally a Sony/Microsoft thing to do and is a simple moneygrab.
Jan 30, 2015
under the moon
If it's something similar like Hyrule Warriors, where the stuff you get isn't necessary, then I don't mind. Something like, it helps out, but you don't really need it.

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