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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

Jun 25, 2023
This suggestion feels like it's putting the cart before the horse, like lain is trying to take advantage of Storm's claimed low threshold - especially given Storm was already under more pressure at that point. Fae says that it's good for town regardless of whether Storm is telling the truth or not but fail to consider the very possible explanation that Storm is simply telling the truth completely and a dead town player is, uh, not good for town??

Also it's ironic that lain is trying to do this all just to get info on Storm when it's probably better info-wise to arrest fae over Storm to confirm that fae has no hostile motivations against the mech confirmed town Norman Osborn, regardless of what fae claims about the matter.
To try to explain where i was coming from, at that point multiple people were accusing storm of being kingpin and their only defense was that they had a lynch threshold so people shouldn't vote them, and they only said that after rubik mentioned that possibility. To me it seemed like they kinda just made it up given that they didn't say anything about it until another player brought it up. Anyway, in regular mafia games people die when they are voted out; that they might die didn't seem like a good reason to not vote someone that multiple people were legitimately suspicious of. I probably came on too strongly but I still think what they said was really suspicious.

Also it's ironic that lain is trying to do this all just to get info on Storm when it's probably better info-wise to arrest fae over Storm to confirm that fae has no hostile motivations against the mech confirmed town Norman Osborn, regardless of what fae claims about the matter.
...Oh, I guess we probably wouldn't get more info by arresting lain then.
I'm fine with going to the science event to prove i'm not mafia aligned if someone sends me the taxi fee in time. unfortunately don't have enough for it otherwise >:. IG from your perspective I could still be town and also have a motivation that makes me want to mess with norman... but it would still be some info, right?

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
In case you missed it, zinger basically verified that the kingpin of crime account refers to the title, not the character, and so its not certain that the person posting from the kingpin account is william fisk. In the opening post one of the pages depicts the crime master giving a rally with the text edited to refer to him as "kingpin", which is probably meant to reinforce the idea that the kingpin here refers to a title and not an individual.

Based on your proposed multiple mafias setup it seems possible that the different groups could be fighting for control of the title.
Ooo I actually kinda dig this theory and it kinda tracks with the multiple Kingpins throughout the comics history

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
You mean you're enjoying my current brainstate as well? So much going on, yet very little to go on yet. But I am looking forward to tonight!
Me too I'm certainly enjoying the game but I feel like I know nothing and that lost feeling drives me crazy in mafia

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
Going off of the whole scum debate of Kingpin, I think it's plausible that like SMM3 we're starting out with a handful of scum, a handful of town, and a handful of designated 3p people and the majority of players have the possibility to swing either way. Based on spider man lore, there's probably a good amount of villain potential in the making. The real question is how many of those villains to be are willing or able to not turn evil and instead fight for a town, even if their powers are likely to be far less cool. (Again based on how some of the spiders last game got nerfed upon achieving motivation).
I bet a million dollars black cat is some kinda 3P
Jun 15, 2020
In case you missed it, zinger basically verified that the kingpin of crime account refers to the title, not the character, and so its not certain that the person posting from the kingpin account is william fisk. In the opening post one of the pages depicts the crime master giving a rally with the text edited to refer to him as "kingpin", which is probably meant to reinforce the idea that the kingpin here refers to a title and not an individual.
If I made a list of every marvel character who has ever gone by the title Kingpin of Crime (or some obvious derivative thereof), it would blow your mind.

Sure, 75% of them are some variant of Wilson Fisk. But still.

Like did you know that Matt Murdock was the Kingpin for a while? Maybe Daredevil is in this game, and he's controlling the Kingpin account! Wouldn't that be hilarious? :P


aka amber
Jun 25, 2020
with that said storm used an ability on me that makes me pretty sure he's not kingpin. I'm 90% sure he's max dillon based on the flavour of his ability, which makes arresting him redundant. Its also consistent with his character breadcrumbing.
what makes arresting him redundant again? if it's just for character name fair enough, i guess, but i don't really know how character names relate to alignment and honestly im still kind of inclined to vote him since i don't really like how he responded to pressure and yet continually refuses to address questions about said responses

im willing to just throw my hat into the cl pile if that's what it looks like people are going for though, since at this point im not sure a storm wagon will pan out and id like to see an arrest made today

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I probably wouldn't include Bullseye in this game unless Daredevil himself was also included. If Daredevil was in the game and set to team up with Spidey at some point to take down the Kingpin, then it might make sense thematically to put Bullseye (working for Kingpin) in their path. Without hornhead in the mix, what would be the point of including Bullseye?

Now, whether or not you think I would include Daredevil in a Spider-Man Mafia game is anybody's guess.

Ok, I'm willing to think Daredevil is in the game now, or will be, as well as Bullseye too potentially.

@lain you don't have enough to ride the bus instead?
Last edited:
Jun 25, 2023
update: someone sent me the money (ty!!!) so I'm going. Hope the exhibit is fun!


I, Chocobo
Jun 28, 2020
In answer to Killjoy's earlier question, as long as I whisper I'm harder for the bad guys to find.

I also have a few thoughts. While I do not dispute that Rag has contributed critical thinking and commendable zeal in attempting to solve the game so far, this is not quite the indication of towniness that some have appeared to assume. The nature of this game (some percentage of origin roles, a potentially scattered mafia) is such that even non-town alignments are likely compelled to play "town-like" insofar as they don't have the knowledge advantage that mafia tends to have in simpler games and will therefore be forced to feel out the landscape of threats. We ought, at least, to be wary of that.

More importantly, it seems to me that "Rag is town" has become so safe a potential "read" that we probably ought to be scrutinizing folks who have listed only Rag as their likeliest town candidate. It's the soft equivalent of parking a vote on a safe/consensus wagon.

As for whether to take info from the Kingpin account with a grain of salt, probably true, but I also don't see the harm of analyzing it when so far it feels like it had clues in it. At least analyzing it could maybe help us get an idea of what to expect, and if the info is embelished, well, I'd rather expect there are multiple split factions/players, or that there eventually could be, over disregarding and being surprised later.
I also wanted to note that this response somehow struck me as slightly too defensive in context (in that Rag never suggested that analyzing the Kingpin was misguided). One doesn't normally need to defend trying to solve the game unless one is either attempting to set the narrative in a favorable way or is otherwise worried about how one's post might come off.


I, Chocobo
Jun 28, 2020
I'm fine with going to the science event to prove i'm not mafia aligned if someone sends me the taxi fee in time. unfortunately don't have enough for it otherwise >:. IG from your perspective I could still be town and also have a motivation that makes me want to mess with norman... but it would still be some info, right?
I'm curious how going to the science event proves you're not mafia. (Perhaps I missed something.)

Edit: Disregard, I am a dumb. I have now found Zinger's post.

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