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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

Aug 22, 2019
I've skimmed and read what I was told may be important, but I am still very lost. Not to worry, however! I'm sure it won't come back to haunt me later. Aaaanyway....
Jun 3, 2023
SMS' Discord Handle is Tevish Szat. So they are one in the same. I mean theres 3 Asfinytis so its not unheard of
SMS is Spiritual Mask Salesman and has the discord handle of Vehk, whereas Tevish Szat is an entirely separate player!!
Aug 22, 2019
I could be mistaken. It might be Gemini the pancake samurai
That sounds a lot more plausible.

In other news, does anyone have a camera? I'd rather not need them, but if things go awry at any point I apparently need to be incredibly vain and have pictures of myself on hand. And well, I'm not able to afford my own camera.
Jun 25, 2020
I don't want to fight you, I'm just nervous about the kinds of tricks Zinger might play on us. I fully expect that there's some secret mechanic hidden in your financial information and I want to make sure that we're prepared in case someone like that does happen.

If you'd read the paper you'd have seen that all of our articles that mentioned you were filled with praise for you. I want Norm to lead town to victory, it sounds like a blast to have the most iconic Spiderman villain as our hero.

If you want to tell me anything privately and don't want me to share it you're always welcome to do so through the letters to the editor. Just be sure to specify that you don't want it shared if you do.


But seriously, another post noted that you didn't respond to me and instead vagueposted about doubting the mod/my pm.

The financial information section is redacted literally just to not out what all of the corps do as that would affect more than myself.

Shoot i forgot to post this
Jul 14, 2023
Yes we can omg I love you so much I hope we last forever uwu

Forever :)
Jun 15, 2020
sorry for my extended absence, yesterday wasn't great for me, will work on catching up now.

Welcome back. Hope you enjoy the newspaper on page 22 (assuming your viewing settings and number of posts per page are the same as mine). :D And there's a comic cover I posted at some point that might be of interest too.

Also, if you haven't been checking the Discord (and this goes for any players who haven't been), there's a #mod-announcements channel that really everyone should be looking at. Juuust saying.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018

But seriously, another post noted that you didn't respond to me and instead vagueposted about doubting the mod/my pm.

The financial information section is redacted literally just to not out what all of the corps do as that would affect more than myself.

Shoot i forgot to post this

I don't want to fight you, I'm just a newsman, not a titan of industry.

I'm not sure what I vague-posted about but if you ask for direct elaboration I can always try to provide it.

Your pm probably also includes how much money you have in your account and in your corporate account, which are both necessary to gauge your power level. I wouldn't want bad people to know about that, though, so I'm not gonna press you on that. I just know that zinger is a tricky fellow.

If you want to be a pal you could always send the Bugle what each stock does for minority and majority shareholders, since knowing that could benefit town potentially. I can even keep some or all of it secret if you think there's good reason to do so.

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