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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
But Gumballs vote wluld not. Now they have some static electricity for giving me some static. And Rag would have 3


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
I cant believe youre goimg to try to arrest me. On my Visitation Day with My Daughter. When my only crime i commited was asking for money. Quite the hangable offense.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
I mean do what you want. I dont care anymore. Let the elite players always win and beat up the little guy because its east and fun and they love the feel of the raw flesh in their teeth.

Can we go after people that actually want to harm town and are not here because this is the only social interaction they get where people dont ask him for **** or throw money in his face for that **** or demand tasks be done for them or else?

If you vote me, youre part of the Problem. Cant we all just get along?


Staff member
almost missed this next to the flawless plan
why would goblin be better than supervillain?
ok so Freddeh's role PM is kinda public
iirc it said it was able to make a lot of different types of goblin potions, which I'd assume transforms the players they're used on

earlier in D1 (?) Rag did some flavor solving and it seems like a couple of the goblins are superheroes, so there might be a chance we can convert Storm into one of those instead


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
I give up. Come kill me, Mafia. Slice my throat, Kraven. Put a Pumpkin Grenade in my throat, Goblin. I dont care anymore. You guys will always think the worst of me. Why even keep on living?


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
What part of " mundane Votes dont work" do you not understand?
respectfully, what the **** else am i supposed to do man

i literally don't know anything about the game state all i know is "storm confirmed super villain" am i just supposed to not use everything in my power not to take out the biggest anti town unit am i just supposed to sit on my ass and wait for a hero to come save me like a little *****

you could even be lying about mundane votes just so people will be scared to vote for you
With 13.5 votes against, Storm is at M+3.5.
i literally don't know what this means, it looks like you're above majority to me with 12 names on you. what do you want from me
I mean do what you want. I dont care anymore. Let the elite players always win and beat up the little guy because its east and fun and they love the feel of the raw flesh in their teeth.

Can we go after people that actually want to harm town and are not here because this is the only social interaction they get where people dont ask him for **** or throw money in his face for that **** or demand tasks be done for them or else?

If you vote me, youre part of the Problem. Cant we all just get along?
Storm, this isn't personal. We've been told you are confirmed anti town. I'm just trying to play to my wincon.
ok so Freddeh's role PM is kinda public
iirc it said it was able to make a lot of different types of goblin potions, which I'd assume transforms the players they're used on

earlier in D1 (?) Rag did some flavor solving and it seems like a couple of the goblins are superheroes, so there might be a chance we can convert Storm into one of those instead
going goblin sounds dangerous to me but ig i wasn't there for flavor solving. flavor solving doesn't confirm anything for me imo, this is zinger's AU

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