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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]


Jan 19, 2018
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If you're a threat to town town literally can't win with you in the active player pool. If you can win without being in the active player pool then the possibility for a truce exists, i suppose, but otherwise we'll have to deal with you eventually. Do you have a way of generating money that doens't involve taking it from other players? I wouldn't mind seeing KoD stolen from, but the sort of random thefts you were doing as max dillon probably constitute aggression towards the town in my eyes.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
If you're a threat to town town literally can't win with you in the active player pool. If you can win without being in the active player pool then the possibility for a truce exists, i suppose, but otherwise we'll have to deal with you eventually. Do you have a way of generating money that doens't involve taking it from other players? I wouldn't mind seeing KoD stolen from, but the sort of random thefts you were doing as max dillon probably constitute aggression towards the town in my eyes.
I can rob banks. I need to rob 7 banks, and then I should have enough Money. part of the money is for Step 2 of the Motivation ( ****ing 60's cheuvanism)

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
make deals. never reveal your whole hand. let me fufill my Motivation. thats all I really want to do. achieve a goal. I swear on Pendio's Life I will not act in aggression towards town unless provoked
damn, I know you and I know you wouldn't actually make a swear like that unless you actually meant what you said. But like, you're a supervillain... you have to see why it's hard to trust you, it's like playing with fire, or electricity in this scenario. Is your wincon even compatible with town?


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
damn, I know you and I know you wouldn't actually make a swear like that unless you actually meant what you said. But like, you're a supervillain... you have to see why it's hard to trust you, it's like playing with fire, or electricity in this scenario. Is your wincon even compatible with town?
As long as im in the Active Pool and nobody tries to kill me and lives, we can win together. It might take a while, bit we can win together
May 30, 2023
As long as im in the Active Pool and nobody tries to kill me and lives, we can win together. It might take a while, bit we can win together
Compatibility is a two way street though. While your win con might not directly go against town and seem compatible from that side, if you're mechanically a threat to town then you stop their win con from popping off merely by existing as Rag has been saying.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
zinger seems to suggest its the opposite, and that storm became a supervillain because he was bullied into desperation or somesuch, which reflects storm's recent account of events. I can't imagine that'll be a hard and fast rule for supervillains though, and I'm guessing leaving everyone with a potential supervillain origin alone is a mistake. Storm did not claim that going broke would turn him into electro and effectively claimed the opposite iirc (i think he said he would lose if he ended the game poor, would become self if he became rich enough and would beocme electro purely by chance eventually if he kept taking actions).
How was he pushed to desperation? He was never a leading wagon at any EoD so far. It sounds like most of his misfortunes came from night actions like eating the pancakes, and then killjoy trying to kill him. Besides the pancakes from Aunt May, none of it has been town instigated, and even the pancakes aren't really the fault of the whole town.

Also worth noting, I just noticed everyone voting storm has a vote from Electro on them.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
As long as im in the Active Pool and nobody tries to kill me and lives, we can win together. It might take a while, bit we can win together
town players can not win as long as threats exist in the active player pool. If you need to be in the active player pool you literally can not win with town


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
town players can not win as long as threats exist in the active player pool. If you need to be in the active player pool you literally can not win with town
well if we can't all win together, then we can all lose together. and I think thats the best way to win.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Also worth noting, I just noticed everyone voting storm has a vote from Electro on them.
yeah that Happens. a lot of static electricity around nowadays. it'll stay with you all day. it's a whole thing. i havent done an action all day. I just have a lot of passives that happen, the lightning rod of Hate i am
May 30, 2023
How was he pushed to desperation? He was never a leading wagon at any EoD so far. It sounds like most of his misfortunes came from night actions like eating the pancakes, and then killjoy trying to kill him. Besides the pancakes from Aunt May, none of it has been town instigated, and even the pancakes aren't really the fault of the whole town.

Also worth noting, I just noticed everyone voting storm has a vote from Electro on them.
It's about mental stability man. Storm's motivation is money and without it he has to pass his mental stability check to not go villain. Aunt May is probably mostly irrelevant to that except that it prevented him from getting more money. The theft is what caused Electro to go villain most likely. And that was most likely the result of another origin/self/villain aligned player motivated by greed.

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