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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]


Jan 19, 2018
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while storm is clearly the most immediate threat to deal with, if zinger thinks letting him become electro was a mistake then that could be a sign that if fisk isn't a supervillain yet that makes arresting him very prudent, since it could prevent things from getting worse like it did with storm. Arresting CL before he becomes kraven might also be a good idea, although i think kraven is canonically pretty wealthy.


Jan 19, 2018
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its possible that rather than using the tool we have to stop threats to town we're meant to try to guess what might trigger an individual's transformation and then avoid that. Storm said that for him it was completely random, which coincides with what happened in the comic, though what zinger said implied we could have stopped it. Its possible arresting him would have stopped him from working on power lines and thus receiving the big zap.

the wiki says that kingpin was basically born a villain, and was called "the king pin of crime" by the time he was 15. Our fisk is probably already an adult, and should thus canonically already be the kingpin. I'm not really seeing anything like an origin story for him, so i don't know how you'd stop him from turning to crime or whatever, which means if we want to deal with him we might have to fall back on arrest.

IIRC kraven becomes kraven when he drinks a jungle potion he received from some african tribe (sounds pretty racist to me), and so in theory just preventing kravinoff from taking actions could prevent that from happening, which makes arrest viable. Other than that, maybe figuring out how the jungle potion could be made or obtained using information roles like the bugle and preventing that from happening is also an option, though a more nebulous one than simply arresting CL.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
lunch's slip reads as mafia/villain aligned to me, i feel like origin is safer to claim if that's what you truly are. i'd be down for lunch tomorrow. today though the active threat is storm and i'm sticking there even though that retaliation vote scares me a little. but dammit little guys like me can be a hero too!

rag seems fixated on kod in a way that pings me a little tbh and i get the concern, but kod is too good at playing a villain that he's fun to watch (and apparently when everyone tried to vote him last time it didn't work) so if there are any supes out there who would rather try to take him down i'd probably rather have that happen than waste my time voting him again

Storm, if you ever intentionally kill another player between this point and the rest of the game, I will personally burn you so thoroughly that not even the ashes will remain.
this line went so hard btw i am now a torch stan


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
I'm not opposed to arresting CL before he becomes a threat, but if someone is just gonna keep bailing villains out, I'm not sure what we're supposed to do to stop that.

Murder is an option, sure, but that turns us against the heroes.

Maybe we need to follow the money if people keep breaking out of jail?


Jan 19, 2018
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sounds like a problem we can deal with when it comes up, though in any case the best play we can make is only the most optimal one. If that ends up not being an effective way of winning the game alone, then we'll also need to hope the people with role power use it correctly, but it doesn't change what we should be doing with our votes.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Are we going to keep trying for Storm or switch to CL?

I'd like to get someone in jail today instead of just slowly dying.


Jan 19, 2018
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storm should definitely be today's arrest, he may have already hit threshhold. I was hoping to hear back from someone before the end of the day but i guess i may as well submit the vote now.

Vote: Storm

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I'm not opposed to arresting CL before he becomes a threat, but if someone is just gonna keep bailing villains out, I'm not sure what we're supposed to do to stop that.

Murder is an option, sure, but that turns us against the heroes.

Maybe we need to follow the money if people keep breaking out of jail?
What do you mean by follow the money (besides referencing All the President's Men, lol.)
Sep 6, 2017
Are we going to keep trying for Storm or switch to CL?

I'd like to get someone in jail today instead of just slowly dying.
I think it’s very clear that Storm is a supervillain who has not a lot of money to bail himself out. I’d say he’s the priority over CL

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