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Am I the Only One Who Feels Like Nintendo is Running Out of Ideas?

Jan 27, 2011
ok so we all know about the new 3DS coming out, seems good yea, but there's one thing i noticed, there are just way too many remakes coming out for it, now let me make something clear, i have nothing against remakes, they're always welcome, but it's one thing to make a remake of a game for a modern system/handheld, but it's another thing when you have more than three remakes that not only have been announced but they were announced before the 3DS is even released, i mean i just looked at a list of 3DS games and here's what i found

Ocarina of Time
Star Fox 64 (obviously these are games that we all knew were going to be on the 3DS)
Super Mario Land
Super Mario Bros.

don't get me wrong i understand why so that they can show the 3D affects but is it really mandatory to rehash the older games? i mean i loved Ocarina of Time, Start Fox 64, and the others, but it just seems like a way for Nintendo to say (give us your money) cause when it comes down to it, if these games come out with no changes outside from graphics and 3D affects you'll eventually get bored cause you played the same game before just at a lower resolution, thus the "gameplay is more importent than graphics" quote comes to mind, though despite all tis i will admit i like the fact that we now get to play Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 64 on the go now

even the Wii is doing the same thing (i'm not going to talk crap about the virtual console games don't worry, it's understandable that Nintendo is just trying to take us back to when we had NES's and stuff) but i'm getting at the Super Mario Bros. 25th anniversery game coming out, it's basicly Super Mario Bros All-stars on a disk which is stupid in my opinion i mean the games that are on there ar Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, Lost Levels, and 3, those are the same games allstars had on the Super Nintendo, they could have released it on virtual console i don't see what was stopping them, and you want to know what else? in case some of you never knew, there were two versions of Super Mario Allstars on the Super Nintendo, one of them had the four games i just mentioned and the other one had those same games PLUS Super Mario World, and the Wii version apparently isn't going to have Super Mario World which makes this alltogether pointless as if it wasn't pointless enough

Hylian Knight

Green Armored Menace
Sep 28, 2010
Actually no finally someone who thinks Nintendo should focus on making completely new games for the 3DS and not remake older ones THAT THEY ALREADY HAVE ON THE WII'S VIRTUAL CONSOLE(That was me yelling)


- Do Not Eat -
Nov 24, 2010
I've done all of my homework on the 3DS, and Super Mario Bros is not coming out, not as a singular game or on Virtual Console. Super Mario Land is not a remake, it's a port to the Virtual Console so that people who never got the chance to play it can easily access it.

As far as the other games, it really doesn't matter to me. While they do remake a lot of games, they also release plenty of new ones.


Jul 26, 2010
They are rehashing stuff, but they aren't running out of ideas. In fact, they just game up with a brand new game, for Wii called 'Pandora's Tower'. Also, Kid Icarus looks pretty original. The 3D feature is probably why there are so many remakes. They want to show off that feature and what better way than a remake? It takes less time, and that way they can have games available on the launch. They are mostly doing this to introduce remakes to the younger generation which will appeal to them with the 3D. Nintendo will most certainly not run out of games. The Mario exclusives are exclusive. Not running out of ideas.

Hylian Knight

Green Armored Menace
Sep 28, 2010
They are rehashing stuff, but they aren't running out of ideas. In fact, they just game up with a brand new game, for Wii called 'Pandora's Tower'. Also, Kid Icarus looks pretty original. The 3D feature is probably why there are so many remakes. They want to show off that feature and what better way than a remake? It takes less time, and that way they can have games available on the launch. They are mostly doing this to introduce remakes to the younger generation, which I welcome. Nintendo will most certainly not run out of games. The Mario exclusives are exclusive. Not running out of ideas.
The younger generation can play most of the remake games on the Virtual Console already and that Kid Icarus game is the only new game for the 3DS that I know of.

Hylian Knight

Green Armored Menace
Sep 28, 2010
Not in 3D they can't, they want to show off the feature using remakes.
To use a qoute from the Thread itself

If these games come out with no changes outside from graphics and 3D affects you'll eventually get bored cause you played the same game before just at a lower resolution, thus the "gameplay is more importent than graphics" quote comes to mind, though despite all this i will admit i like the fact that we now get to play Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 64 on the go now.


Angry Megaman Fan
Jan 24, 2011
Behind you
Yeah the 3DS is full of remakes... and that's a bad thing
Ok now we can play Oot and Star Fox 64 on the go but I won't buy those games, reason? I have them already
And maybe there are many persons who think like me, so I'll pass on the 3DS, at least until Megaman Legends 3 is released

One of the redeeming factors is the virtual console, the Wii one was awesome as the new generations can get to play some masterpieces like Majora's Mask, Megaman 2, Super Metroid, Castlevania, etc.... at a low price. With the 3DS it will be the same, we will get Link's Awakening, and more, maybe even the OoX's
About Nintendo running out of ideas, some already mentioned Tower of Pandora in development, there's also a new Kirby and Pokemon for the Wii in development, not to mention Skyward Sword
Anyway let's hope for a totally new Zelda game for 3DS


Hey there, it's me.
Aug 7, 2010
Uranus (it's dark here...)
Non-binary cookie sheet.
2 remakes does not mean the 3DS is full of remakes. "Super Mario Bros 3DS" is a place-holder for a Super Mario Bros game in developement for the 3DS, a whole new game. Super Mario Land is part of the Virtual Console which you can not count as remakes as it is there to allow gamers a chance to play older games, even if they are in 3D that doesn't make them a remake just enhaced ports. OOT3D and SF643D are remakes however thats fine as its just two games! I honestly only see nintendo running out of ideas in the console area only because I can't imagin what the next console is going to have to establish after the Motion contols.
Feb 5, 2011
Speaking of running out of ideas, why hasn't anyone noticed that the Call of Duty franchise uses the same game engine in every game? People should rant about actual idea loss than tech show offs.
Jan 1, 2011
Well personally, if Nintendo want's to remake all of these games, it's because Nintendo want's to make more money for doing these remakes, which I don't mind for. Now I'm not entirely sure if Nintendo will remake those games, Star Fox and Mario, because I haven't done any research about it.

If Nintendo just continue's to remake Zelda after Zelda game, they're going to lose some fans. =/
Jan 27, 2011
i understand what you guys are getting at, but try to think of it this way, let's use Star Fox 64 as an example because it deserves it, what was the last Star Fox game? Star Fox Command right? when did it com out? way too long ago, now fast forward, we saw we were gonna finally get a new Star Fox game and what happens? they remake the 64 version instead of giving us a new game does that not insult anyone who's a fan of the series? i mean that would be like if Skyward Sword came out, and we don't get another Zelda game for years but then when the finally start to again it ends up being a remake of the original Zelda instead of something new, and to be honest the return of Kid Icarus does't look very promising to me they completely changed the gameplay, now it just looks like the Nights games


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
These remakes are basically a jump start for the release of the 3DS. It ensures that there will be a lot of good games out for the system by the time they release it. It's easier to make a remake than it is to make an entirely new game. They're releasing all these games so people know there will be good things to play when it releases. A lot of people are hyped for these remakes, and it doesn't mean they're running out of ideas. I'm sure they have plenty of ideas in store. You can make a new game based on virtually anything... with any sort of ideas. They are by no means short in that department. These games are going to be in good quantity with awesome quality. That's what they want... something to get it off on the right foot. The new games come later, and I have no problem with that. Not to mention it reintroduces a lot of the old games that some of the modern gamers may not be too familiar with, opening new doors to a lot of modern gamers.


Jun 19, 2010
that Kid Icarus game is the only new game for the 3DS that I know of.

Animal Crossing
Mario Kart
nintendogs + cats
Paper Mario
PilotWings Resort
Steel Diver

Theres tons of new games for the 3DS. Nintendo makes a few remakes, and suddenly they're not original anymore. Plus they have a huge amout of third party games on the 3DS.(Resident Evil, MGS, Street Fighter,ect.) The only remakes they're making are Star Fox, and OoT. Super Mario land is not a remake, and it is for virtual conse.

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