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Majora's Mask Am I the Only One That Hates the Final Boss?

Does Majora's Mask have a Good Final Boss?

  • Yes

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  • No

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  • Undecided

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  • Its good with The Fierce Deity's Mask

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Its good without The Fierce Deity's Mask

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Maniacal Ezlo

ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Dec 2, 2012
I actually found this to be quite a difficult final boss. The first time I played Majora's Mask, I didn't even know about the Gilded Sword sidequest; I didn't even know about the Great Fairy's Sword; I didn't even know about the Fierce Deity's Mask. I walked into this battle with the Kokiri Sword, and only half magic because I didn't get the upgrade. This actually caused Majora to be quite a significant challenge, because attacks did very little damage, and I actually had to get dangerously close to hit him because the sword had such little range. His close range attacks, combined with his long range attacks, not to mention the demonic masks on the wall, caused this boss fight to provide a significant challenge to me.

What I'm trying to say is basically the same thing that everybody above me said. The difficulty of this boss battle is all up to the player, and the way he/she wants to fight it. If you want to upgrade your sword, be my guest. But keep in mind that it makes the fight slightly easier. Want to get the Great Fairy's Sword? Great! Not that you're forced to use it, unlike the Gilded Sword. And same goes for the Fierce Deity's Mask. Only use it if you want the battle to be a piece of cake that's over in 5 minutes. So basically, the point is, the battle is only as easy as the player makes it out to be. If you have all these upgrades, the only one you have to use is the Gilded Sword, which is actually the hardest of the options. So, overall, this is one of the tougher bosses in the series, but can be made easier if you use the proper resources that are available.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I don't want to sound rude...but how did you miss that? They led you right to it when you unlocked Powder Kegs, didn't they?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I don't want to sound rude...but how did you miss that? They led you right to it when you unlocked Powder Kegs, didn't they?

Not that I recall yadig. I don't ever recall it being so much as hinted to go into the smithy. I went in there literally because of what I learned from OoT: EXPLORE EVERYTHING EVEN IF IT LOOKS POINTLESS. <3


Well, Majora's Mask's final boss is fairly challenging. Although, after playing the game over and over on Wii, GameCube, and N64, I found it to be easy, with or without the Fierce Diety mask. So in all, it's a good boss. But, going back to the Wii, GameCube, N64 thing, in my perspective, it all depends on what system you play on, that's what makes it a good or bad boss. On the N64, it took me a while to master, while playing on the GameCube and Wii versions were easy. This was all because of the control stick differences. The N64 control stick was hard to use in my opinion, and took me a while to master using, making Zelda games I've played on the N64 harder. In the final boss on MM, I wondered around and around and kept on going all the wrong places, making me think it sucked. But eventually, I've mastered it, and now it's easy. So in all, nah, Majora's Mask's final boss isn't bad at all, it's very fun and supports a good challenge.
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Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Not that I recall yadig. I don't ever recall it being so much as hinted to go into the smithy. I went in there literally because of what I learned from OoT: EXPLORE EVERYTHING EVEN IF IT LOOKS POINTLESS. <3

Well I meant getting the gold dust at the Goron Races...never considered that people wouldn't go to the smithy (Being the only house in the area, I was SURE that was important to the quest).


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
I never would have known about the smithy or the races if my friend hadn't given me a guidebook. You're not really told what you have to do. It's hard to figure out.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I always thought that Majora's Mask had a great final boss with all the transformations that Majora went through. I first fought Majora without the Fierce Diety mask (because I didn't know how to get it when I was that young until I played it more the following week) and I must say that it was very difficult yet fun to play against. My heart would always be pounding due to the adrenaline I gained from the battle against Majora. In conclusion, I thought Majora's Mask had an awesome final boss in my opinion.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
i didn't like the boss,not sure why though
maybe its the music being rehashed crap,or maybe his bull tactics,i just didn't like it

Bull tactics? like what exactly? Because all I saw was fairness. In many ways he was playing the antithesis of "approach".


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Bull tactics? like what exactly? Because all I saw was fairness. In many ways he was playing the antithesis of "approach".

ok let me spin,come towards you,you spin,attack,repeat process
hack away at me as i badley attempt this dance move
let me molest you w/ my whips where i may tire out leaving me to a generic vulnerable position where you may attack....repeat

its one of those cases where once you figure out what to do,this crap shouldn't take long
Apr 12, 2013
My favorite final bosses in the 3D Zelda games are still Ganon from Ocarina of Time and Ganondorf from Wind Waker, but Majora's Mask's is a close third. Perhaps my favorite thing about him is that he is an overwhelmingly different kind of enemy than the final foes in the other 3D games. All of the other's are just variations of Ganon or Ganondorf attacking you with swords. Yes, I know Demise from Skyward Sword isn't technically Ganon, but he might as well be, considering his similarities in appearance and fighting style. Majora's Mask is the only one that stands out as unique, even though Zant from Twillight Princess hit on some of his crazy tendencies.

Granted, I haven't fought Majora's Mask in quite some time, so my memory of his fighting patterns is a little hazy. With that said, I definitely remember enjoying battling him, even though I wasn't particularly good at it. I certainly don't think he was an easy boss, especially compared to some of the other fights we've had at the end of other Zelda games. I for one ended having to use the Fierce Deity Mask just to stand a chance against him. He destroyed me virtually every time I tried to fight him as young Link. Then again, my skills are probably well below those of most hardcore Zelda players. Maybe I didn't have the right upgrades and enough fairies and potions to beat him. Normally I don't go out of my way to collect heart containers in Zelda games, and that might have played a role as well. Then again, I probably was just impatient about beating the game after so much time and effort , and went for the easiest (and coolest) way to do it. It's hard to resist unlimited power and the chance to completely waste a final boss as a badass demi-god, after all. ;)

My point is, no task in any Zelda game, whether its a difficult puzzle or boss, is going to pose a challenge to someone who plays thoroughly and collects all the upgrades. Majoras Mask is a really challenging foe under normal circumstances. Fighting him as young Link without full hearts and full upgrades would be hard for anyone. Then again, there are probably plenty of Three Heart Challenge videos on YouTube that prove me wrong. :lol:
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Jul 1, 2013
Oh man, such a great final boss for me. The whole ending, from the Oath to Order to the end of the credits, is a completely euphoric experience.

Talking about Majora specifically though, what stands out to me is how surreal everything is. After calling the Giants and saving Termina, you've finally got Majora itself to come out of hiding. Up until this point your opponent has been Skull Kid, through whom Majora has been acting via the mask, and now you get to see for yourself the entity that has been creating all of the chaos.

The fight itself, while not very difficult (Fierce Diety or not), is still very engaging. Building on the dream-like atmosphere of Inside the Moon, you're taken to a way trippy and psychotic arena for your final showdown. It behaves exactly as you should expect it to: without any apparent reason or method (Majora's Incarnation especially). The whole fight is really more about the experience than the combat for me.

Another strong point of the fight is the symbolism. I feel it to be less about Good vs. Evil, like a lot of final bosses, but more about Order vs. Chaos. Link obviously does play a 'Good' role, but I think it would be more complicated to try to categorize Majora as 'Bad' or 'Evil'. It isn't anything. It's just chaos.

So that's why I like the fight. The buildup, the atmosphere, the symbolism; all outstanding.

Also, hopefully to clear any confusion about Majora's role during the beginning of the game up to that point: "[Majora's Mask floats on its own] When a body is used by another, it can be called nothing but a puppet. This one has served its purpose, and it is useless."
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Jun 9, 2012
I thought it was a pretty easy and enjoyable battle without the Fierce Deity Mask and in general.

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