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Am I the Only One Let Down?

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Jan 27, 2013
Forgive me here, but I'll be blunt. Am I the only one severely disappointed at the fact we're getting TWWHD rather than MMHD? TWW is an ok game but the terrain of MM just had so much more potential to look absolutely stunning, and adding sidequests for MM would have been not only easy but also totally awesome! They could have even thrown in another couple dungeons for MM and all would have been well. I just feel like TWW isn't as strong of a title to get this revamping. The colors and graphics in MM could have been so freaking cool HD'd. Oh I digress...

I don't think it was ever an either or situation. Wind Waker HD happened because they needed something to release during the wait for Zelda Wii U. A MM remake should definitely be made, and I think they might, but I bet it would be on 3DS, not Wii U.

I think Wind Waker HD is still interesting, and I think it will be great for people who didn't play it before. For me though it's completely unnecessary, Wind Waker for GC still looks great, and Wind Waker HD looks the same but smoother and with more bloom effects.

So, I'm not disappointed that it's being made, but I'm disappointed that it's not something I want.
Its a question of taste, I myself couldn't be happier, WW is my favourite game and an HD version will be the reasons i buy a WiiU even though i play my gc version nearly every day. WWHD is better news than seeing ZeldaU revealed. To me WWHD still feels like a gift, something nintendo didnt have to do and have done because they wanted to do right for the fans. That may not be the case since it'll still get them money but still, it feels like something they didnt need to do for us but did so even if you dont like WW its still something for to play on the WiiiU
Nov 7, 2011
WW is my favourite Zelda game, so I'm not at all disappointed. But honestly I think all this let-down has simply come from the fans expecting to get MMHD. I didn't have a clue WWHD was coming and so the revelation was all the more sweet. Take note from this, if you expect things from Nintendo, they WILL let you down :bleh:


no text
Dec 16, 2011
Just because WW has been remade, doesn't mean MM won't be. I can guarantee we'll get MM3D in the near future... well, not really, but it's bound to happen.
Jun 14, 2011
As far as I'm aware, alot of people want Majora's Mask 3D not Majora's Mask HD. I wasn't really impressed by the looks of WWHD and if it were Majora's Mask instead I would be further disappointing since I've been supporting it for the 3DS. You may think it's "pretty in HD" but people would rather play it on-the-go. People these days are just blinded by HD Graphics and the way a game looks instead of looking at the main aspect of the game: the Gameplay. I understand why the Wind Waker is being remade because it's not easily accessible as Majora's Mask is and let's be honest, Majora's Mask HD was very unlikely going to happen anyway and The Wind Waker HD as lowered the possibility even further. Unlike Majora's Mask HD, Majora's Mask 3D has huge fans support, which ultimately makes it the most wanted version of Majora's Mask.


Jul 1, 2012
In my opinion I think this is a poor reason that many people are using to hate on the idea of TWW U...

Nintendo finally releases some info and actually gives us some news on the up coming Wii U project as well as a remake for the amazing WW and we complain? Personally I think it was a shock but a really good shock! We all expected MM3D but a WW remake is also fine in my books :)

Plus just because TWW U was announced this doesn't mean that MM3D won't get released....In fact am sure it will! Why would they even consider mentioning the possibility of it with having no idea to give the fans what they want!
Mar 8, 2010
It amazes me how much people seem to prefer the 3DMM over an HDMM. HDMM has so many more possibilities yet like people say MM3D is mobile. But when I'm out places, I generally have things to do. That's why I won't get a handheld. To me personally, I think handhelds are something more for children whereas consoles are more for all-ages.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
It amazes me how much people seem to prefer the 3DMM over an HDMM. HDMM has so many more possibilities yet like people say MM3D is mobile. But when I'm out places, I generally have things to do. That's why I won't get a handheld. To me personally, I think handhelds are something more for children whereas consoles are more for all-ages.

I definitely see your reasoning for not purchasing a handheld, and in fact I have to say that when I'm out and about, I have things to do as well. I only play my 3DS while at home (and on long rides to places), which is ironic. Still, I think the portability factor of MM3D outweighs the graphical and gimmicky capabilities of MMHD. I don't know, maybe I'm super biased or just want something decent available for my 3DS!
Jun 14, 2011
It amazes me how much people seem to prefer the 3DMM over an HDMM. HDMM has so many more possibilities

Really? Because whenever I read Comments about why Majora's Mask should be for the Wii U, It's HD graphics this, HD Graphics that. I haven't actually seen a proper valid reason why Majora's Mask should be on the Wii U rather than the 3DS, HD Graphics is just isn't enough.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
*mumble* MM3D wouldn't have cost $60....

This as well. We all know NIntendo would price MMHD at $60, but is MM really a $60 game? I don't think so. COnsidering I got OoT3D -- OoT in a nutshell -- for $40, I'd want to see MM priced at that same mark.
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