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Am I the Only One Let Down?

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Mar 8, 2010
Forgive me here, but I'll be blunt. Am I the only one severely disappointed at the fact we're getting TWWHD rather than MMHD? TWW is an ok game but the terrain of MM just had so much more potential to look absolutely stunning, and adding sidequests for MM would have been not only easy but also totally awesome! They could have even thrown in another couple dungeons for MM and all would have been well. I just feel like TWW isn't as strong of a title to get this revamping. The colors and graphics in MM could have been so freaking cool HD'd. Oh I digress...


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
You're not the only one let down, and I can guarantee that. I was quite ecstatic about the announcement of TWWHD, and I didn't worry too much about the lack of news on an MM remake. I'm sure the MM remake is bound to happen sometime in the not-too-distant future. We'll get it eventually.
Feb 23, 2011
I just feel like TWW isn't as strong of a title to get this revamping. The colors and graphics in MM could have been so freaking cool HD'd. Oh I digress...

And in the same manner, hundreds of fans think the total opposite. WWHD is going to happen; get over it. All we can do now is hope for MM3D... er um...MMHD...
Mar 8, 2010
I'm "over it" as far as understanding what's going to happen. I just feel a little screwed because i dont play/buy handhelds. Also as far as those hundreds of fans go...TWW was a cartoon style. Im pretty sure TWW fans like to brag about its "timeless" graphics. Making a cartoon HD seems to me to be less of an improvement than taking a game which was supposed to be far more realistic in nature and modernizing it.
Jun 28, 2010
I love The Wind Waker, and I don't mind an HD one coming out, but I'll be honest - I think MM could use it more. MM is a fantastic game, but IMHO, I think TWW's graphics were cleaner than TP's, and aged a lot better. MM, on the other hand, would look incredible with HD graphics, although I actually really like N64 graphics, too.

I don't really care which game gets remade in HD, since I like them both and would continue playing the original versions, but yeah, I'd say TWW's graphics don't really need enhancement as much as MM's.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
IMHO MM3D would be better as opposed to MMHD; the silly argument of OoT and MM being like-twins is what I'll employ there.

So, I can't say that I prefer MMHD to TWWHD, but I am disappointed nonetheless that they announced TWWHD instead of MM3D. I didn't join Operation Moonfall for TWW, and I'm sure that isn't its purpose either. D:


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
The Wind Waker is more modern and known by more people. MM is all but forgotten by the outside world. It needs a ressurection. Very few kids these days have had the honor of turning back and watching giants catch the moon. They don;t know about the dark story or amazing side quests. That is something everyone needs to experience once. Hey nintendo, you made MM and you made it great, but now you need to remake it for the newest generation to enjoy.
Mar 8, 2010
IMHO MM3D would be better as opposed to MMHD; the silly argument of OoT and MM being like-twins is what I'll employ there.

So, I can't say that I prefer MMHD to TWWHD, but I am disappointed nonetheless that they announced TWWHD instead of MM3D. I didn't join Operation Moonfall for TWW, and I'm sure that isn't its purpose either. D:
But, imagine how cool it would look though with the graphical capacity of the Wii U?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
But, imagine how cool it would look though with the graphical capacity of the Wii U?

Right? MM would be spectacular on the Wii U, or dare I say, PC with full anti-aliasing and several touchups! But, I'm not really looking for graphical display so much as I'm looking for portable Majora's Mask. Sure, MM3D is graphically inferior to MMHD, but even so it'd still look beautiful. OoT3D looks great, doesn't it? ;)

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
I love The Wind Waker, and I don't mind an HD one coming out, but I'll be honest - I think MM could use it more. MM is a fantastic game, but IMHO, I think TWW's graphics were cleaner than TP's, and aged a lot better. MM, on the other hand, would look incredible with HD graphics, although I actually really like N64 graphics, too.

I don't really care which game gets remade in HD, since I like them both and would continue playing the original versions, but yeah, I'd say TWW's graphics don't really need enhancement as much as MM's.

Same here. I love The Wind Waker sooo much, but I'm not a huge fan of the graphics they showed in the HD remake. I loved the original graphics and I think they still look good even by today's standards, so they did not need a revamp. Nevertheless, I'll buy and probably enjoy TWW HD.

Also, as others have said, I was Majora's Mask 3D, not HD. And I'm sure that's coming eventually.

The Wind Waker is more modern and known by more people. MM is all but forgotten by the outside world. It needs a ressurection. Very few kids these days have had the honor of turning back and watching giants catch the moon. They don;t know about the dark story or amazing side quests. That is something everyone needs to experience once. Hey nintendo, you made MM and you made it great, but now you need to remake it for the newest generation to enjoy.

It's available on the Wii, so I'm pretty sure most kids of this generation could get it if they wanted to. I'm thinking the reason they made TWW HD instead is because it's the only Zelda game aside from the Oracles and SS that's not available on another console.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
It would make more sense for Majora's Mask to go on the 3DS to follow suit with Ocarina of Time, rather than going for a different textural rendering. While I do agree that MM would look amazing in High-Definition, and that it is much worthier than Wind Waker, I'm also hoping that it doesn't happen, because of that HD trailer that emerged over the internet during E3. The structural designs themselves weren't that bad, but the characters looked like something out of a Tim Burton movie. Not exactly my taste, if that's the route Nintendo would plan to go.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Yeah....MM was a better game to me, a harder game to get, and benefits so much more from new technology. A third file could be added, less freezing, better graphics improvement, a better save system...all easy things to do and MM is so short anyway and would require less work...I hope this means we're getting it on the 3DS.
Apr 6, 2011
While I'll understand why some people are disappointed that it isn't MM HD coming for the Wii U, there are key factors as to why. Much of it has to do with it's a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time. Majora's Mask re-used the same OoT models and gameplay engine with a few modifications here and there. To upgrade Majora's Mask into HD smooth graphics is a huge leap, especially when considering that there is no Ocarina of Time graphic upgrade to work off from. Not only would the Majora's Mask face the challenge of rendering the models similar to that of Twilight Princess or Ocarina of Time 3D, it also would face the HD rendering. It's possible to do so but it would consume more time and resources to make it a perfect transition than the Wind Waker. It will be much easier to work off the OoT 3D engine on the 3DS since much of the models have already been done and there is no need graphic upgrade.

There's also the fact that Majora's Mask is more easily accessible to get for gamers than the Wind Waker. Majora's Mask can be downloaded on to the Wii Virtual Console at home while The Wind Waker needs a little store searching to find one copy available.
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