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ALBW: Is it a sequel or a remake?

A Link Between Worlds feels like a remake to me...

Of course it doesn't help that it reuses an entire overworld (though it does it well). And its 'drawing' gimmick sets it apart quite well from ALttP but still... even though it has new dungeons and new characters the game still feels like a remake more than a sequel.

The characters are very similar to the original characters, they do similar things as the original characters, the plot plays out very similar to the first game... A remake may be too strong of a word, but it still doens't feel like a sequel, maybe a 're-imagining'.

How does everyone else feel about ALBW, does it feel like more of a remake than a sequel to you, or is it the other way around?


Sep 21, 2013
The Expansion
I don't see why it can't be both.

ALBW has many elements of a remake, like you mentioned. It takes place in a nearly unchanged overworld, the dungeons are very similar, the story is quite similar in structure, etc. At first glance, one could very well mistake it for a remake of ALttP.

But at the same time, it has many elements of a sequel. It occurs subsequently to ALttP on the timeline, it introduces new mechanics, and while the story is alike, it still has many characters and plot events of its own (Yuga, Hilda, and Ravio weren't in ALttP, now were they?).

I would say ALBW is something in between a remake and a sequel; a "requel", perhaps (as a disclaimer, I did not make up that term; there was a SB conversation about this very topic a few months ago, and "requel" was the conclusion we came to. Actually, I believe that conversation was about Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, but it can still apply here.)
May 11, 2011
To me it feels more like a sequel.
True it uses the same overworld. But Lorule isn't exactly the same as the dark world (for example turtle rock location).
Also, different story, new characters (yuga, hilda, ravio), unique drawing gimmick... yeah for me it's a sequel.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
revision or re-imagining or whatever its called
its weird,i don't exactly see it as a remake but at the same time i feel link's awakening was the much better sequel [continuity wise]
basically,is the new super mario bros of zelda

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Half and half I think.

A true remake is just that; a remake. And while A Link Between Worlds reuses many of the same concepts introduced in A Link to the Past (most notably the recycled overworld), there is a lot that is new/changed that sets it apart from its predecessor.

Storywise, it directly follows the events of ALttP, with that game's entire story summarized on a wall in the Castle lobby. It features Ganon again, but his revival is played out differently than in its predecessor and it makes sense why he would return. The two dungeons in Hyrule that are recycled have been almost remodeled, and the House of Gales is completely new. The Dark World doesn't exist in ALBW, with Lorule taking its place (and though they are similar, Lorule =/= the Dark World). Some of the characters return, but I feel like they were added as a nod to the original game, particularly Sahasrahla (though he's like some sort of old wise person so maybe he's ageless, idek). A lot of locations are also different.

While playing it, though, it does feel like a remake, but that's probably because of all the similarities (updated version of the same overworld, updated version of the same graphics, updated version of the same music, etc.), and Lorule really feels like the Dark World despite being a separate entity, which is why I said half and half.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
No I don't see it as a remake at all. I played ALBW first and then I played ALttP but yep music is often the same but there is still a big difference. It's supposed to give you that feeling because it is a sequel to ALttP. But at the same time when you play it you'll notice differences which make you think otherwise.
May 4, 2014
I see it as a sequel, yes the map is mostly the same but with the revamped (and some new) dungeons, new music, different gameplay mechanics and new characters, new villain, new quests and mini games. Plus Link grew out of his pink punk stage and there was no Easter bunny too be had.
Jan 30, 2015
under the moon
To me, it's only a sequel. Yes, some elements are reused from ALttP but everything else is new. If it was a remake, almost everything would be the same except for a few things, and we wouldn't have had the ability to wall merge. The storyline would be the same, the dungeons would have the same name, same locations, just different layouts, and it'd be the dark world instead of Lorule, which are 2 different parallel worlds.
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