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Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity - Story Discussion


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
This is a thread where we can discuss and recount our opinions and impressions on the game's story.

Please mark spoilers when necessary, as well as a notice regarding what part of the story the spoiler contains.

I've almost unlocked all 4 champions and personally so far, I'm surprised about the light-heartedness of it all. The game has an almost comedic vibe to it at times. And I'm torn about it since on one hand, they're in a great war, and I can't help but wish for it to have a more serious tone. But sometimes I think it works well, there are some cutscenes that are very charming.
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What a waste of a concept.

If this is canon then it's a timeline split. Going back in time is one thing, but we don't even go back to the events we know, not really.

Character relationships are wholly different, events occur that shouldn't, this is wholly an alternate 'what if' story.

I'm used to Warriors stories being light hearted but the Calamity isn't the place do it. But because everything is so wrong and different from what we know I find myself not caring about what I'm doing because it doesn't matter.

It doesn't do too many of its characters justice and comes off as way too tropey and anime a lot of the time.

The last boss is a mess, the time hopping stuff is ridiculous and annoying and the happy ending is an insult to BotW.

AoC isn't what we were lead to believe it was. It undoes BotW and it didn't need to. It could have just been a story about the Calamity and it could have had a downer ending with BotW itself being the hope and light at the end of the tunnel for the story.

But no.

Such a mess, such a shame.

Also, lmao, Harbinger Ganon.
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Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
Figured it would be some fanfiction like this. There is no way they'd make spinoffs canon, and looking at this story I'm glad. Hope BOTW 2 doesn't add any nods to this.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
What a waste of a concept.

If this is canon then it's a timeline split. Going back in time is one thing, but we dot even go back to the events we know, not really.

Character relationships are wholly different, events occur that shouldn't, this is wholly an alternate 'what if' story.

I'm used to Warriors stories being light hearted but the Calamity isn't the place do it. But because everything is so wrong and different from what we know I find myself not caring about what I'm doing because it doesn't matter.

It doesn't do too many of its characters justice and comes off as way too tropey and anime a lot of the time.

The last boss is a mess, the time hopping stuff is ridiculous and annoying and the happy ending is an insult to BotW.

AoC isn't what we were lead to believe it was. It undoes BotW and it didn't need to. It could have just been a story about the Calamity and it could have had a downer ending with BotW itself being the hope and light at the end of the tunnel for the story.

But no.

Such a mess, such a shame.

Also, lmao, Harbinger Ganon.
I looked up the full story too because I decided to not buy the game. Even the somewhat canon story route that leads to Breath of the Wild isn't canon imo, the very fact that the egg guardian time traveled means history is altered, in BotW it's clear that their version of 100 years ago didn't incorperate the egg guardian at all. They didn't go to the places and do the things that they did with the egg guardian originally. I really hope they either stick this in a seperate timeline or cast it into non-canon oblivion. Sadly they'll probably put it before BotW and actually stick with the notion that this is the real story of events from 100 years ago because that's the marketing strategy that will get more money.

What an absolute mess! I hate this so much and it doesn't really instill any faith for Nintendo and the future of the series to go in a direction I'd like. If they can't even make an accurate prequel set only 100 years in the past from a game, like they said this would do, how are they ever going to have narrative consistency? It makes me think they just don't care, they'd rather destroy everything to form the stories they want.

The worst part is the idea that Astor is the mastermind of the rise of the Calamity is actually pretty cool, and it could have been a nice implication for BotW 2, pegging him as an evil magician that is literally harvesting the malice from within Ganondorf or something, but AoC is so stupid I don't want to see this guy ever again.


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
I finished it today so here's my recount:
Would've worked as a popcorn anime flick.

But: as a story with close ties to BotW?

Lame. Very. I know BotW isn't the pinnacle of Zelda storytelling, but holy hell.

They undermined and invalidated the whole story by adding time travel from the get go. It just made the whole thing feel like some kind of pseudo-parallel retcon fiesta where everything is just super different from BotW in terms of character relationships and motivations. Like, the Yiga Clan joining forces? Seriously?

And don't get me started on the descendants time-traveling there and back, with Sidon somehow growing up. Maximum eye-roll.

The worst thing for me was having to mow down first Rito soldiers and then Gerudo ladies. It just felt so. Damn. Wrong. The Urbosa fakeout didn't work at all and the whole sequence made me uncomfortable.

Everything regarding Terrako felt super lame and forced. I didn't like how all of a sudden Zelda cried and her tears triggered Zelda's Lullaby as they fell down on it. The game really oversells Terrako in a way that just backfires. I did like the flashback when she was a child however, that was a moment I didn't mind.

I KINDA liked Astor from the start, I'm always into some kind of human servant or messenger to Ganon and was keen to get to know what could've been the BotW universe's answer to Agahnim. But he ended up being extremely flat and not intriguing at all. And don't get me started on his ****ing first battle in the Korok forest that was barely playable.

And perhaps the crown of the game's entire mountain of lameness was Ganon's ridiculous final form. He looks like a goddamn Iron Giant from FF.

It's not all pancake, though. I like the moment-to-moment storytelling in the cutscenes with the skit-like interactions between Impa and Purah being a highlight, (some of them) and Zelda herself gets some scenes near the end that are nice.
Dec 28, 2016
is this a prequel as nintendo said?; in some sort of way it might be but actually it really is not, if the answer must be definite than it's obviously an NO

for it to be a prequel the end of this story must be able tot lead to the start of the later already known part of the story or at least be somewhat possible and it is most obvious that is not at all the case

i do not feel betrayed by this actually false advertisement of the game (thus being the main selling point of the game) because i actually never had the intention of buying this game, but it still is simply nothing more than a lie, that may possibly make all further anouncements (in sorta the same catergory) veeeeerrry questionable at least

Azure Sage

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Okay. Now that I've finished the game, I think I have to backpedal a bit here. We all know it's an alternate timeline, and not the same Great Calamity that we knew from Breath of the Wild. I definitely think it was wrong of Nintendo to advertise it as something it was not. There's no excusing that away.


Just like most of you, before the game released, I felt that a retelling of BotW's backstory that changed things so that they lived would be an insult to the emotional investment that BotW had built up in me. And part of me still believes that's true. I thought a time travel scenario would be really lame and awkward and I didn't want it to happen.

And then the demo dropped and that was exactly what we got. I wasn't happy about that, but ultimately, I always prioritize gameplay, so I decided to suck it up and just enjoy playing it. And boy was it fun. The original HW doesn't even compare to this one. AoC is leaps and bounds better for several reasons that I'll get into elsewhere. For now I wanna talk about the story.

Because even though I didn't want it to be this, I ended up liking it anyway.

First and foremost, I wanna point out that my friend told me with Fujibayashi being the scenario supervisor of the game, as well as him and Aonuma having a lot to do with the conceiving of the story, it's very fair to consider this a canon entry in the mainline Zelda series. As for what that means for the mainline games, it's about as impactful as Spirit Tracks is on Majora's Mask. My friend's words. As for me personally, I'm content with calling it a canon Zelda, and that's how I'll be thinking of it until something tells me otherwise.

I have to say, AoC had some of the best cutscenes in the Zelda series. Beautiful, dynamic, often entertaining, and hitting the feels chords just right. I think this game did a wonderful job exploring Zelda's struggle, as well as with those around her trying to help her reach her destiny. Impa and Urbosa are standouts for me in how they interacted with her. They each did her part to encourage her in their own ways and it was lovely.

I know I said before I would be upset if this game were to revise BotW's history, but I dunno. It was something about the way it happened. I feel like they really nailed the setups and the deliveries in just the right way that made me like it. I got really emotional when Rhoam supposedly died, and even more so when he returned and he and Zelda finally got their closure together. The look on Rhoam's face when Zelda forgave him made me cry. The futile struggle of the Champions versus their blights, the expressions they make as they realize they're going to die and the light overtakes the screen, and then at the last moment their future Champions come to their aid... They did good on those, espeically Sidon's. There was a moment later when Sidon gets some sisterly validation and he has to choke back tears. I had to choke back tears, too, buddy.

The baby Guardian, the little one, Terrako. I always thought he was cute, and then we find out he's a time traveler and the cause of a new timeline split. That soured me on him a bit, but he grew on me again as I played through the game. He's good. I really appreciated how everything he did was just to make Zelda smile. Every single action he took. It was all for that. Just like the Deku Tree said in BotW, she has a smile like the sun, and protecting that smile was worth the new timeline split for me. I expected him to get maliced and we'd have to fight him, but even if I saw it coming, it still made me sad. The memory of Zelda building him and showing her mother was really sad and sweet, too.

I think, if it weren't for the demo tipping me off about it being an alternate timeline, I would have gone in with expectations and ended up getting crushed. But because we knew ahead of time, I wasn't surprised about the time travel twists. I decided to wipe my expectations clean and just enjoy the story as it came at me. I think that's part of why I ended up liking it despite it being what it is. I don't think the tragedy of BotW needed a fix, and there is definitely a part of me that still wishes for that angst-filled hopeless struggle, fighting in vain against the Great Calamity. But you know what? After a certain point, even I started to fill with hope about their success. The miracle chance to turn things around that all the characters were fighting and bleeding for, the amazing story presentation in the battles like the last stand at Akkala Citadel, and the gorgeous and stunning music that accompanied it all made its way through to my heart. I started hoping for a miracle right alongside the characters. And I think that's the main reason why I ended up liking it.

There are still awkward bits about it for me. The natural consequence of time travel, I guess. The future Champions expressed already knowing Link, so we know they came from a time after having fought at Link's side 100 years in the future. This means they came directly from BotW, and I think it's a fair guess to say they came from postgame BotW. So I wonder, which future did they return to? Their own future, the original one that we know, or did they end up in a new future where they live in the aftermath of their time-travelling deeds? I wonder, with this game being canon, if this will impact BotW 2. Before I played the game, knowing it was an alternate timeline made me not want it to have anything to do with BotW 2, but I dunno anymore. I think in general I'd prefer BotW 2 to stay on the original timeline, but I think I'd still like to see some references to AoC's events in some form. Hmmm. It's tricky. Time travel is tricky. Alternate timelines are tricky.

In any case, there you have it. I am a changed man. As much as I didn't want it to be this, I ended up really liking it a lot. I am not immune to sappy, happy endings, I guess. The story that I liked more than I thought it would, plus the boundless fun of the gameplay, makes AoC a really amazing game and I love it very much.


Angel of Darkness
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Jan 31, 2010
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Angel of Darkness
Now that I finished the game:
I absolutely loved it. I love Terrako and what he did. I can't wait to build him back together in the missions! I love the flashback of Zelda's youth. I also love how everybody fought together. Even Kohga and his men showed up. Hyrule was united. Seeing all those different races fight side by side was very satisfying. I don't take everything too serious because I too think this is an alternate timeline. Because if it's supposed to happen BEFORE BotW then we all know BotW will never happen the way we played the game. So I don't take it too serious. I decided to let the story surprise me and I'm definitely in love with the game. The only character I missed was Sooga. He grew on me. His moves are killers. I hope he becomes playable somehow. I either haven't unlocked every playable character or there are only 16. That I don't know but will figure it out soon as I continue to play.

Astor was not interesting enough for me. Maybe more background about him would have been cool. To me he looked a bit dull. In the beginning I thought he was fun and a very interesting villain but he kinda disappointed me in his final battle or rather transformation.

But in general I love the game so much :D


Robbie fan club
Oct 31, 2020
Finished the story and I feel kinda mixed.
It wasn't the story I was hoping it would be, it very much feels like instead of working within the constraints of BotW they just decided to do their own thing, like they just gave up. At the same time, taking the story we got, I don't exactly hate it. It's absolutely cheesy and at times gets a little too cringeworthy imo (Zelda activating Terrako's time travel by crying on it?), but it's also a story I can absolutely laugh at. Probably not always at things that were supposed to be funny but I'll take what I can get.

I also feel like they could've just done a little more with the plot. The champions coming back in time feels so underutilised. I was hoping for some really fun interactions that just didn't happen. Sidon exists AT THE SAME TIME as his younger self and literally nothing comes of it. They all clearly know Link but nobody seems to care. Heck, even the Yiga clan feels so side-lined in this game. They're ex-Sheikah members, why doesn't Impa or Monk Maz Koshia have even a few voice lines about working with people that betrayed their clan? The closest we get to this is Teba and Revali, who I think have some of the better interactions with Teba realising the hero the Rito admire is kinda just a huge asshole.

I dunno, feels like they could've done more with the concept, but I wish they'd gone with an entirely different concept in the first place.

Also one thing I don't get, that barely matters but has been bugging me for ages. When young Zelda built Terrako did she just throw swords and a laser in it? It's got weapons when you fight it, and we clearly see Zelda fiddling through the inside of it, so did she just give her pet the power to kill?


Angel of Darkness
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Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
The main story I already finished a while back but now I finally finished some quests.
The baby guardian:
I might be one of the few who really appreciate the story and especially Terrako. After I finished the main story I couldn't wait to rebuild him and I finally did. He is cute as ****!!! When I finished that quest and he became playable I immidiatly tried him out. What's not to love about him???
Of course there are a few things. Because future Terrako travelled back in time and past Terrako got destroyed he can't exist in the future anymore. So the timesplit is a fact unless Nintendo decides to make it non- canon which I don't see happening. And now they have opened the road for more games continuing these two separate timelines. Haven't we seen it all before, multiple timeline splits.... but to be honest I don't really care. I enjoyed the game a huge lot and I love all the characters and the story line. Heck, even Revali gets extra points from me :P
But what I like most is that Sooga is seen and possibly still alive! And hopefully with DLC coming up he might become playable!
Sep 5, 2020
I've grown to really like Age of Calamity's story, ridiculous as it gets later on. I'm still mad how Nintendo falsely advertised it; they didn't have to, showing Terrako time-traveling in the trailers and framing the game as a what-if-they-could-change-what-happened would've attracted just as much attention and sales IMO.
I realize now that:
The Champions had to live. That's why Terrako went back in time, because of the tragedy of Zelda awakening her power too late and wishing she could've protected her father and Urbosa, Mipha, Daruk, Revali. Nintendo still could've done better with developing their relationships, motivations, etc but I've grown to love the ending. It has a deeper meaning if you look past some of the shallowness of the story. Zelda created a time-rift to save the ones she loved.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
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I can't believe how many people didn't like the story! For me it was so interesting and exciting, I love all of the little plot threads and the fascinating characters.
I l o v e d the inclusion of the dudes from BotW coming to help out. In order for the game to accomplish its goal of completely changing what had happened, they needed to make some major moves. Hence those guys. While the concept of them coming is a little odd, since they were specifically from BotW which is a different timeline now I guess, we can say they were less time traveling and more timeline traveling, if that makes any sense. I did have a bit of a problem with the fact that, since there's a larger cast, it distracts focus on the development and depth of the characters. Riju and Urbosa were both very flat charcters after that point, wheras Sidon and Mipha brought depth. But overall, I think their being there made a lot of sense.
There's a lot of argument about whether this is canon or not, and I say it absolutely is and I know why. This game was Nintendo saying "Oh crud, by sticking BotW at the end it implies we've narrowed this down to one timeline" which would mean they don't have as much room for games that don't make sense in context of each other. By making this a time travel based game, it opens it up to another branch and another option for future titles. I'm just glad they chose to do it with the adorable Terrako and by building upon what BotW had started.
Sep 5, 2020
Now that we have an entire alternate reality where the four Champions and King Rhoam didn't die, where Zelda awakened her power earlier and gets to live out the rest of her life with them and Link, ooohhhh, it opens such possibilities for what could've happened, how relationships ended up, etc. XD :ham: It's just so fun to imagine.
But I'm also glad we still have the tragedy, gritty reality, and grief of the original story, how things ended up in that reality. Like I said elsewhere, I'm glad Nintendo split the timeline instead of trying to loop it in this game. Preserves the realness of the original story while creating a newer, happier, "what-if" one.

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