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General Zelda About Overworld Tasks That Lead Up to Dungeons. Do You Like Them?


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012

...I'm pretty damn sure you described them as dungeon like in a previous argument.


May 18, 2013
It's very reminiscent of ALttP and TMC's overworlds in that regard -- obviously not from an exploration standpoint, but from a content one. (I know I already brought those two games up from the puzzle-solving perspective, but that's only one of the traits they share.)
TMC maybe but not alttp's over world, SS' overworld seems to far removed from that style, the only region that comes close to it would be the skull woods even that is already a dungeon sort of.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I probably did, care to clarify?

I don't really know what else to say other than what I did initially. Skyward Sword's surface portions are very similar to ALttP and TMC's overworlds not just because there are puzzle-solving elements leading up to the dungeons, but because they're basically large gameplay spaces. There's always something to do in every nook and cranny, whether it be fighting enemies, discovering secrets, or overcoming obstacles. I can't make it any clearer than that.


May 18, 2013
This is something I've praised in A Link to the Past, The Minish Cap, and Skyward Sword. They each have mild puzzle-solving elements along the paths to their respective dungeons, which allows for a smoother and more believable overworld/dungeon transition.

However, I only praise just that kind of scenario. When it's something that sends you careening across the entire overworld to find something, I take up issue. Link's Awakening, as great of a game as it is, was terrible about this (there was always more to find than just the keys), and moments like the library book fetch quest in TMC severely irritate me, as they serve as nothing more than meaningless padding to the adventure.

So my answer to the OP is yes, but only when it's like the first scenario I brought up.
So first scenario as in like alttp?

I don't really know what else to say other than what I did initially. Skyward Sword's surface portions are very similar to ALttP and TMC's overworlds not just because there are puzzle-solving elements leading up to the dungeons, but because they're basically large gameplay spaces. There's always something to do in every nook and cranny, whether it be fighting enemies, discovering secrets, or overcoming obstacles. I can't make it any clearer than that.
So wait you were talking about the content in general or just finding the next dungeon?
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gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
They're okay. I really don't like it when the dungeons come right after each other, but I don't want something like the Oracle games again where practically the whole game was dungeons. Give me some story in between, Zelda!


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
They're fine. If these tasks could be isolated to a few areas, though, they'd be even better. Nintendo aims to please so as to get more money, and that would be their best bet: creating environments for every walk of life. There could be puzzleheavy portions of the overworld (SS), nearly barren portions (OoT,TP), and the middle ground (TMC).

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
In most Zelda games, this is what I look forward to. The dungeons are fine, but it's all the exploring and overworld features that really make the game for me, especially in OoT, MM and WW where there was just SO MUCH to do outside the temples. Now that's not to say every game I liked this. In LoZ and SS, I didn't prefer the overworld as much: LoZ because I explored the overworld so much that finding secrets became annoying, SS because the overworld basically was a huge temple which made it no different from the actual temples... actually, that made it worse because temples were expected to be linear and they provided that along with the overworld. But ignoring those two games, I really do enjoy the overworld experience and what it takes to get to temples.

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