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General Zelda A Mirrored Game Mode


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Considering a simple flip doesn't take all too much time...I don't see how it could be a waste; what else can you do in the time it takes to flip every model? Not like any expansive content can be created and added to the vanilla game in that time period. ;) :I

Well I know controls don't take that long and they had to stall TP's release for a year because of the Wii release...


May 18, 2013
Well I know controls don't take that long and they had to stall TP's release for a year because of the Wii release...
TP was originally going to be released in 2005, yes it was delayed but I don't think it has to do with the wii, the game wasn't that good at the time so Miyamoto "flipped the tea table"(look it up if you want):S and took a more hand on approach to developing the game, I believe the idea to have it also on the Wii came latter.
Feb 23, 2011
That was the main issue yes. And if they gave an optional mirror mode for the next game, I wouldn't get angry over it...but I just see it as a waste of development time, so I don't really welcome it either.

Yeah, if memory serves, I believe that even Nintendo mentioned that "flipping the world" doesn't take very long from a development standpoint—at least as opposed to completely catering the game world to right hand controls—as shown in Twilight Princess.

As to the topic at hand: I wouldn't care either way. I'd be inclined to play it for the sheer satisfaction of having completed the game. If not included, however, then oh well...


Jul 1, 2012
DarkestLink said:
Those were great. It was new content. But mirroring it was pointless. All it did was give me a headache and took away the familiarity that makes a 2nd playthrough so much fun. In fact, when I play Master Quest, I still play the Gamecube version due to the sheer annoyance of the mirror world in*OoT*3DS.
Well this is your standpoint it doesn't count for everyone... I know you like to replay Zelda games, if I recall you mentioned that you have played through Ocarina of Time around 100 times, props for that but fact of the matter is that 90% of the fan base won't think with this mindset, replaying a game it to familiarise yourself and relive the experience yes, however this won't apply to most. The whole idea of giving the game a different experience than the first is a "factor" of replayability, if it doesn't interest then that's completely fine but your standpoint won't apply for the majority of the fan base.
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