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A Link to the Past (A Cthulhu Fanfic).


Composer of the Night.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.

Link smiles as he picks a particularly plump apple from one of his best apple trees in his family orchard.

"This one will be great on its own, or in a pie!" He says to himself, stores it in one of his pouches that he's currently using for apples not meant for his uncle's outing today, which was to gather the best apples to make cider.

Hyrule's autumn season was the harvest, and he very much looked forward to the upcoming harvest festival. There'd be music, great food, great drink, and dancing. He especially loved the melee that occurred during this time. It was with wooden practice weapons, so no fear of coming to harm, but he always found he had a strange knack for swordplay and archery.

But he had no want for such glory. "Such things are for more worthy people," he thought to himself. All he wanted was to spend his days with his uncle running the apple orchard, the most famous in the province, and to spend time with his babies, his two cats named Ruby and Jen.

But aside from the harvest festival, Link and his uncle had other duties, see, their cider has been particularly famous in this province, so they had to make a few batches.

"Link my boy!" his uncle hollered. "That should be good for the day, let's go back and make some cider for the festival!"

"Okay, Uncle!" Link said, bounding over with his collection of large apples and crabapples they gathered for making cider.

His uncle looks amazed at the apples Link is holding and he grabs one, "Oh, these are fine apples Link! What's your secret? Because I've never been able to get these apples looking so plump and juicy!"

"Oh that's a secret, uncle!" Link says smiling, beaming with pride.

"Oh come on Link, we're family!"

"Alright, alright, the secret is bees!" Link says happily.


"That's right Uncle, bees. For some reason, they make the apples more juicy and plump when they're around." Link explains. "Oh, that reminds me Uncle!" Link says suddenly, "We have a new chore, caring for the bees and collecting honey!"

"Ya know, for every good idea, there's always a catch..." his uncle says sarcastically, slapping him in the back.

"Welp, let's finish up!"

The two finish their work and head back to the house, a modest two bedroom home. As Link and his uncle step in his two cats come meowing and rubbing against his legs.

"Ah, there's my girls!" Link says as he picks both of the cats up and begins nuzzling them, and they purr in excitement.

"Oh, they must be hungry. Would you kindly feed them parts of the pheasant we caught earlier?" his Uncle says.

"Oh yeah, right!" Link turns to the cats, "You ladies must be hungry. Well, follow me, I'll feed you!"

He heads into the kitchen and uses his knife to begin preparing some pheasant meat and organs for them, their favorite. He cleans and butchers a pheasant and makes two dishes for them.

"There you go, sweeties!" Link says, smiling as they purr and eat happily.

He then returns to his uncle who was pressing apples for juice, and he helps him by taking some of the containers and adds some spices and cinnamon. The two happily carry on until his uncle breaks the silence.

"Ya know Link, the harvest festival is coming up, and I've noticed how good you are with a blade, have you ever...."

"Have I what, uncle?"

"You know, thought of being a blacksmith or studying?"

Link gets a sad glint in his eye.... Not long after he was born, his parents were killed. By whom, he didn't know.

"I'm not suited for swordplay!" he lies, "I mean look at me, I'm all skin and bone!"

His uncle laughs and the two begin working slowly, making plenty of cider for the festival, which is due in a few months. After fermenting, and a dash of sugar and two weeks, it makes the best sparkling cider.

Link smiles and looks nostalgic for a moment. "Uncle?"

"What is it, lad?" He responds, noticing Link looks a little forlorn.

"I really don't know how to thank you... You're the only family I have left, and I know I've got a bit to go before I'm a real man...." In Hyrule, you become a true man on your 16th birthday, which was drawing near the time. Link was born right at midnight, which it just turned.

"... But I'd hate to think where I'd be without you...." Link says smiling sincerely.

"On that note, Link...." his uncle smiles and brings out a fresh apple pie. "Happy birthday!"

"It's my birthday already.... ?!" Link says a little shocked, and excited that he got his favorite dessert, hot apple pie.

"Yep, you turn 16, don't you? Last I checked, that's the day you become a real man!" His uncle says proudly, while Link smiles with a single tear forming in his eye.

"I hope you realize that you'll have to take on more responsibilities right?" His uncle says.

"I wouldn't have it any other way...." Link says, and they enjoy some apple pie and a nice little celebration before settling down for the night.

His dreams, instead of apples, cats, and festivities, are disquieting and disturbing. He keeps hearing a faint voice from a girl his same age.

"help me...." It starts faint.

"Help me..."

"Please come quickly...."

"... I'm in the castle dungeon!"

"Please... hurry!"

Link wakes up in a shock, spooking his cats. "A dream? What was that voice?"

He looks and finds his uncles prized family sword and shield are missing from their usual place.....

So this is my first fanfic! Plenty of hijinks, and the way I'm writing this is with historical accuracy as far as the weapons are concerned, except where it involves magic. Just my little flair I wanted to add to this story.

Hopefully you all enjoy this!

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo (I have my card)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
Its great! You are a good writer! I love A Link To A Past and that you are exploring Link and His Uncle’s relationship! I look forward to further pages.
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Composer of the Night.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.

"Help me!"

Link hears the call as plain as day.

"Who are you?"

"I am Princess Zelda... Help me, I'm imprisoned in the castle dungeon..."

"The castle dungeon?! But I can't get into the castle! It's too heavily guarded!"

"Outside the castle walls.... there is a secret passage..."

This voice drifts off, and Link panics, seeing his uncle is gone, along with his family's prized sword and shield.

"Uncle?! Where did you go?!"

He panics because he knows his uncle wouldn't just run off willy-nilly with them. He had it drilled into his head that weapons are for protecting the innocent, and yourself, should the need arise. This meant, Uncle had dire need of them, and could be in serious danger.

He looked around for his cloak, his lantern, and trying to find a weapon, but all he had was a simple hunting knife. "Good enough!"

He quickly grabbed his effects, and the same apple he plucked from his uncle's orchard. "Good-bye miladies," Link said to his cats, and ran off into the stormy night.

It was raining unusually hard that night. He shivered and tightened his cloak, and looked for the secret passage into Hyrule Castle.

"Now, where would it be?" He thought to himself, and then he heard the voice again.

"There is a shrubbery.... near the moat.... please hurry...!"

Link then spotted the bush in question, sort of out of the way and off the beaten path. "Of course it'd be a bramble patch...." He grunted as he pushed through, ignoring the pokes from the stickers of the briar. After he got through, he picked them off and hurried into the trap door.

Inside the trap door, even with the light of his lantern, it was hard to make out, but he seemed to be in a hall, and he heard the distinct clash of steel against steel. "Oh no!" Link ran forward as fast as his legs could take him....

Only to see his uncle's sword pierce under the arm, killing a soldier, and a mysterious rogue appearing behind him, and stabbing their rondel dagger into his back. He didn't even see it coming.

"Agahnim, you traitor...." his uncle groaned as Link watched in horror as the mysterious rogue seemingly disappeared. "NOOOO!!!!"

Tears in his eyes, Link ran up to his uncle, caressing him in his arms. "Hold on Uncle! Let's get you to a healer!"

"It's okay, Link, my boy...." he says struggling to breathe. "You must save the princess.... You're the only one who can protect the royal family now.... Defeat...." his breath is struggling now, and tears well up in Link's eyes. "Defeat.... Agahnim...."

The light drains from his uncle's eyes, and Link is now all alone. He begins to cry until he hears, "Hurry....! The castle dungeon....!" That snaps him out of his grief. He sees his uncle's sword and shield lying on the ground, and he straps the sword's scabbard to his belt, and hefts the shield in his right hand.

As he grabs the sword in his left hand, he instantly is struck by a wave of nostalgia, of times when his uncle taught him how to fight with a sword and shield.

He puts the sword in his scabbard, and begins making his way to the voice in the dark, which is getting stronger now.

He starts making his way over to the castle's dungeon.

"Halt! In the name of the regent Agahnim!" A guard calls out to him, drawing his sword. "Crap!" Link thinks quickly.

"Look, I'll go quietly, let me just..." He's interrupted as the guard delivers an overhead cut, and on instinct, Link draws his sword from his scabbard into an undercut, displacing the guard's attack. The guard, trained well, counterbinds and steps, and Link, without thinking, acting solely on instinct drilled into him from his uncle's teachings, bashes the guard's hand with his shield. Since the guard only is wearing gloves, he drops his sword, his hand purpled and bruised from Link's shield bash. "Aaaaaaghh! You little ****!"

Link then looks in the guard's eyes, and notices something peculiar. The guard doesn't seem to have any shine or light in his eyes that everyone has. "He's not of sound mind," Link thought to himself, and resolved to end this with no bloodshed.

"Sorry sir.... I pray to Farore that you can forgive me..." Link says as he konks the guard's head with the pommel of his sword, knocking him out.

Link's heart rate shot through the roof after that fight, his hands shaking. "Oh gods! I hope I don't run into anymore those guards."

He keeps as low profile as he's able, sneaking to and fro as he makes his way to the dungeon, which... suspiciously... isn't as guarded as the other places.

"In here! Hurry....!" This time, it wasn't a voice in his head, and looking into the doorway into the dungeon, he sees Princess Zelda. "P-p-princess....?! Why are you imprisoned?"

"Heheheh, is this the Princess's help, a whelp?!" He hears as a truly gargantuan guard grabs his mace. As with the previous guards, his light is gone in his eyes, but this one seems.... like he would resort to unnecessary violence, in either case.

Link draws his sword and raises his sword up on his shoulder, readying his shield, and he takes a moment to look for any weaknesses. The guard's bascinet is little more open than most, so he could go to the face. Under the arm he sees some mail that hasn't been fitted properly, so that's a weakness. For once, Link is thankful for the needle like tip of his sword.

"Alright kid, let's get started!" The guard says as he breaks into a sudden strike, and Link responds with a cut of his own, aimed right at the guard's unarmored hand, the guard notices and feints an attack in another direction, forcing Link to raise his shield to defend.

The blow was fierce, shocking his arm so much he almost dropped his shield, but he regained his composure. This man hits savagely, and he needs to think quick.

Before he can think the man is on him again, and defends, aiming the point of his sword at the man's face. He backs off and Link notices a heavy clay pot.

The man starts to bear on him again and he tosses the pot, causing the guard to raise his mace to bat it out of the way, and he uses that opening to drive the point of his sword under the man's arm, a killing blow right to the man's heart. Making the Princess gasp.

He looks shocked, and the light enters his face before succumbing to his mortal wound, "Thank you...." the man says before he draws his last breath. Zelda offers a prayer of forgiveness for this man for Hylia, and he notices the jailor's keys.

"Agahnim's magic possessed him..." the princess says noticing Link shedding a tear for the dying man.

"You.... you're?! Princess Zelda!" he says recognizing her voice. "Were you the one who called to me in my dreams? Why were you imprisoned?"

"I was imprisoned because I was to be the 7th sacrifice." She says matter-of-factly. "All the guards were possessed, my father...." she says gravely tears welling in her eyes.

"I called out to anyone, to warn them.... But no one answered.... except you...." Zelda smiles as tears streak down her face and hugs Link tightly.

"One person did..." Link says, comforting her. He blushes as he notices that she smells faintly of lavender and lillies....

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