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  1. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Lives in Castle Oblivion.
  2. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Is also online. (God I'm so origional)
  3. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Is the same age as me.7ydhguhb
  4. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Just made it awkward for Storm.
  5. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Is 18 years old. jfhfvtyyufgjbvk9ouyktgkyjhi7896t6yi
  6. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Is new here. akgekghasehsrjhsrjsjs
  7. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Like Hatisune Miku I wish I knew how to break the 30 char rule....
  8. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Used to have 7 hearts, before rep got disabled…
  9. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Ouch. That hurt. Why the hate? :( Insulted my username
  10. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Has a member title that I can't understand.
  11. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Has only beaten Phantom Hourglass. :/
  12. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Has a nice avatar and signature :yes:
  13. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Just made me feel like an idiot
  14. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Just wrote in white to look like she didn't say anything.
  15. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Really likes French toast. ....
  16. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Is also not new. ..........
  17. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Is the moonstar. U mad? .......
  18. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    I think I've heard of that place. Maybe. Likes Majora's Mask.
  19. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Lives in Canada, like me. (Although I've never heard of The Shwa.) EDIT: Just ninja'd me. -.-
  20. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Lives in greatness. ............
  21. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Is the combonation of three links (oni dark and normal)
  22. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Knows Cave Johnson? (3030303030)
  23. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Has only one heart. ...........
  24. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    does not have yahoo and skype accounts.
  25. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Doesn't know that ive only started being active last July.
  26. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Is mocking me with their two word posts.
  27. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Is refusing to teach us how to break the system
  28. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    should tell how to break the system, cause now i want to know too
  29. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Is the moonstar. (3030303030303030)
  30. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Is Link (who is a nerd) with an 09, apparently :P
  31. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Is just a ReDead. (303030303030)
  32. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Is very new. (30303030303030303030303030)
  33. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Has a really cool sig made by Josie.
  34. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Is in a cold place with blizzardman
  35. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Has a youtube channel in their sig.
  36. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Is somewhere in Hyrule, and is probably eating a waffle.
  37. xmajorax

    The Member Fact Game

    Who's name is most likely based on his real name.
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