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  1. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    "Dude, it's been like twenty minutes."
  2. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    The group returns to town, spotting Lupus and the army members. Raising his sword to them, Al gestured towards their prisoners with a smile, "These are the men you were looking for!" With them taken care of, he walks over to Lupus, offering a high five, "Hey Lup, Ulrich has a quest for us to go...
  3. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    "He wasn't sure honestly," Dean replied, "He guessed it had something to do with player killers, but apparently you didn't leave him with much to go off of... I was going to put it off until later on, but since you brought it up... I'm sure they're all wondering why."
  4. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    "Just shopping," Dean replied, "Kal here's a little behind level-wise, but he's slowly working his way up the ranks of the blades. What about you? You looked kinda lost."
  5. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    "Al's my cousin," Dean replies with a smile, "He mentioned you a while back, said you were going on your own for a while," he claps Ardeel on the back, "Welcome to the group then."
  6. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Dean thinks for a moment, "Ardeel you say? That name rings a bell... you know a man by the name of AlWINNER?"
  7. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    "Yeah," he replies, "This is Kolress, my... well, I guess apprentice is a strong word, but I'm helping him out," he offers his hand, "Name's Dean."
  8. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Dean felt someone bump into him. Worried about a thief, he whirls around, only to see someone clearly as startled as he, and completely lost in thought, "Hey, watch where you're goin', buddy!"
  9. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    "Once we get him taken care of," Al motions his head towards the remaining PKer, "Once we get this one taken care of, I'd love to hear more about this quest of yours." After dinner, Dean started thinking about the night, "Do you want to stay around here tonight, Colress? I've got a guest room...
  10. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    "Let's take them back to town," Al decides, "I'd rather not have blood on my hands... even if it's theirs," he checks his map to reorient himself, then turns to the group, "Lupus, can you run back to town? You're fast, and it would be best if the Army knew we were coming." A few hours later...
  11. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Dean throws his hammer at another pig not far away, hitting it square in the forehead and killing it in one shot, "Then go kill yourself dinner, my friend. We can eat the drops later."
  12. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Clapping, Dean walks over to the young man, "Good work. How do you like using the sword then?"
  13. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Dean laughs as the boar begins staring at the thing that attacked it with a glass of hatred over its eyes, "You may wanna hit again, fast."
  14. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Al puts his sword to the back of the PKer, "Wise choice. Now don't start making stupid ones.," he casts a glance at Ulrich, "Nice to see you've been taking care of yourself."
  15. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Cursors don't change color if you attack orange or red players.
  16. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Al has no such qualms with killing his opponents. Those who are willing to kill the innocent have given up their right to humanity, and he treats them with the same savagery. ((Yoyo, we'll probably just pick up with Sam when everyone gets back to the inn. Does that sound good to you?))
  17. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Despite how busy the city was, the fields outside were pretty empty of players, save for one or two travellers every once in a while. For the most part it was just manned by grazing boars. "They're all low levels," Dean notes, "Perfect for new players like you. Wanna give them a go?" He gestures...
  18. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    ((They're players, not elves)) Al cursed out Lupus under his breath for not waiting for the group, but there was no time for chewing him out now, "**** it, go!" he ran into the group, stabbing one of the cloaked players. Dean laughed, "The sword is designed to weigh and balance well based on...
  19. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    "It's pretty simple really," a hammer materializes in Dean's hand, "You should have a weapon of some kind in your quick-access inventory. Probably a bronze sword or something like that. We can figure out your preferred weaponry after you become proficient with that. You want to take it out?" he...
  20. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    ((I've been busy with school this week. I'll post later today))
  21. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Al chases after her. He's worried too, but he doesn't want to show it. Someone had to stay calm. "Aiko, stop!" He reaches out to grab her arm, but misses, "We don't even know where he is!"
  22. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Dean starts walking through the maze of streets that made up the town, expecting Kaless to follow him. The city seemed impossible to get around at first, but over time he'd grown confident in finding his way around. The fields were pretty sparse with people. Most of those who travelled here now...
  23. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    "A broker actually," Dean responds. He looks at the boy in front of him. He was 17, but far from mature. He was impulsive... but also motivated. "I may not be a clearer, but I know some people on the front lines. I'll help you grind, see what you're made of. If you look like you can be of help...
  24. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    The crowd has a number of reactions. Some of them awkwardly look away and shuffle back. Others laugh. There are a few groans. A wannabe hero. That's what he is. A man with a scruffy beard and brown hair shakes his head, "Youre level one, boy. Far too low leveled to be going anywhere near the...
  25. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    The town of beginnings is still quite busy, despite there being three floors to spread out to. Many who chose to stay safe rather than continue the game had decided to remain here, among low-level enemies. So, too, had those who had given up hope, and many children. The only ones here of any...
  26. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    ((Around here we worship our lord Joss Whedon, and as such believe that nothing is too ingrained in the story that it can't be retconned for any reason. That said, we also believe that as long as something makes sense it's fine to keep it. Do what you feel like, no pressure from us. I just...
  27. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Al leans against the wall, thinking, "Any idea where he went after that conversation? Did he talk about any specific places or people?"
  28. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    ((Yknow, if you wanted you couldve just been another player whos been playing the game and just kinda meets the crew :P But this works too))
  29. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    "What'd he talk about?" With everything going on, the first course of action no matter what would be to get the group together, and everyone seemed worried about him.
  30. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Al grins, "And that's why we need you... the mindset, not the smithing. Thoufh that's good too."
  31. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    "We're a man down," Al replies, "Ardeel's gone for the near future. Ready to join us on the field finally?" He offers his arm to his fallen conrade.
  32. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Al was going to stop Ardeel, but he felt like his friend needed to do this. So he watched him go, a little sad. Looking down at the sword, Al knew that his mind fell into a similar pattern as Ardeel's had: something needed to be done. He'd been thinking that way for a while, but hadn't really...
  33. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Al takes the sword, staring at it, "Did you just find the sword on the ground? Or was there something else?"
  34. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    ((Storm's right. I kind of want to move on a little bit but we're in the middle of something. My activity's also dropping a little because this is my first term I'm taking all engineering classes and it's super time-consuming. I'll get back to this in a few days, but for now I'm behind in classes))
  35. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    "What did you find?" Al asks as the others approach. Another death... these people just weren't letting up.
  36. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Within about an hour, the group reaches town. "Let's make for the inn," Al suggests, "The others are probably there. Let's see what's going on."
  37. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    We're out questing Al replies to Oregano, It's Bel,Aiko and I. Need us to head back into town? honestly, he's kind of lost anyways. Maybe going back to town to reorient wasn't such a bad idea.
  38. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    ((Yeah but he gets to choose when and if that happens, so don't bother him about it))
  39. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

  40. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    ((I need to actually plan for this one, which I expect to be able to do after tomorrow))
  41. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    As they approach the source of the sounds, they see two elves fighting in the forest. One was obviously a dark elf, and the other was a wood elf. They were going for kill shots, but were evenly matched. A quick look revealed them as NPCs.
  42. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    They begin hiking, through the woods, on their way to... whatever it was on the map. It was definitely somewhere they hadn't been yet, and was actually closer to spawn than they had been already. Probably something that specifically spawned for the quest. As they approach the location marked on...
  43. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Al messages back Cool. We're gonna do some questing. He looks down at the map, which led them what he assumed to be north "Ready?"
  44. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Al and the others were not, in fact, that way.
  45. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Al nods and holds up the new map next to the one they've already made of the area, "Seems like as good a plan as any. Should we go get the others?"
  46. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    "Uh... he's not old, and he is dying," Al reminds Bel, pointing to the blood he'd coughed up and a small puddle beneath him, "And I doubt Kayaba worked on this quest. The game is actually able to create its own quests, fun fact. Its AI is just that good." The man opens his mouth, but he can't...
  47. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Al continues to wander in, "Could be, but you'd think we'd at least find a field boss or something on the way," as they approach the light, their words begin to soften, in case something was around the corner. As they turn it, they see a body laying on the ground. Al runs over and touches it. It...
  48. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Al walks into the cave slowly. At first, it's exactly what you'd expect. The ground's rough, there are loose rocks strewn about. As they continue on, however, they find that the floor becomes smooth, like it was walked commonly. Continuing deeper, they see torchlight around the next corner. Not...
  49. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    ((GGO doesnt open until 2025. This is the end of 2022)) Al starts walking towards the cave.
  50. DekuNut

    Sword Art Online: The Game Begins

    Al stops for a moment, "I sense a cringe in the Force."
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