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  1. Ventus

    The Nintendo NX(Nearly Confirmed Rumours)

    Why would I go to a shill site like NintendoLife or LameXplain? So they can beg for more donations on their patreons and pls liek n subskireb? Personally, I say no thanks fam. Anywho, they're all rumors regardless of the source -- and I wouldn't trust the information if it came from POTUS, let...
  2. Ventus

    The Nintendo NX(Nearly Confirmed Rumours)

    Careful there bucko, don't start belieivng into the NEETTuber hype. Just because someone has a bajillion subs doesn't mean they know what they're talking about or that they are credible. Folks get information from being out there in the real world, not clicking upload and attracting gullible 12...
  3. Ventus

    The Nintendo NX(Nearly Confirmed Rumours)

    The thing that I truly don't understand about this all is that NX SDKs apparently aren't even wildly out there. So how can anyone get a feel for the console and begin porting games?
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