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  1. Lukémon

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Now now, we don't want to say something we'll regret later. Still, SS isn't a bad game, although I prefer TP's graphics, I must say that in TP it was a lot harder to find out how to defeat the tougher enemies than in SS, the enemies weakness were often easier to find in SS.
  2. Lukémon

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    I had something like that with my friends, they said assassins creed was better than Zelda, I then reminded them of SS's ratings and AC revelations ratings, their next sentence was ".............................................*Jaw open*"
  3. Lukémon

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Seriously, you think we're THAT stupid that we'd go and play with bread because it had the Zelda name on it? You sound like someone who just finds a game plays it for a minute and notes down everything he doesn't like and manipulates the things he does like to make him not like them. Just so...
  4. Lukémon

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Seriously though, looking at the graphics and saying OoT's graphics are better than SS's graphics is like comparing Paper to chocolate and saying paper tastes better. Still, as of the fact I've only played demos of SS I cannot say much, but I can say, SS if freaking awesome!! :D
  5. Lukémon

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Wierd, when you thought about an 80 year old Link, I thought of some old guy doing backflips and riding a skeleton Epona.
  6. Lukémon

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Yes, you have to respect our opinions too, by saying SS, a game we've been excited about for ages, is a joke is kind of insulting us so think before you act in future.
  7. Lukémon

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    That's a good way of putting it. Still, no one can truly say the best game in the world, it's always affected by preference. No matter who's saying it.
  8. Lukémon

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    Not saying anything then , I was just expressing my opinion, as was he. Nothing wrong with that is there?
  9. Lukémon

    This Game's a Joke, Right?

    I see no point in joining a Zelda site if your going to abuse Zelda. SS is a good game in many ways, and comparing Zelda to Skyrim just doesn't work, they are two completely different games, one's a sandbox game the others just completely awesome.
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