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  1. ShaneOMac713

    How to Destroy the 30 Charecter Rule.

    Hey people at least put a way to destroy the 30 character rule or put a bunch of random letters or SOMETHING! COME ON STOP WRITING YOUR WORDS IN WHITE INK HOW ABOUT BLACK! Now that I said that oh wait I already did my 30 character
  2. ShaneOMac713

    How to Destroy the 30 Charecter Rule.

    This game is easy I don't even have to right a way to defeat the 30 character rule if I can type it in a minute but I am going to do it anyways I stab the 30 character rule which makes it double making it a 60 character rule so I stab that which makes it a 120 character rule wait a second I am...
  3. ShaneOMac713

    How to Destroy the 30 Charecter Rule.

    Poison the 30 character rule's food so it dies hahahahahahaha
  4. ShaneOMac713

    How to Destroy the 30 Charecter Rule.

    I threw the 30 character rule into a fire then but a shield around the fire so the rule and the fire would stay it I pwn the 30 chracter rule
  5. ShaneOMac713

    How to Destroy the 30 Charecter Rule.

    I make the moon smash into the 30 character limit.
  6. ShaneOMac713

    How to Destroy the 30 Charecter Rule.

    (I used my Megaton Hammer to smash the 30 characters away)
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