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  1. Long John Spaghetti

    Boo's Pizza II: Electric BOOgaloo

    “Oh! Nice to meet ya too!” Montgomery accepted the bump with a grin.
  2. Long John Spaghetti

    Boo's Pizza II: Electric BOOgaloo

    “Meh. Just stopping by. Enjoying life.”
  3. Long John Spaghetti

    Boo's Pizza II: Electric BOOgaloo

    “Reallllyyyyy..?” The man looked nervous before recomposing himself, “Ha. That’s cool…”
  4. Long John Spaghetti

    Boo's Pizza II: Electric BOOgaloo

    “Montgomery,” the man nodded, “Nice to meet cha.”
  5. Long John Spaghetti

    Boo's Pizza II: Electric BOOgaloo

    “Yeah! Of course!” The man happily handed the plush back to Sky with a smile on his face.
  6. Long John Spaghetti

    Boo's Pizza II: Electric BOOgaloo

    The man, noticed this, he picked up the plush toy before turning to Siy. “Woah, you okay?” He spoke in an ever so slightly southern accent.
  7. Long John Spaghetti

    Boo's Pizza II: Electric BOOgaloo

    In the booth directly next to the trio, a man, who appeared to be in his late-20s, maybe early 30s, sat down, enjoying his pancakes while also halfway listening to the conversation. It’s not like he had anything better to do at the moment.
  8. Long John Spaghetti

    Ayy Awdry nice to see you’re still alive on here! How’ve you been?

    Ayy Awdry nice to see you’re still alive on here! How’ve you been?
  9. Long John Spaghetti

    Yeah I can see it

    Yeah I can see it
  10. Long John Spaghetti

    Hello there TDF

    Hello there TDF
  11. Long John Spaghetti


  12. Long John Spaghetti

    The epic video game/movie/TV/ crossover roleplay.

    Sonic: Well, I know of one, yeah.
  13. Long John Spaghetti

    The epic video game/movie/TV/ crossover roleplay.

    Sonic: You act like you've never seen one before.
  14. Long John Spaghetti

    The epic video game/movie/TV/ crossover roleplay.

    Sonic the Hedgehog: Uh...no?
  15. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: My brother, Luigi.
  16. Long John Spaghetti

    The epic Video Game/Movie/OC/TV roleplay. (Sign Up Thread)

    hey hey hey who wants to roleplay
  17. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: Yes, please.
  18. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: I've been better, but overall not bad.
  19. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: Mhm.
  20. Long John Spaghetti

    After serious research I have come to the conclusion that Amy Rose is a loli

    After serious research I have come to the conclusion that Amy Rose is a loli
  21. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: ...okie....dokey?
  22. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: Awesome.
  23. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: Living siblings? Yes. Willing? No.
  24. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: I understand.
  25. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    *Mario swiftly writes a check and hands it to the doctor*
  26. Long John Spaghetti

    Should Link Speak?

    Yes, but he should only say HIYAH
  27. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: Deal.
  28. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: Gee, how reassuring.
  29. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: B+.
  30. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: Can't you fix it?
  31. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: Give it to me straight, doc. Will I be okay?
  32. Long John Spaghetti

    Smash Bros Smash Bros Ultimate

    I'm rooting for Tails more, but Eggman is likely as well.
  33. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: Yeah, yeah, I know.
  34. Long John Spaghetti

    Smash Bros Smash Bros Ultimate

    Okay, I seriously thought that Pyra and Mipha (from BotW) got it, so I got fed false info. Though I'm really bummed out we didn't get a new Sonic rep for the 30th anniversary.
  35. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: Well, I'm Super Mario, probably the one you're thinking of. But my last name isn't Mario as well. Common misconception.
  36. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Mario: Mario Idrualico, actually...
  37. Long John Spaghetti

    Splatoon Splatoon 3 Discussion

    "Say, Mario! What is that?" "That's the Eiffel Tower, Luigi. They blew up France." "What?! Why did they blow up France?!" "It was necessary for the plot of the new Splatoon game, Luigi."
  38. Long John Spaghetti

    The person above you gets banned for their profile picture!

    Banned because Kirby isn't a perfect circle
  39. Long John Spaghetti

    Is English your first language?

    My first language is American English, but I can understand all the other types of English (even Scottish!)
  40. Long John Spaghetti

    Dark Boo's Roleplay: Reinvented

    Mario: I! Want! A! Pizza pie!
  41. Long John Spaghetti

    Dark Boo's Roleplay: Reinvented

    Mario: I want a pizza pie!
  42. Long John Spaghetti

    Dark Boo's Roleplay: Reinvented

    the burger shop
  43. Long John Spaghetti

    Dark Boo's Roleplay: Reinvented

    Mario: Hey! That's MY line! Go get your own!
  44. Long John Spaghetti

    Dark Boo's Roleplay: Reinvented

    *Mario kicks down the door* Mario: It's-a me! Mario!
  45. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    sure Mario: ...mamma mia...
  46. Long John Spaghetti

    Smash Bros Rank the Smash Bros Games

    5 - Smash 64. It was impressive for the time, but now, it's just ok. 4 - Melee. Okay, okay, it's great and all, but's it's really ruined by the overwhelming competivie scene. 3 - 3DS/Wii U. Smash Run. Enough said. 2 - Ultimate. Lots and lots of stuff here. It's awesome. 1 - Brawl. Adventure...
  47. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Ooh, poor guy.
  48. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Wait, really? Why?
  49. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    We need to wait for Awdry
  50. Long John Spaghetti

    Hotel Jimbo

    Luigi: ...please. I-I can't lose him.
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