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  1. InnerMobius

    ZD Talks: Should Zelda include multiplayer?

    I wouldn't mind to see a 3D Zelda pull off the Shadow Link battles like in A Link Between Worlds... but in real-time. Maybe have maxed hearts and go for best of 3 rounds or something with all of the items available to you after you beat the game or something.
  2. InnerMobius

    [Game] The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Paradox

    TLOZ: Sacred Paradox A Pokémon Firered Hack (As per the rules of this forum, rated E) Hey guys. Someone suggested that I introduce my project to Zelda Dungeon, and I thought it was a great idea. I would LOVE to have your input as it seems you're one of the few online Zelda communities that's...
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