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  1. Ecysmest

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 33!

    Phantom Ganon. When I first saw him, I though I was fighting Ganondorf, despite what his title was. What really set the moment for me there was when the mask almost grows over his face. Floating in the middle of the room, a skull mask covering his face and a staff in his hand. This is just...
  2. Ecysmest

    Which Water Dungeon is the Best?

    This one was a hard one for me. It seems to be a reoccurring theme with the water temples to have a lot of puzzles. The entire dungeon is usually tedious, but not really difficult. So here, I made my decision differently that I normally do. Instead of taking which water dungeon I enjoyed...
  3. Ecysmest

    What Group Do You Want to See Return?

    The Kokiri are the race I would most want to have come back. Maybe give more information about themselves? I love the Kokiri, but there's not a whole lot of information about them, so it would be great to see them come back The Sheikah would be a great add to some future LoZ games, but I...
  4. Ecysmest

    Ocarina of Time I Kinda Like Navi...

    I actually do like Navi. She does give some good information, and as has been stated previously, she doesn't yell "Hey! Listen!" at you all that often. Yeah, she does while your in combat, as soon as you Z-Lock onto an enemy, but it's combat. You're not paying attention anyways. And when you...
  5. Ecysmest

    Your Preferences in a Zelda Movie

    Wow. I have not really though about anything like this before. I've always thought that a LoZ movie would be amazing, if it were made correctly, but never considered what game to base it off of. Or whether or not it should be based off a game to begin with. If they were going to make a group...
  6. Ecysmest

    POLL: What is Your Preferred Way to Play Zelda Games?

    I play a lot of games for their story, and the Legend of Zelda is no exception. Watching the story unfold in various LoZ games has been a favorite of mine since I began really playing the games. i don't really see or feel the need to go around collecting every heart piece, or every upgrade. I...
  7. Ecysmest

    Wouldn't It Be Better if TP Was Before OoT?

    And in the actual timeline of the games, the events of TP would never have happened if the events in OoT hadn't first.
  8. Ecysmest

    Favorite Pairings?

    I agree wholeheartedly with the pairing Saria and Link :) Both of them had wanted that future to begin with, and if it weren't for Ganondorf they would have had the future
  9. Ecysmest

    Wouldn't It Be Better if TP Was Before OoT?

    I understand what you're saying, and partially agree with it. As you said, there are a few things that would make sense if TP was put before Oot, however; When you compare the maps of the two times, Ordon is right where Kokiri village used to be (is sad that the Kokiri are gone:(). And it...
  10. Ecysmest

    Least Favorite Zelda Character?

    I don't really have a least favorite character. Mido would be a jerk to Link all the time, but I understood why, so I couldn't really hate him. The one thing I think almost got me to dislike Mido was when he turned all the Kokiri against you, claiming "you had killed the Great Deku Tree". But...
  11. Ecysmest

    Earliest Zelda Memory

    My earliest memory is of watching my father play OoT, that was back when I was... I'd say 5 maybe 6? After I had been watching him play for a while, he asked me if I wanted to try it out. I would not have been able to explain just how happy I was, then. I am still great-full to my father for...
  12. Ecysmest

    General Zelda Favorite Zelda Character

    Hands down my favorite character, from any Legend of Zelda game, is Saria from the Ocarina of Time. Though Linebeck is pretty high up there... As for my favorite boss, I'm not really sure who to pick. Each boss offers its own challenges, tactics, and abilities, so it's quite difficult for me...
  13. Ecysmest

    Video Games = Art?

    Without a doubt, I would consider video games to be art. All of the time and effort that goes into a game is equal, if not greater, than any other piece of artwork you will find nowadays. A lot of game developing companies have entire teams devoted to creating beautiful environments, weather you...
  14. Ecysmest

    Favorite Zelda Song Ever?

    Mine would have to be Saria's Song. Or the Lost Woods theme from OoT, if you want to call it that
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