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  1. ZeldaTheories

    Least Favorite Zelda Character?

    Blind, the thief... Just thinking about him makes me angry XD. Had to fight him 9 times...
  2. ZeldaTheories

    Dampé's Theory

    Hello community! This is ZeldaTheories and I have been thinking about a theory about what happens to Dampé, the graveyard keeper. So here it goes: What if Dampé was killed by a Poe and resurrected by the graveyard boy, who later becomes the Poe Collector in Hyrule? Here's some info that I...
  3. ZeldaTheories

    Skyward Sword FYI a Game Breaking Glitch Has Been Discovered

    Well I heard that Nintendo is making a version of SS that doesn't have this glitch.
  4. ZeldaTheories

    General Zelda Favorite Zelda Character

    Character: Nayru, The Oracle Boss: D.Poon, because he is the only boss in The Legend of Zelda Series that doesn't have an exact number of hits 'til his death.
  5. ZeldaTheories

    Sacred Realm in Skyward Sword?

    Well, I'm sure that Link DIDN'T go to the Sacred Realm, because it is said that the only person that went there was consumed by Darkness (Ganondorf).
  6. ZeldaTheories

    Post your desktop or phone wallpaper

    Here's my wallpaper: I got it at Oot's official website.
  7. ZeldaTheories

    Skyward Sword FYI a Game Breaking Glitch Has Been Discovered

    I have seen MANY videos on Youtube about this and I can't help but wonder what were they thinking...
  8. ZeldaTheories

    Zelda Songs!

    Hey Guys! So I found out this guys channel on Youtube and I just thought it was AWSOME! He has a LOT of Zelda Songs, I recommend you check it out!By the way, I just created a Zelda Channel for myself! It's Called :)MrZeldaTheories:) Please Subscribe!
  9. ZeldaTheories

    I'm Developing a New Theory!

    Hey Forum! I would like everyone to know that i am currently working on a Zelda Theory that I have been Thinking about for a long time! I like to call it the Giant's Theory ( It's related to the four giant's in Majoras Mask) and It will be posted here in the forum when it's done. I will...
  10. ZeldaTheories

    What's Your Favorite Zelda Game?

    I always loved Zelda because of The minish Cap on Game boy, but when Majoras Mask went out in stores (WiiWare) I freaked out!
  11. ZeldaTheories

    Least Annoying Helper

    Fi is by far the most helpful "navi-ish" character, and Navi is the most annoying one. In my opinion I think Ezlo is the one that should play Fi's role (Help and protect you).
  12. ZeldaTheories

    Zelda's Loftwing

    It escaped the Black Tornado and went back to the surface :)...
  13. ZeldaTheories

    Spoiler Direct Sequel of TP Next?

    It would be awesome if that happened, but in my opinion , what makes Majoras Mask my Favorite is it's secrets so if any of them got revealed it would ruin it... This is only my opinion so feel free to agree or not! I am actually working on a theory just about that! It's called Giant's theory...
  14. ZeldaTheories

    OoT-N64 Link Actually Talks.

    You can Clearly See Link talking on SS about what happened to Zelda with the Headmaster.
  15. ZeldaTheories

    Ocarina of Time How long did it take for you to beat Ocarina Of Time. How hard was it?

    It took me about 1 month with a walk through on the heart pieces. It was the first Zelda game That I beat with 100% score... Man, Good Times :)!
  16. ZeldaTheories


    Interesting Reminder! I for one don't think that this was a "coincidence", but who knows...
  17. ZeldaTheories

    Zelda Related Jokes?

    Hey Forum! (Woo-hoo My Fisrt Post) So I was thinking if there were any Zelda Related Jokes out there... I don't know any :( but please feel free to post as many as you like! P.S: I am looking for some friends here @ Zelda Dungeon, so feel free to add me if you like. ZeldaTheories
  18. ZeldaTheories

    Link's Loftwing

    I actually felt the same way! I didn't get to notice it until later in the game, (Until The 3rd temple to be more precise) because I thought that there was going to be another side quest involving your bird, just like the 1st one.
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