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  1. Reksew_Trebla

    Does anyone know if Fierce Deity Link can C Up (Look) in Majora's Mask 64?

    Thank you, but it turns out it was indeed a fool's errand. I got a bad feeling that I was wasting my time, so I tried the glitch out (switching to Deku Link while walking underwater as Zora Link), and it does not work with the Look button, meaning it is some property of the Pictograph that...
  2. Reksew_Trebla

    Does anyone know if Fierce Deity Link can C Up (Look) in Majora's Mask 64?

    You know what. I'll bite the bullet and figure out on my own. Even if FD Link still can't use the glitch, the journey will be well worth the effort. I'll give updates here. Like I said in the OP, I have gotten the Zora Mask while skipping the Pictograph. I just need a bottle so I can get some...
  3. Reksew_Trebla

    Does anyone know if Fierce Deity Link can C Up (Look) in Majora's Mask 64?

    Not 3D, 64. The reason for this, I have a hypothesis that the 3D remake used the original as a base, and modified it to the point it got to. There is a glitch, that lets you use any item anywhere, in Majora's Mask 3D, but you need to use the Look button, which gets modified to be a Pictograph...
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