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  1. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Who Should Link End Up With?

    That was such a weird choice. It's such terrible continuity to just have all the NPCs pretend they haven't met Link before. It did feel more like Zelda just hijacked Link's house and kicked him out.
  2. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Who Should Link End Up With?

    Well, it's also clear Zelda spends most of her time in a literal sewer. Also, Link has to build another house during TotK, so it doesn't seem like there much was much love lost. I guess vacant stares can only take a relationship so far.
  3. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Who Should Link End Up With?

    I'm fine with that, but just some degree of voice for Link. Gimme.
  4. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Who Should Link End Up With?

    It'd be a nice direction. Gimme a more interactive Link that talks to people and let me customize them.
  5. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Who Should Link End Up With?

    I just want some reciprocation. I'm all for sweet looks, but things have to interact for there to be chemistry. :eyes: The romance in Baldur's Gate 3 can be awkward, but at least you can go on dates and respond to flirting and get railed.
  6. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Who Should Link End Up With?

    Token answer: Sidon, because he's just happy to see you and Link clearly wasn't interested in his sister. Srs answer: no one, because I just don't buy any romantic chemistry between Link and any character. Romance usually takes two people interacting and "interacting" just really isn't a thing...
  7. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler Zelda doesn't have the full Triforce like people say she does.

    I'm pretty sure stasis is the Zelda's natural state at this point. :eyes:
  8. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Do you still actively play on the Switch?

    The current answer is that my Switch is dead. It suffered water damage two years ago when a pipe burst above me and collapsed part of my ceiling. It limped on for almost two years with issues physically connecting the right joycon, but eventually quit on me in late 2023. Before that? Not...
  9. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    How Important Are Reviews To You?

    I'll always read reviews before making a purchase, especially if it's something like a video game or a movie that I've no real option to return or refund. It's always better to go in with as much foresight as possible versus relying on hype and publisher-approved marketing material.
  10. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    What Are Your Recent Game Achievements?

    It isn't the most recent thing, but beating the Resident Evil 4 remake in 2:30. That's barely noteworthy on the game's speedrunning leaderboards, but it's the only game where I've taken the time to learn some of the glitches and skips. Feels good to spin around your super rifle so fast that you...
  11. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    ChatGPT plausible theory

    I don't really see how it could be, since the Hero of Time is the one who wears it in MM.
  12. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Who Should Play Ganondorf In The Zelda Movie?

    I just hope they lean out of the stereotype in movies where people of middle-eastern origin speak with distinct British accents. Since Ganon and the Gerudo as a whole are a pretty obvious homage to the middle-east I think it'd be better to lean on that than to have him played by a Brit or American.
  13. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler General Screenshot Thread

    Tsushima is burning.
  14. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler General Screenshot Thread

    Friends take up blades against each other.
  15. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    TTYD Remake Discussion!

    I'm planning on emulating it. Nintendo's closure of the Wii U and 3DS eshops, along with their targeting of Yuzu have pushed me into the camp of **** 'Em camp. I'll play it whenever the game is dumped online.
  16. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler General Screenshot Thread

    You'd never know it, but But speaking of gods: A newborn god birthed from crystal.
  17. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler General Screenshot Thread

    I dunno about you guys, but something about this butthole face just seems trustworthy.
  18. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler General Screenshot Thread

    I'm here to save Az from another double post and to show of some sweet, sweet lighting.
  19. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Did any one else notice?

    Give it time. :emil:
  20. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Did any one else notice?

    I suppose that even gods must die.
  21. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Did any one else notice?

    Don't we also find the corpse of something that looks suspiciously like the Wind Fish in BotW?
  22. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    How do you pronounce Gibdo

    The silent and invisible first 'I'.
  23. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Dark Triforce

    My gut feeling would be no. The Triforce's power is incredibly limited and dictated by the needs of the plot, so I imagine it has as much sway over Lorule as the Underforce does over Hyrule
  24. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Dark Triforce

    I'd assume each shard possesses an attribute like the prime Triforce, but I don't think there's anything suggesting they're negative versions. Heck, they might just be the same as the prime version.
  25. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Dark Triforce

    Well, they don't actually refer to it as a dark Triforce. Heck, even the Lorule itself isn't implied to be an evil world so much as it is one where the battle over the Triforce tore apart the landscape. I don't think there's any reason to assume isn't along the lines of the prime version. Heck...
  26. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler General Screenshot Thread

    A light mist settles over the island of Tsushima.
  27. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Are The Zonai a Beneficial Addition to the Series?

    I think for me it's more that I don't see the Zonai as something that's been in the back burner for a while. Heck, they're not even the first ancient civilization the series has slotted in. If we were looking at a bunch of consistent design aesthetic and references then it would be one thing...
  28. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler General Screenshot Thread

    Through a broken window is glimpsed the anarchist battlefield that is Dogtown.
  29. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    The Nintendo Direct News And Discussion Thread

    Well, that's soft confirmation that it won't be out this year. June would be the perfect time to start slipping some information out for a holiday release.
  30. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Should we take a break from Hyrule?

    It's still Hyrule. It's got all the same tropes, locations, and monsters. I want to visit something that isn't Hyrule or Hytopia and isn't a "parallel world".
  31. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Should we take a break from Hyrule?

    It's talked about like it's part of the kingdom and the Hylian royal family is treated as an authority figure there, so I'm inclined to say it's still in their purview.
  32. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Should we take a break from Hyrule?

    Absolutely. Confining each game to Hyrule makes the world feel very small. I never get the sense that there's anything beyond Hyrule, since nothing outside of it is mentioned and almost everything taking place beyond its borders is a "parallel world".
  33. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Are The Zonai a Beneficial Addition to the Series?

    Can't be a soft reboot if your continuity never made sense or mattered to begin with. :eyes:
  34. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler Farosh, Naydra, and Dinnral...Zonai!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    But it isn't explained or even hinted at. We've been told several times is irreversible, but then the transformation is just reversed without any sort of explanation. No one questions it. That's just some awful storytelling.
  35. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler Farosh, Naydra, and Dinnral...Zonai!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    I guess I'd rather she just stay a dragon. Double down on the fact that it can't be undone. She sacrifices herself for the betterment of others and there's no coming back from that, and Link has to accept that outcome.
  36. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler Farosh, Naydra, and Dinnral...Zonai!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    Yeah, but how? You can't repeatedly state that turning back is impossible just to undo it in the last five minutes with zero explanation. Keep her a tragic figure who gave up her mortal self to save this one mute twink who lives in her house. Honestly. TotK is a story with such low stakes and...
  37. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    OOA/OOS Remake

    I'd remake them in a 3D graphical style, but I'd want them to be more than just a graphical remake. I say expand upon and develop the game further with the technology available now. Pull a Resident Evil.
  38. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler Farosh, Naydra, and Dinnral...Zonai!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    I'm not a fan of the idea. Heck, I wasn't a fan of Zelda's transformation in TotK. The game spends half its flashbacks talking about how you can't turn back if you eat your magic pebble and turn into a dragon, but then the game just... has the Zonai turn her back without any explanation as to...
  39. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Are The Zonai a Beneficial Addition to the Series?

    As if Nintendo hadn't given up before. :eyes:
  40. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Are The Zonai a Beneficial Addition to the Series?

    No. The very existence of the Zonai and the implication that they were active during the earliest bits of Hyrule is at odds with the kingdom's history as we know it, since they just didn't exist back then. Unfortunately, it's just what the series does. Nintendo seems afraid to offer any direct...
  41. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Wind Waker 2

    Wait, that's my bad. Lemme recycle my message. I don't think any statement was made about BotW's canon, but it's not like it fits into the timeline less than any other game in the series.
  42. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Wind Waker 2

    I don't think any statement was made about Hyrule Warriors' canon, but it's not like it fits into the timeline less than any other game in the series.
  43. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Lizarder. Or he/him.

    Lizarder. Or he/him.
  44. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Wind Waker 2

    No, because I thought that game's story was awful. :eyes:
  45. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Wind Waker 2

    It'd be TotK Elden Ring. :eyes:
  46. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Wind Waker 2

    It'd probably be called something like Phantom Hourglass.
  47. Bowsette Plus-Ultra


    Here's a decent one for a discounted price.
  48. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    How much do you play games you hate?

    If the first three hours are miserable then I assure you they will not be.
  49. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    How much do you play games you hate?

    Because I didn't enjoy the first three hours. I don't endeavor to finish games I dislike. If I dislike them then I drop them.
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