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  1. CynicalSquid

    Would You Rather

    HARDEST QUESTION EVER! I'm going with coffee though >.> WYR see Metallica or Avenged Sevenfold in concert?
  2. CynicalSquid

    Would You Rather

    headache because I have one right now would you rather wake up tomorrow morning and notice all your possessions have disappeared or wake up tomorrow morning and be the only living thing on the planet.
  3. CynicalSquid

    Would You Rather

    disliked kind person because I kinda already am that have everything you've ever loved disappear or die a slow painful death
  4. CynicalSquid

    Would You Rather

    [Damn, ninjas] Lose by myself wyr live the rest of your life without friends or without family?
  5. CynicalSquid

    Would You Rather

    I don't know who any of those are so random name go!... Veronica Would you rather live in a post-nuclear-apocalypse world or a planet that is just desert?
  6. CynicalSquid

    Would You Rather

    Kirby powers. I want to suck people up and steal their abilities Would you rather watch Finding Nemo for 24 hours straight or listen to Slipknot songs for and hour
  7. CynicalSquid

    Would You Rather

    One long relationship with one person WYR play Zelda or Pokemon for the rest of you life
  8. CynicalSquid

    Would You Rather

    Nails, no spiders thanks WYR join This Group or This group
  9. CynicalSquid

    Would You Rather

    get really dizzy and fall into a trash can WYR Eat a Human or eat a Dog
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