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  1. GoronGainz

    Anyone following any particular diets?

    Throw in a 10K run & you'll be slaying foes in one punch. Might lose a bit of hair though...
  2. GoronGainz

    Anyone following any particular diets?

    2 days fasting?!? What made you start doing that? Do you find it difficult to not eat during?
  3. GoronGainz

    Anyone following any particular diets?

    How long have you been vegan? What made you want to become vegan? Was the transition to modified keto easy for you? Good to know your health has improved from it!
  4. GoronGainz

    Anyone following any particular diets?

    Vegetarians, Vegans, Pescatarians, Keto or anything like those. If so, what's your experience with them?
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